18 Best Light Armor in Skyrim

These Best light armor in skyrim are might not be as protective as the heavy once but these light armor sure make you move faster with some defense boosts.

Because of this many skyrim players prefer light armors in skyrim but I can understand that these best light armor in skyrim are not that easy to find.

That’s why I am creating this list to help you out where you can find these best light armor in skyrim.

Lets begin the list of best light armor in skyrim without wasting any more time.

18. Glass Armor

Glass Armor Best Light Armor in Skyrim

Unenchanted pieces of Best light armor in skyrim will begin to appear throughout Skyrim at level 36 and enchanted variants can be found at level 37.

However, some enchanted pieces may be found as low as level 29–31, and unenchanted pieces can begin to appear as early as level 26. Locations include:

  • Blacksmiths and general goods merchants.
  • Found as random loot in chests or as a world item. “Boss” chests have a higher chance of spawning glass armor at lower levels.
  • Thalmor patrols will begin wearing unenchanted glass armor after level 36, replacing the Elven armor that they wore previously.

17. Imperial Light Armor

Imperial Light Armor

Worn by Imperial soldiers throughout Skyrim. Several sets can be looted from the corpses of Imperial soldiers if the Stormcloaks are joined during the Civil War questline.

Pieces can be created at a blacksmith’s forge, but the Steel Smithing perk is required to forge these items. Pieces can be upgraded with a piece of leather at a workbench.

16. Scaled Armor

Scaled Armor

There is also an alternative version of the cuirass, the scaled horn armor. It is identical to the stats of the original, but can’t be crafted or improved.

It provides less armor rating than glass Best light armor in skyrim, but more than Elven armor, while being heavier in weight than the latter. 

Elven gilded armor, when wearing the full set, reaps benefits equal to that of Scaled Armor.

The scaled armor seems to be an upgraded version of the studded armor, as it has extra protection, and looks similar.

15. Hide Armor

Hide Armor

Hide Armor is a set of Best light armor in skyrim that appears in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The most basic form of light armor, both in cost and protection, Hide Armor is very common and can be found throughout Skyrim from the beginning of the game.

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Enchanted and unenchanted variants begin to appear throughout Skyrim at level 1. These locations include:

  • Blacksmiths and general goods merchants.
  • Found as random loot in chests or as a world item.
  • Commonly worn by bandits.
  • A full set (minus the shield) is worn by Arvel the Swift, who is found within Bleak Falls Barrow.

14. Fur Armor

Fur Armor

Fur Armor is a set of Best light armor in skyrim in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is slightly stronger than hide armor, though it cannot be crafted.

All pieces, with the exception of the helmet, are very common and can be found throughout Skyrim from the beginning of the game.

Fur armor cannot be crafted and isn’t typically sold by blacksmiths or general goods merchants, however, certain pieces are very common among bandits and Hold Guards:

  • Bandits typically wear all four variants of upper body fur armor along with fur shoes and fur bracers.
  • Stormcloak soldiers and certain Hold Guards wear fur boots and fur gauntlets along with their guard cuirasses and helmets.
  • A full set of fur armor can be found inside Mzinchaleft, where two bandits reside in the small glacial area before the door that opens to 2 leveled Dwarven Spheres and a bandit fighting them.

13. Forsworn Armor

Forsworn Armor

When the Forsworn were driven from their home into the hills of The Reach after the Markarth Incident, their attire grew to incorporate a more savage look, containing the skulls, furs, and feathers of animals.

Forsworn weapons can also be found, sharing the primitive look of the armor, and are equivalent to Dwarven weapons in terms of damage, but are slightly heavier.

All Forsworn carry at least two pieces of this armor. They may lack a headpiece or gauntlets, though.

12. Morag Tong Armor

Morag Tong Armor

Worn by Morag Tong assassins in Ashfallow Citadel and in random encounters on Solstheim.

It can be upgraded with a leather at a workbench and also benefit from the Advanced Armors perk, which doubles the improvement.

11. Dawnguard Armor

Dawnguard Armor

Dawnguard Armor is a Best light armor in skyrim set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard. It is worn by several members of the Dawnguard, an order of vampire hunters.

The chest piece comes in three different variants:

  • A dark brown version with long sleeves and no pauldrons, worn by Isran. Attached to the chain belt in the back, there is also a small hip flask.
  • A crimson/red dust colored version with no sleeves and no pauldrons, worn by Gunmar.
  • A grey version with long sleeves and one pauldron on the left shoulder, emblazoned with a grey Dawnguard symbol, worn by Celann.
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10. Blackguard’s Armor

Blackguard’s Armor

The full set is in a display case in the basement of Glover Mallory’s House.

The basement can only be entered after completing the quest “Paid in Full” for Glover Mallory or by joining the thieves guild and mention the mark on his door.

Once completed, Glover will grant a key to his basement and any items in it can be taken without incident. The set respawns, along with most of the rest of the items in the basement, after a certain amount of time.

9. Nightingale Armor

Nightingale Armor

The full set is given to the Dragonborn by Karliah before performing the initiation ritual of the Nightingales during the quest “Trinity Restored” for the Thieves Guild.

All pieces are obtained when activating the Armor Stone, emblazoned with the Nightingales symbol, inside the Nightingale Hall.

Each piece bears an enchantment, the magnitude of which is dependent on character level. Three tiers of armor are available and the set with the strongest enchantments can be obtained after level 32.

8. Guild Master’s Armor

Guild Master’s Armor

The armor is obtained from Tonilia during the quest “Under New Management.”

This quest can only be started after returning the Thieves Guild to its former glory, which includes completing the main Thieves Guild quest line and all city influence quests for Delvin Mallory and/or Vex.

During the quest, a small ceremony will take place in the Ragged Flagon Cistern to officially make the Dragonborn Guildmaster.

After the ceremony, speak to Tonilia to obtain the Guild Master’s armor set.

7. Chitin Armor

Chitin Armor

Chitin Armor is a set of Best light armor in skyrim that appears in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.

Its armor rating falls between Elven armor and scaled armor.

Armor pieces can typically only be found on the island of Solstheim. Locations include:

  • Pieces sold by Glover Mallory in Raven Rock.
  • Set worn by Teldryn Sero.
  • Found as random loot in chests or as a world item.
  • Worn by Reavers.
  • Worn by Slitter in Raven Rock.

6. Stalhrim Light Armor

Stalhrim Light Armor

Stalhrim Best light armor in skyrim is a piece of light armor and part of the stalhrim armor set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.

The armor will begin to appear throughout Solstheim at level 35. These locations include:

  • Sold by Baldor Iron-Shaper in the Skaal Village.
  • Found as random loot in chests or as a world item.
  • Worn by certain enemy boss variants.

5. Linwe’s Armor Set

Linwe’s Armor Set

Linwe’s Armor Set is a light armor set similar to the Thieves Guild Armor or Guild Master’s Armor Set, obtained by looting or pickpocketing Linwe at Uttering Hills Cave. It is almost identical to the Blackguard’s Armor set.

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The armor can be looted or pickpocketed from Linwe, located at Uttering Hills Cave during the Thieves Guild quest “Summerset Shadows.”

In contrast to other sets of the Thieves Guild Armor, Linwe’s Armor set is more oriented towards combat.

4. Ancient Falmer Armor

Ancient Falmer Armor

Overall, the set looks like a blend of ebony and elven armor, but with a white and maroon color scheme.

It also has a small bat motif on the collar and a Celtic knot design on parts of the armor, such as the back.

The ancient Falmer armor can only be obtained from the corpse of Arch-Curate Vyrthur after defeating him in the conclusion of Touching the Sky.

3. Dragonscale Armor

Dragonscale Armor

Dragonscale Armor is a Best light armor in skyrim set found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Starting around level 50, Dragonscale Armor pieces can be found, very rarely, as random loot from chests and containers.

Armor pieces can be found at lower levels if the Dragon Armor perk is acquired before reaching level 50.

Although it is quite rare, pieces of the set can be found as early as level 24, even without the aforementioned perk.

2. Ancient Shrouded Armor

The armor set can be obtained at the conclusion of the Dark Brotherhood side quest “Locate the Assassin of Old.”

The quest is given by Olava the Feeble, and can only be accepted if the bonus requirement of “Breaching Security” has been met. The armor itself can be found on the corpse of an assassin inside a secret room behind the throne in Hag’s End.

While Hag’s End can be accessed before accepting the quest, the pull chain to open the secret door will not appear until Olava has been visited.

1. Deathbrand Armor

Deathbrand Armor

The Deathbrand Armor is a unique set of stalhrim light armor that appears in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. Individually, each piece is weaker than dragonscale armor.

however, when the whole set is worn, it ranks higher than Daedric armor that is not tempered, due to the full set bonus.

The armor was said to be worn by the legendary pirate king, Haknir Death-Brand.