12 Best Amulets in Old School RuneScape (F2P + P2P)

Amulets are some of the most useful items in the game because they can do great things and give you extra benefits.

You should definitely pick up some amulets while you’re out and about. They can even help you outside of battle, like by letting you move or improving your skills.

In the end, almost all of OSRS’s amulets can be made, though a few can only be found in certain drops.

But let’s look at some of the best charms you might find on your travels.

12. Onyx Amulet

Best Amulets in Old School RuneScape (F2P + P2P)

You can make an onyx amulet by putting an onyx and a gold bar in a burner with an amulet mold that you already have.

This needs a Crafting level of 90 to make, and when it is, it gives 165 Crafting experience.

The charm needs to be strung with a ball of wool or the String Jewellery spell from the Lunar spellbook before it can be worn. Stringing gives you 4 more Crafting experience points.

You can turn the Onyx amulet into an Amulet of Fury by using the Lvl-6 Enchant spell, which needs Magic level 87, or by making an Enchant Onyx Tablet from a lectern in a player-owned house.

11. Dragonstone Amulet

The dragonstone charm is a piece of jewelry that goes in the neck slot. It is made by putting a gold bar, a cut dragonstone, and an amulet mold into a furnace with 80 Crafting.

This makes an unstringed amulet, which is then strung with a ball of wool.

One of the tasks in the Elite Fremennik Diary is to make one in the Neitiznot furnace.

The amulet can be turned into an amulet of glory with the Lvl-5 Enchant spell.

When charged at the Fountain of Heroes, Fountain of Uhld, or Fountain of Rune, it can take you to Edgeville, Musa Point, Al Kharid, or Draynor Village.

10. Amulet of Strength

The very famous Amulet of Strength is first on our list. It only gives +10 to Strength and no other bonuses.

The bonus for strength is one of the best ones in the game. But the strength charm isn’t perfect because it doesn’t give any other benefits.

If you want to do as much damage as possible in F2P, it works best against enemies with lower defense levels.

How to Get: In member worlds you can get this as a drop from The Giant Mole. F2P players will need to craft this, requiring level 50 crafting and level 49 magic to enchant.

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9. Gnome Amulet

This is a charm that doesn’t get as much attention as it should.

The Gnome Amulet’s +13 attack defense bonus is one of the best. This is a great choice for people who join early. It’s easy to get and a lot better than other options like the Amulet of Defense.

It’s also important to know that this amulet doesn’t protect against magic or ranged attacks and doesn’t give any attack boosts. It’s meant to be used very early in the game.

But can still help new players out when they get into trouble!

How to Get: This is a reward for completing the quest “Tree Gnome Village”.

8. Amulet of Power

charm of Power is the second free-to-play charm on this list.

This is easy to get for free, and its numbers are well-balanced, giving +6 to all defense and attack bonuses and +1 to prayer.

I’d say this is the best in slot for F2P players, and some early P2P Ironmen may also find this easy-to-get charm useful. Since the next big upgrade, the Amulet of Glory, requires a high Crafting or Hunter level, you can’t get it until you reach that level.

Members will also want to keep one in the bank because they are used as an emote step in both medium and hard hints.

How to Get: The amulet is obtainable from Crystal Implings but far easier ways of getting this include crafting it, at 70 crafting, or simply buying it off of the Grand Exchange. Alternatively get a Diamond Amulet from the HAM storerooms and enchant it, requiring level 57 magic.

7. Amulet of Chemistry

This is a very unique amulet, as it’s not combat based at all, but rather it offers a special effect when you’re making potions in the Herblore skill (as long as you’re wearing it, of course).

Generally when you make potions, you’re making 3 dose potions from fresh ingredients.

This amulet offers a 5% chance that the dose you create will be 4 doses.

It also has five charges, and will crumble to dust once all charges have been used. So keep that in mind.

Ironmen will find this to be very useful in conserving supplies, while normal players will appreciate the extra profit, as 4 dose potions sell for much higher than 3 dose potions.

How to Get: This is only obtainable by enchanting a jade amulet with a level 2 enchantment requiring 27 magic.

6. Amulet of the Damned

Another great pick in OSRS is an Amulet of the Damned, which has the same stats as an Amulet of Glory.

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This amulet gives barrows armor different buffs and effects. The buffs only work when the player is wearing a full set of barrows armor.

This is often used in PvP, but not as often in PvM.

If you wear the Amulet of the Damned with the Dharok’s set, you can reduce 25% of the damage you take and 15% of the damage you flinch from. This shows how useful this is.

This can be used to quickly knock out an opponent.

Keep in mind that this charm slowly breaks down and will turn to dust after a while.

How to Get: This is obtainable from the Shades of Mor’ton minigame.

5. Salve Amulet(ei)

This version of the Salve Amulet has been enchanted and imbued at the Nightmare Zone, making it far superior to its original version.

If you want to upgrade the Salve Amulet via Nightmare Zone it’ll cost you 800k points.

Overall, the Salve is very useful against the undead. It offers a 20% boost to attack, strength, magic, and range, which are extremely handy for enemies like Mystic’s in Chambers of Xeric.

Just note: this effect does not stack with other items like the Slayer helmet or Void. So remember to use whichever buff is best, and gear accordingly.

How to Get: The Salve amulet is obtained from completing the Haunted Mine quest and mining the crystals within the mine. To enchant it you’ll need to complete the mini-quest Tarn’s Lair and use the Salve Amulet on the book found at the end of the boss fight.

4. Amulet of Eternal Glory

This unique amulet is worth around 40m, making it one of the most expensive amulets on this list.

The Eternal Glory has the same impressive stats as the Amulet of Glory, with +10 in all attack bonuses, and +3 in all defence bonuses and a +3 prayer bonus.

What makes this amulet special is unlike regular glories, this amulet never needs to be recharged, and has unlimited teleports.

You can teleport to Edgeville, Karamja, Al Kharid, and Draynor Village infinitely as a result!

So it’s no surprise this amulet is popular with those doing abyss Runecrafting, as it offers a means of unlimited teleportation back to Edgeville to resupply.

How to Get: There is a 1:25k chance that when recharging a glory in the wilderness it will be imbued with power and become Eternal. Be careful doing this as this area is a PK hotspot!

3. Amulet of Blood Fury

Blood Furies are relatively new content, and are an upgraded version of the Amulet of Fury.

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So they have the same stats, but with an added passive effect.

The blood fury has +10 in all attack bonuses, same as the Amulet of Glory, but has much higher defensive bonuses of +15 with a +5 prayer bonus.

The passive effect only works for melee damage, and it has a 20% chance of healing the user by 30% of whatever damage they do.

Each amulet has 10k charges, and 1 charge is used per successful hit, whether the effect triggers or not.

When the charges expire, the amulet reverts back to a normal Amulet of Fury.

This is still a very useful effect for PvM – especially at The Nightmare and Theatre of Blood, which have an emphasis on melee combat.

How to Get: Use a Blood Shard, obtainable as a rare drop from Darkmeyer Vampyres, on an Amulet of Fury. This will turn it into a Blood Fury.

2. 3d Age Amulet

Generally 3rd age items aren’t the best in their respective areas, with better options almost always available.

However, in the case of the 3rd age amulet, it’s the best in slot for magic attack with a really high bonus of +15 as well as a magic defence of +10.

This amulet requires level 65 magic to wear, and is a nice alternative to the Occult Necklace, which has a level 70 magic level requirement.

While the amulet has some great bonuses, it’s also one of the rarer items in the game.

As a result, it has a market value of around 20m!

How to Get: Obtaining the 3rd Age Amulet can only be done by getting insanely lucky on a hard, elite, or master clue scroll casket with roughly a 1/300k chance. Alternatively you can pay 20m to buy this off of the Grand Exchange.

1. Amulet of Torture

With a name like “Amulet of Torture,” you can be sure that OSRS’s most popular amulet is pretty cool.

Torture is the best attack amulet in the game, and it’s also the best neck item if you’re going for offense, since it doesn’t help you defend.

The amulet gives +15 to all of your physical attack stats and +10 to your strength. But its range and magic attack boosts are both 0.

It works best where power is more important than defense.

I’d say that this charm works best with slayer and certain bosses, like Cerberus.

As with all Zeynte Jewellery, you must have at least 75 hit points to wear this charm.

How to Get: Enchant a Zeynte Amulet, requiring level 93 magic, to obtain this awesome amulet. Alternatively you can buy it for around 10m on the Grand Exchange.