The 5.3 patch for Final Fantasy XIV brings with it several improvements and new additions.
Seeing as Heavensward is available in both the base game and all demos, many gamers will be able to try it out for the first time.
If you’re a serious maker, you’ll be happy to know that accessing synthesis collections has been made even simpler and more intuitive.
To put it another way, this is a great way for players of all skill levels to earn Gil quickly and get a head start on creating unique things for the citizens of Eorzea.
An important new feature is a mission to join the Dwarven Beast Tribe.
This may be unlocked by finishing the level 70 quest.
It’s Dwarfin Time from the Affable Towndwarf in Kholusia; albeit this is only after passing through the level 78 main tale of Shadowbringers and several minor stories.
By acquiring notoriety with the dwarves they will ultimately sell special things, including the brand new Rolling Tankard mount.
The Final Fantasy XIV Guide to Raising Your Reputation

The Rolling Tankard is utilised in various random daily missions, allowing players to test drive it.
However, the Dwarves will need to put in a lot of effort before they will agree to the vehicles being driven in other areas.
Items can be purchased from Mizutt in Lakeland with Hammered Fragments, which can be earned by performing daily missions.
Any time a player earns enough respect to move up in rank and completes the corresponding mission, the shop’s selection of goods grows.
You can purchase a Rolling Tankard Ignition Key if you reach the Sworn status tier.
Each rank can be topped out given the following requirements:
A Piss in the Brewery quest, 3 days, 510 favour, 9 quests.
I Heard You Like Tanks (720 Rep, 12 Quests, 4 Days)
Respected: 990 rep, 17 quests, 6 days, quest: Tanking is Hard
Achievement Unlocked at Level 85 after 8 days, 22 Quests, including the Chief Concerns quest.
To be sworn in, you must have completed 29 tasks and accumulated 1730 reputations over 10 days.
Keep in mind that you cannot carry over any surplus reputation to the next rank.
In total, players will need to accomplish 60 daily tasks over 21 days to reach Sworn status.
If a player advances in rank on a given day, they can complete three additional bonus tasks before midnight Japan Standard Time to gain a day’s worth of experience.
Keep in mind that the deadline for this option is midnight in Japan.
When you reach the top Bloodsworn tier, the tale is resolved and you unlock exclusive benefits, such as the Lali Hop dance emote.
Focusing on the Dwarves
Three weeks of questing doesn’t seem too awful a first, but that is provided one can remember to complete their dailies promptly and not get seduced by other Beast Tribes or other content.
Only 12 Beast Tribe tasks can be taken a day across the 14 tribe possibilities.
The level 50 Ixali in North Shroud, the level 60 Moogles in Churning Mists, and the level 70 Namazu in Azim Steppe are all threats to multiclass Disciples of the Hand.
The Pixies of Il Mheg and the Qitari of Rak’tika Greatwood are two more Shadowbringers Beast Tribe that the Disciples of War and Magic and Disciples of the Land will have to balance.
In addition to being a major diversion, the other Beast Tribes can be used to upgrade the Anima Lux, the ultimate weapon of Heavensward, to item levels 210 and 240, respectively.
Every day’s worth of quests must be finished before starting fresh ones.
As a result, it’s very uncommon for players to have 12 quests in progress between the Source and First Shard and another 12 in the queue.
Those who are looking to get the most out of their allowance should make frequent use of flying horses and teleport between aetherytes.
Another accessory that will set you back 18 Hammered Frogments is the Rolling Tankard Ignition Key.
Players should keep this pricing in mind and not splurge their currency on too many high-level materials and other prizes from Mizutt.
Not following this schedule could cause you to lose days, if not weeks when trying to obtain the mount.