12 Best Khajiit Armor Mods For Skyrim

The Khajiit are a race of cat-like people who live in the strange lands of Elsweyr and travel around Tamriel as part of land-based caravans to sell their goods.

In Skyrim, Khajiit only make up a small part of the people.

So they are a small group that is often treated unfairly.

Even the game’s makers at Bethesda forgot about them and didn’t give them any real Khajiiti clothes. There are armor sets for Orcs and Elves, but what about Khajiit?

Well, no longer.

Thanks to Skyrim’s great hacking community, it’s never been easier to get your Khajiit dressed in nice clothes.

12. VickusDickus’ Khajiiti Apex Armory – HIMBO Refit


The mod you mentioned is a conversion of VickusDickus’ Khajiiti Apex Armory mod to be compatible with HIMBO, a different mod or body type.

The original Khajiiti Apex Armory mod is required as a base for this conversion.

The purpose of this conversion is to make the armory mod work seamlessly with HIMBO, allowing players who use HIMBO to enjoy the Khajiiti Apex Armory content.

However, there might be some issues with the conversion, particularly with the center-front skirt piece appearing strange at high weights due to how it is weighted or animated.

11. Kitty Hoods – Khajiit shaped hoods

The mod you mentioned, created using Outfit Studio, adds modifications to certain hood meshes in a game to accommodate the ears of the Khajiit race.

Normally, when Khajiit characters wear hoods, their ears get flattened and pressed against their heads.

This mod adjusts the meshes to create additional space or “ear lumps” within the hoods, allowing the Khajiit’s ears to retain their natural shape and position while wearing them.

Essentially, it improves the visual representation of Khajiit characters when they wear hoods in the game.

10. Khajiit Have Ears

Before we get into all-new armor sets, let’s take a moment to improve vanilla sets with a pretty obvious adjustment: freeing Khajiit ears.

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I noticed right away when I first started playing Skyrim that Khajiit’s ears didn’t go through any of the helmets. This made sense for some of them, like the heavier Dwemer or Daedric armor, but the lighter ones really have no excuse.

This nifty mod by Darth Supaku simply lets the cat-like species’ ears pop out from most armor.

I still haven’t decided whether Khajiit would prefer to hear better or protect their ears lore-wise.

But one thing is certain: everything looks better with cat ears.

9. Cloaks of Skyrim

Khajiit in Skyrim are a mysterious resourceful people, far away from their homeland, traveling from city to city peddling their wares.

They often prefer to keep covered with robes and hoods that protect them from the elements and keep their Khajiit identity hidden on the road, lest some especially patriotic Nord decides to get violent because “Skyrim belongs to the Nords.”

Cloaks of Skyrim by Nazenn introduces a wealth of cloaks and capes in various styles.

This includes some that announce your allegiance to a hold, a side in the Civil War, or another local organization.

In addition to cloaks, your Khajiit might also appreciate Face Masks of Skyrim (100% compatible with beast races) and the mufflers and scarves from the Keeping Warm modpack.

8. Rogue Light Elven Armor

Khajiit and Bosmer have a lot in common.

Both races are especially attuned to nature, and the southern half of Elsweyr (the Khajiit homeland) is covered in lush forests and jungles, much like the Bosmer’s Valenwood.

As such, they have similar needs for clothing and armor. Stuff that’s easy to move in is greatly favored – like this Rogue Light Elven Armor by Gearshout.

Frankly, this armor set screams “wood elf”.

But it also looks fantastic on Khajiit.

Cultural exchange between Valenwood and Elsweyr must be booming.

7. Hedge Mage Armor

Playing a mage often forces you to dress like your character has never stepped a foot outside a city.

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Most of the vanilla mage equipment is comprised of flimsy light robes that wouldn’t protect you from the cold, the wind, or the sharp end of a knife – but not this Hedge Mage Armor by Elleh.

Thanks to the leather-bound chest and arms, this somewhat raggedy but stylish outfit should provide more protection.

It also looks much easier to move in than a robe.

It’s perfect for Khajiit who use their natural talents to sneak around and stalk their enemies, while preparing a devastating spell that’ll take them out swiftly.

6. Immersive Armor

Immersive Armours by modder Hothtrooper44 is one of the most popular and extensive armor packs ever made.

Its popularity comes from the sheer variety of new armor (55 new sets) and how lore-friendly it looks.

Pieces like the Redguard Knight armor or the Barbarian set might fit a warrior Khajiit from the desert plains of northern Elsweyr.

In contrast, the Crimson Ranger or Vagabond sets are ideal for a grizzled nomad warrior who uses their nose and ears to track down marks.

5. Regal Huntsman Armor

Domestic cats are some of the best hunters in the animal world.

And there’s no reason to believe Khajiit would be any different.

The same fine-tuned reflexes and limber body that help little Milo kill those innocent birds whenever you let him out to the yard, can also make Khajiit extremely deadly and hard to evade.

Well this Regal Huntsman Armor by DreamBurrows brings together the rustic aura of an outdoorsman, with cues from Assassin’s Creed’s Assassin robes, highlighting the wearer’s identity as a natural-born killer.

Whether your Khajiit hunts game, monsters, or people, these robes will serve them well.

4. Practical Pirate Outfit

Something else that Khajiit share with domestic cats is their general dislike of any water body larger than a cup.

There’s a reason the caravans stay on land!

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And yet, there are some exceptions…

One of them would be the Renjira Maor, a pirate alliance tied to the Khajiiti criminal organization known as the Renjira Krin.

If the life of a Khajiit pirate appeals to your adventurous heart, take a look at QuarantineCouture’s Practical Pirate Outfit.

This clean & stylish light armor set is perfect for any swashbuckling pirate feline.

3. Black Mage Armor

I like to think every ethnic group in Skyrim would go about things differently.

A Khajiiti mage wouldn’t just walk in through the front door and start casting spells – they’d skulk around in the shadows and prepare before landing one decisive blow.

Enter the Black Mage Armor by Reko.

Much like the Hedge Mage Armor, this somber set shines for adapting the usual mage fare to a Khajiit’s more dynamic style.

The all-black robes, cowl, and face mask are a godsend for sneaking around, and the fur “poncho” can keep an outdoorsy mage warm.

2. Masque of Khajiit

Don’t you just hate it when your preferred beast race gets whitewashed by equipment?

A prime example is the Masque of Clavicus Vile, which is based on human/elven faces and shares their head proportions.

It trashes your immersion when you put it on a Khajiit.

You might even find it a bit offensive – and rightly so!

Modder BoltBunny addressed this issue through his Masque of Khajiit mod, introducing the Kitty Caticus Vile Mask for your Daedra-serving feline.

1. Khajiiti Apex Armory

We’ve taken a look at many armor sets that would look great on any Khajiit – but what about sets explicitly made for them?

This Khajiiti Apex Armory mod features a complete set of Khajiit-inspired armor and weapons, all modeled from the ground-up with Elsweyr culture in mind.

Modder VickusDickus felt inspired by the Khajiit-style armor in ESO.

So they applied the same design principles to create an armor fit for Skyrim’s extreme environments.

And it’s available in several colors for extra customization, so you’ll definitely find something for your feline Dragonborn.