Trying to decide which race to play as in FF14?
FFXIV has eight different races, which is acceptable given that your race doesn’t have a major impact on your character’s abilities towards the end of the game.
Choosing a Final Fantasy 14 race should primarily be driven by aesthetics and roleplaying desires.
Bunny guys have been added to Endwalker, in the form of the male Viera race, with the game’s early access launch.
Two new jobs have been added: the Reaper and the Sage (opens in new tab).
Each race has been broken down into clans, and the differences in starting stats are explained here.
Most people will tell you that the race you choose doesn’t matter when it comes to finding the perfect one for you.
There are, however, FFXIV class recommendations for each of these characters.
Here’s a list of the races in FFXIV if you’d like to see what’s out there.
FFXIV Change Race: How to do it?
After you’ve made your character, if you’re not content with your decision and you’ve progressed far enough into the game that you don’t want to start over, there is hope.
The Phial of Fantasia can be used to alter your appearance, even your race.
Once you’ve completed Ultima Weapon, the level 50 main story quest, you’ll receive one of these potions as a prize.
It is possible to purchase additional Phials of Fantasia in the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store for actual money if you do not wish to wait that long or have already used your freebie (opens in new tab).
You must log out and log back in to utilise the Phial of Fantasia.
The next time you check in, you’ll have an option to change the appearance of your character.
All FFXIV Races

Requires: N/A
In Final Fantasy 14, the Hyur are one of the original races.
They have the most human-like appearance of any of the options, with a slim, athletic frame that looks good with just about any kind of armour.
Hyur are the most frequent race in Eorzea from a lore perspective, and can be found in almost every region.
In Final Fantasy 14, you can play as either a male or female Hyur.
There are more Midlanders in Eorzea than any other clan, and they are the more populous of the two.
Every city has a healthy population of these people with their slim bodies and pale skin.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 22
- Dexterity: 19
- Vitality: 20
- Intelligence: 23
- Mind: 19
Classes to consider: Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Lancer, Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator.
Black mage, Summoner, Red or Blue mage, Dragoon, or Monk are all good job options.
There are fewer Highlanders than Midlanders.
They have a heftier build and tend to gather around Ul’dah, the capital of the city-state.
Starting stats
- Strength: 23
- Dexterity: 20
- Vitality: 22
- Intelligence: 18
- Mind: 20
Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator, and Lancer are some of the suggested classes.
Dragoon, Monk, Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker are all possible professions.
Requires: N/A
Original races in Final Fantasy 14 include Elezen, a humanoid race.
The curvature of their ears gives them an almost elf-like appearance, and they are tall and slim.
Elezen can be played as either a male or a female.
They are Eorzea’s first permanent residents, and their arrival by the Hyur was met with hostility.
To protect themselves and their territory, the nomadic tribespeople evacuated following the feared invasion.
The Wildwood clan was originally based in the woodlands of Eorzea, but as time went on and tensions decreased, they began to populate Gridania more frequently.
Starting stats
- Strength: 20
- Dexterity: 23
- Vitality: 19
- Intelligence: 22
- Mind: 19
The classes archer, rogue, thaumaturgist, and arcanist are all recommended.
Suggested professions include Bard (Ninja), Machinist (Dancer), Black Mage (Summoner), Red Mage (Mage), Blue Mage (Summoner).
As a result of the conflict, the Duskwight clan retired to Eorzean caverns and caves.
The Greys are what the Wildwood Elezen call them.
Starting stats
- Strength: 20
- Dexterity: 20
- Vitality: 19
- Intelligence: 23
- Mind: 21
Suggested classes: Thaumaturge, Arcanist
Suggested jobs: Black Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Blue Mage
Requires: N/A
Lalafells have a distinct appearance.
Despite their little stature, they are no less dangerous on the battlefield than any other race in Eorzea.
Either a man or a female Lalafell can be chosen as your character.
The Lalafell, natives of the southern islands, populate Eorzea in great numbers and may be found in nearly every city.
However, they have no problem mingling with various races.
The Plainsfolk clan’s name is derived from the island’s plains.
With their earthy tones, they are more easily disguised as part of the background scenery.
Starting stats
- Strength: 19
- Dexterity: 23
- Vitality: 19
- Intelligence: 22
- Mind: 20
Suggested classes: Archer, Rogue, Thaumaturge, Arcanist
Suggested jobs: Bard, Ninja, Machinist, Dancer, Black Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Blue Mage
The Dunesfolk clan, like the Plainsfolk, has its name derived from the habitats it inhabits on its home islands.
Because of their bright eyes, they are better able to shield themselves from the harsh sunlight in their natural habitat, however Ul’dah is now a common hunting ground for these creatures.
Starting stats
- Strength: 19
- Dexterity: 21
- Vitality: 18
- Intelligence: 22
- Mind: 23
Suggested classes: Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Arcanist
Suggested jobs: White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian, Black Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Blue Mage
Requires: No expansions required
Final Fantasy 14’s Miqo’te are yet another original race.
Their petite, athletic body, long legs, and cat-like ears and tails set them apart from other apes.
The Miqo’te have developed a powerful sense of smell that aids in their hunting prowess.
Although they can be found all around Eorzea, they are often territorial and prefer to lead lonely lives.
A man or a female Miqo’te can be played.
Seekers of the Sun
As the sun’s custodian, Azeyma the Warden holds a special place in their hearts, and so the Seekers of the Sun clan is named after her.
They tend to concentrate in the Sagolii Desert and Limsa Lominsa, where they are often fair-skinned.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 22
- Dexterity: 23
- Vitality: 20
- Intelligence: 19
- Mind: 19
Suggested classes: Archer, Rogue, Lancer, Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator
Suggested jobs: Bard, Ninja, Machinist, Dancer, Dragoon, Monk
Keepers of the Moon
First of all, Keepers of the Moon are night-time dwellers, thus they’d rather stay away from sunshine as much as possible.
In comparison to their daylight counterparts, they have darker skin.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 19
- Dexterity: 22
- Vitality: 18
- Intelligence: 21
- Mind: 23
Suggested classes: Conjurer, Archer, Rogue
Suggested jobs: White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian, Bard, Ninja, Machinist, Dancer
Requires: N/A
The Roegadyn race is one of the original races in Final Fantasy 14, and they are known for their frightening appearance and massive and muscular build.
Male and female Roegadyn characters are available in the game.
Roegadyn excel in physically demanding jobs, such as manning ships or working in smithies.
They can also be seen working as bodyguards or as hired muscle for others.
Sea Wolves
The Sea Wolves clan is a group of mariners and pirates that came from the far north.
On ships and other vessels in the vicinity of Limsa Lominsa, they’ve been spotted more recently.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 22
- Dexterity: 19
- Vitality: 23
- Intelligence: 18
- Mind: 21
Suggested classes: Marauder, Gladiator, Lancer, Pugilist
Suggested jobs: Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, Dragoon, Monk
From volcanic mountains which they think are portals to the underworld, Hellsguard clan members hail.
They frequently appear as troops and mercenaries in Eorzea’s major towns.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 20
- Dexterity: 18
- Vitality: 23
- Intelligence: 20
- Mind: 22
Suggested classes: Marauder, Gladiator, Conjurer
Suggested jobs: Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian
Requires: Heavensward
They appear to be Hyur-like at first, but closer investigation shows that the Au Ra race has horns and scales in addition to its other features.
You can play this race as either a male or female, however you’ll note that the men have a significantly larger build than their female counterparts.
They hail from the Othard continent, which is located in the extreme east of the world.
As their look suggests, they may have had a close relationship with dragons in the past.
In Othard’s deep valleys, the Raen family lives a peaceful existence.
Only a few of their number will travel all the way to Eorzea in search of new experiences.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 19
- Dexterity: 22
- Vitality: 19
- Intelligence: 20
- Mind: 23
Suggested classes: Conjurer, Archer, Rogue
Suggested jobs: White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian, Bard, Ninja, Machinist, Dancer
Nomadic tribes of the Au Ra clan known as the Xaela establish close-knit groups to hunt and gather resources.
When it comes to fighting, they follow in the footsteps of their forebears.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 23
- Dexterity: 20
- Vitality: 22
- Intelligence: 20
- Mind: 18
Suggested classes: Lancer, Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator
Suggested jobs: Dragoon, Monk, Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker
Requires: Stormblood
During the Stormblood expansion, the Hrothgar became a playable race.
Players may be reminded of Kimahri from Final Fantasy 10 due to their enormous physique and lion-like look, however they are unrelated.
Hrothgar can only be played by men.
Eorzean Hrothgars are descended from Ilsabardian Hrothgars.
The Hrothgar experienced difficulties in communicating when they first arrived, but they have since learnt the language and have found a home in the land.”
To describe the clan, academics who watched them in the southern part of Ilsabard came up with the name.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 23
- Dexterity: 17
- Vitality: 23
- Intelligence: 17
- Mind: 23
Suggested classes: Lancer, Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator, Conjurer
Suggested jobs: Dragoon, Monk, Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian
The Lost
For the most part, the Lost people lead itinerant lives, honing their skills in a wide range of trades.
They have lighter fur than the Helions, yet their menacing demeanour is the same as that of the latter.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 23
- Dexterity: 17
- Vitality: 23
- Intelligence: 17
- Mind: 23
Suggested classes: Lancer, Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator, Conjurer
Suggested jobs: Dragoon, Monk, Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian
Requires: Shadowbringers
Even though the Viera first appeared in Final Fantasy 12’s Shadowbringers expansion, fans of the series will recognise them as distant relatives of Fran.
The slim bodies and big rabbit-like ears of the Viera are defining characteristics of the race.
The Endwalker expansion will include a male Viera.
People in Viera tend to live in harmony with nature and rarely travel outside their woods dwellings.
If you choose Viera in Final Fantasy 14, you’ll have to play as a female character.
Even though male Viera are rumoured to exist, their roles in society are far less significant, and as a result, it is difficult to find any.
Originally from Golmore Jungle, the Rava bear has the distinctive colouring of Viera.
Helps keep them hidden from the outside world, as well as blend into the environment.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 20
- Dexterity: 23
- Vitality: 18
- Intelligence: 21
- Mind: 21
Suggested classes: Archer, Rogue
Suggested jobs: Bard, Ninja, Machinist, Dancer
The Veena people are lighter-skinned than the Rava people.
They live in the icy slopes and fill the surrounding woodlands.
Starting stats:
- Strength: 19
- Dexterity: 20
- Vitality: 19
- Intelligence: 23
- Mind: 22
Suggested classes: Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Conjurer.
Suggested jobs: Black Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Blue Mage, White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian.