FFXIV: How To Get The Jibanyan Couch Mount?

The Yokai Watch-famous Jibanyan Couch Mount can be earned by getting the “More Inventory Slots, Please II” achievement.

During the Collaboration Event Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All, you can get this achievement by getting all 17 Yo-kai weapons.

This Event was added in Patch 5.3 and ran for the first time from July 26 to October 3, 2016.

And there are both good and bad things to say about this:

The bad news is that you can’t get this mount in the game anymore as of this writing.

The good news is that this Event has already happened twice: from September 3 to November 1 in 2017, and from August 19 to December 8 in 2020.

This probably means that we’ll see it again someday, so don’t give up hope.

You could still get that weird but cool couch one day. Even more so if Yoshi P and the CEO of Level 5 drink too much wine again, which is what caused the third re-run.

Putting The Time Into Yo-kai Watch

Let’s go over how to get your Couch in case this Event comes back.

Talk to the Poor-Heeled Youth (Ul’dah – Steps of Nald, X:9 Y:9) to start the Event Questline. It needs Level 15, which shouldn’t be too hard.

In A Realm Reborn and Stormblood, you’ll want to go to every area.

This is because this quest is a long FATE Grind.

When you finish the Quest, you’ll get the Yo-kai Watch and the Yo-kai Medallium as rewards.

You can get to the Medallium from your Menu, under “Collection.”

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To get Yo-kai Medals and Legendary Yo-kai Medals, you have to wear the Watch. Here’s how you trade the medals:

It will cost you one Medal for your first Minion.

Up until the 17th Minion, each new one will cost 3 Medals.

When you get your 13th Minion, you’ll get the “You Must Needs Befriend Them All I” Achievement.

This gives you, apart from Jibanyan, a very famous Mount from the Yo-kai Watch show.

Legendary Yo-kai Medals are harder to get and are needed to get Event Weapons.

At first, there were thirteen, but later Events added four more.

To get your Jibanyan Couch, you’ll need all of them.

Just like with Minions, your first Weapon will cost less than the ones that come after it. % Legendary Medals for the first weapon, and 10 for each weapon after that up to the 17th.

When you get your thirteenth weapon, “More Inventory Space, Please I” will be available to you. This gives you the Whisper A-go-go, a slightly different Mount that glows in the dark.

And different FATEs give out different Medals (see below for details):

Legendary MedalFATE Locations
JibanyanCentral Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Central Thanalan
KomasanEast Shroud, Western La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan
USApyonOuter La Noscea, Middle La Noscea, Western Thanalan
WhisperSouth Shroud, Upper La Noscea, Southern Thanalan
ShogunyanEast Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Central Thanalan
HovernyanSouth Shroud, Western La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan
KomajiroCentral Thanalan, East Shroud, Western La Noscea
NokoSouthern Thanalan, North Shroud, Outer La Noscea
VenoctWestern Thanalan, Middle La Noscea, Central Shroud
KyubiWestern Thanalan, Central Shroud, Lower La Noscea
Robonyan F-typeSouthern Thanalan, Upper La Noscea, North Shroud
BlizzariaNorth Shroud, Outer La Noscea, Middle La Noscea
ManjimuttEastern Thanalan, South Shroud, Upper La Noscea
Lord EnmaThe Fringes, The Ruby Sea, Yanixa, The Peaks, The Lochs, Azim Steppe
Lord AnantaCoerthas Western Highlands, Dravanian Forelands, Dravanian Hinterlands, Churning Mists, Sea of Clouds, Azys Lla
ZazelCoerthas Western Highlands, Dravanian Forelands, Dravanian Hinterlands, Churning Mists, Sea of Clouds, Azys Lla
DamonaThe Fringes, The Ruby Sea, Yanxia, The Peaks, The Lochs, Azim Steppe

This isn’t quite as difficult as it seems at first.

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With Limited Jobs like Blue Mage, you can destroy FATEs in a matter of seconds.

You can also do two of these grinds at once if you’re doing something like an old Relic. Many steps in making the ARR Relic Weapon require FATEs, such as Atmas or Light.

Either way, you now know everything you need to know to get your cat couch when the Event comes back!