FFXIV: 15 Unique Hairstyle & How To Get Them

Final Fantasy 14 is a massively multiplayer online game (MMO), and when you make a character, you can choose from a lot of different hairstyles.

Don’t worry if you don’t like how your hair looks in FF14. Not all hairstyles can be used yet. You’ll still be able to get more options in the game by doing different things.

Once you have them, you can use the esthetician in an inn or at home to give your characters new hairstyles.

Even if you don’t like any of the hairstyles in FF14 right now, there is still hope because more are being added in patches.

With this in mind, it’s likely that you’ll be able to unlock more hairstyles in the future.

Quinton O’Connor last changed this on May 5, 2022. With the release of Patch 6.1, we wanted to let Hrothgar and Viera’s players know that they can now choose from more default hairstyles when making a character, getting a Phial of Fantasia, or going to the barber.

But if that was all, we wouldn’t have written the rest of this article. In fact, we’ve also written about special hairstyles that Viera players can finally try.

Hairstyles Received From Dungeons, Duties, And Raids

Battle-Ready Bobs and Scanning for Style

Unique Hairstyle

All races except Hrothgar can use it.

At the end of The Tower of Paradigm’s Breach, the third alliance raid in the Nier: Automata crossover content for level 80 characters, you can get these two hairstyles.

The whole alliance can vote on the hairstyle, though, so it may take you a few tries to get one of these FF14 hairstyles.

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Early to Rising

All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

This hairstyle is a rare drop from the Delubrum Reginae. You have to do the Bozjan Southern Front content to get access to Delubrum Reginae (which is only for level 80 players).

But it’s a dungeon that many people still grind to get their resistance weapons to the top level. If you get the hairstyle, you can either use it yourself or sell it on the Market Board for a lot of Gil.

Samsoian Locks

All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

The Samsonian Locks hairstyle was added in Patch 3.4. You can find it and unlock it in the Palace of the Dead.

The bronze-trimmed bags you can get from the Accursed Hoard are a good place to look for them.

Both men and women FF14 characters can wear this style.

Wind Caller

All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

The only FF14 hairstyle that can be bought with Bozjan Clusters is Wind Caller. That means you have to do the Bojzan Southern Front content and defeat enemies in that area to get clusters.

The hairstyle can be bought from the Resistance Quartermaster at x:14 and y:29 for 150 Bozjan Clusters.

Form and Function

All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

This FF14 hairstyle usually sells for a lot on the Market Board because it comes from The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros, a task that most players don’t find fun.

If you’re lucky, you can get this hairstyle from a Pyros Lockbox and unlock it by doing the different FATES in the area.

Both Ways

All races except Hrothgar can use it.

Both Ways is a hairstyle for FF14 characters that combines a braid and a side-ponytail into one look. It was added in patch 5.55.

Lockboxes on Zadnor sometimes give out the hair. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to talk to Zadnor until you finish the main quest in Bozja.

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Players who haven’t finished Bozja but are dying to get their hands on this hair can buy it on the Market Board, but it won’t be cheap.

Hairstyles Received From The Gold Saucer

The Adventure Hairstyles

When patch 3.1 came out, these hairstyles looked different depending on the gender of the character.

The male version has hair that is brushed to the side, and the female version has a bow and a ponytail. The bow can’t be colored, which is too bad.

To get these very modern-looking FF14 hairstyles, go to the Gold Saucer and buy “Modern Aesthetics – Adventure” from the Modern Aesthetics Saleswoman at x5.4, y6.5. (We were able to use this word three times in a row. It’s true, though.)

This style only costs 14 MGP in FF14.


All races except Hrothgar can use it.

This style of hair, with a ponytail, comes from FF14’s Gold Saucer. But instead of getting it from the Modern Aesthetics Saleswoman, it can be bought and unlocked for 8,000 MGP at the Prize Claim counter under “other” in Prize Exchange I.


All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

Curls can be claimed at the Gold Saucer by the Prize Claim NPC, just like Ponytails. It costs 9,600 MGP, which is a bit more.

The FF14 hairstyle is for both men and women, and it came out with Patch 3.1.


All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

After you finish The City of Lost Angel’s quest and The Orbonne Monastery raid, you can buy this hairstyle from the Gold Saucer. This means that people below level 70 won’t be able to get this hairstyle.

Once the requirements are met, you can buy the hairstyle from the Gold Saucer Attendant prize claim for 50,000 MGP. The bow is only given to female characters, while male characters don’t have one.

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Great Lengths

All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

This FF14 hairstyle came out with patch 5.0. You can buy it from the Gold Saucer Attendant for 30,000 MGP.

Even though the long hair looks nice, it’s important to know that a lot of the gear can get caught in it.

Hairstyles Received Through Events


All races except Hrothgar can use it.

Rejoice! After four years, Rainmaker is finally back at the Gold Saucer. This costs 5,000 MGP, just like it did in 2017 and 2018.

It’s also the first time it’s been made available to Viera, which makes sense since the last time it was, Viera wasn’t yet a playable race.


All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

Strife is another hairstyle that you can’t get right now. It’s Cloud Strife’s famous hairstyle from Final Fantasy 7.

People who took part in different contests at the 2019 Fan Festivals were the only ones who got this hairstyle.

Lucian Locks

All races can use it, except for Viera and Hrothgar.

The 2019 event “A Nocturne for Heroes” gave out this FF14 hairstyle. You could do quests with Noctis from Final Fantasy 15 during the event.

Early in 2022, the event was brought back so that new players could take part. A Nocturne for Heroes has a lot going for it, like the great glam and cool car, and the Lucian Locks only make it better.

Fashionably Feathered

All races can use it. What can only be bought at the Wolves Den Pier for 18,000 Marks? If you said “Fashionably Feathered,” you are right!

You have been reading the section titles. In this case, something that was already available at most races is now also at Viera.

It’s great to see Square trying new things. Now, let’s talk about these hairstyles Hrothgar has…