FFXIV: What is The Firmament?

In Final Fantasy XIV‘s Heavensward expansion, the district of The Firmament in Ishgard has been devastated by battle.

The Ishgardian Restoration is a server-wide quest for the gathering and crafting professions with the goal of restoring it.

Dark and foreboding Ishgard, the expansion’s capital city, has had its share of upheaval even during our brief stay.

The devastation of the Dragonsong War tore it apart. The Warrior of Light and their allies eventually succeeded in restoring calm to the city and its inhabitants.

The city’s leadership therefore took the choice to focus on restoring the city’s most devastated areas, dumping resources into The Firmament first of all.

It received the greatest damage throughout the Dragonsong War’s long and horrible history, so patching it up is the first step towards genuinely moving on from the fight.

That’s the lore side of it, anyway.

In-game, The Firmament is a portion of XIV’s extensive crafting and gathering systems, uniting players from all across the realm to help restore Ishgard to its former splendour.

It takes a lot of supplies to do.

The basic idea is that the crafters (carpenters, blacksmiths, etc.) will employ the materials gathered by the gatherers (Miners, Botanists, etc.) to construct new structures.

Concerted Works require artisans and gatherers to coordinate their efforts to restore a designated area of the city on a regular basis.

The objectives might vary from moving commodities to raising structures, and everyone’s efforts contribute towards the progress bar.

Plus these are lasting & noticeable alterations to The Firmament. These possibilities grow in significance as the overall restoration advances.

How Do I Access The Firmament?

The road to the restoration of Ishgard is a long and winding one.

As a result, if you’ve only recently begun playing FFXIV, you shouldn’t expect to be able to jump in anytime soon.

You need to have finished the Main Scenario Quest “Litany of Peace” and be at least level 60 in at least one profession.

This is bang in the middle of the quests added with Patch 3.3, the content in-between Heavensward and Stormblood.

So not only will you need to essentially beat the primary Heavensward tale, you’ll then need to go on a little bit more.

After you’ve checked all those boxes, head to the Foundation in Ishgard and look for the Recruitment Notice before heading to the Firmament.

Go talk to the NPCs there to find out the current state of your server and what you can do to help.

The Skybuilders’ Board can be used to see the big picture of the restoration project and what Concerted Works are on the horizon.

How Do I Progress Through The Firmament?


There is a copy of The Firmament running on each server, but each one is independent from the others.

Of course, some are much ahead of the curve.

Unique aspects of the district are a result of player efforts. You can earn ranking points by participating in the restoration during ranking times.

In this collaborative situation, you are essentially competing with other players for the highest score.

These points are earned equally across all crafting and gathering tasks. Because of this, it is likely best to focus on one career path.

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As a last point of reference, keep in mind:

The ingredients needed to make or gather The Firmament are specific to it, thus there’s no point in wasting time or effort on anything else.

You can view your own place on the leaderboard by switching the Data Center and World settings, as the game keeps a running track of everyone’s scores.

Talking to Ludovraint in The Firmament will also give you access to the game’s current scoreboard.

What Do I Get For Restoring The Firmament?

What’s the payoff for trying to be the best?

Moogle Mail will provide prizes to the top 100 players.

In addition, the top 12 players will receive a prize and access to premium content:

Beatus of the Firmament and Saint of the Firmament are synonymous titles.

The most successful crafting occupation will have a monument built in their honour in The Firmament.

You’ll also be rewarded with Skybuilders’ Scrips for your efforts, which can be traded in with Enie for various mounts, glamours, and other items.

No matter how you look at it, helping with the Ishgardian Restoration is a great method to get your gatherers and artisans to the next level.

It’s a lot more entertaining than spending hours standing still while gathering or crafting.

In addition, there is a strong feeling of community because everyone pitches in to make something that will last.

Check out The Firmament if you need a break from saving the world and exploring dungeons.

It’s beneficial in many ways, both intellectually and practically, and you could even meet some cool people.