The end goal for any OSRS player who wants to max their account is to train all of their skills up to 99.
Some skills, like Prayer, cost a lot of money to level up, like tens of millions of gold to get a few levels.
But there are a few ways to gather resources that are better than the rest.
Getting these skills to 99 can make you millions, if not hundreds of millions.
So let’s look at some of the most valuable skills that are worth getting to level 99.
12. Herblore
Herblore is a Skill that only members can use to make potions from herbs. To use the Herblore Skill, you have to finish the Druidic Ritual quest.
There are many ways to make money on the Herblore, but because prices change so quickly, all of them need regular Grand Exchange balance checks.
Checking the margins on every Herb and Potion could take a while, and there’s no guarantee you’ll find a good one, so this is only suggested as a secondary way to make Gold.
It will be especially good for players who like to flip items on the Grand Exchange because they know GE prices, margins, and how the market works in general.
- Using Clean Herbs to make Anti-Venom+ (which takes Herblore level 94 to do) will earn you about 2700 Gold/Potion.
- You can make about 3900 Gold/Potion by making Weapon Poison (++) from Clean Herbs (Requires 82 Herblore).
11. Woodcutting
Woodcutting is a good way to make money.
You can make between 40,000,000 and 99,000,000 by cutting Magic Logs, which are the best logs to cut.
10. Farming
Farming is a cool skill on this list because there are so many ways to learn it.
If you do plants all the way to level 99, you will lose a lot of money. But if you sell certain seeds, you’ll make a lot of cash.
If you run both herbs and trees and do at least two runs a day, you should make a few sets of 10 million on your way to 99.
I think you should plant Torstols, Snapdragons, and Rannars along with your tree runs for the best return.
Farm runs don’t take too long, and these herbs will help your bank a lot.
9. Cooking
Cooking is one of the skills that you can get to level 99 the fastest, and it’s also one of the most valuable skills!
The best way to improve this skill is to cook the highest level fish you can without burning them.
If you don’t want to burn your food, you should cook it in the Hosidius house kitchen or with cooking gauntlets.
When you reach level 90, you can cook dark crabs, which will make you about 350k an hour.
It doesn’t take much work and can be done while you’re not around, so you won’t even have to pay much attention as the money comes in. Sharks and monkfish will also bring in about the same amount of money.
8. Agility
Agility is a pretty simple skill, and there are only two good ways to get to level 99.
The first way is to be agile on rooftops. Marks of kindness are sometimes given to you. Each one is worth about 10k. From level 80 to level 99, you can probably make between 50 and 60 million gold just from these marks of grace.
I really think you should do the Ardougne Elite log if you want to get more points on this course. This is a pretty easy way to get to 99.
The second way, which is much more valuable, is to do the Hallowed Sepulchre until level 99.
At level 92, you’ll make about 2.9 million gold per hour. But you will need to finish the course almost perfectly, which is hard and takes a lot of work.
You should loot all the floors after the third one, as well as the big chest on the fifth floor.
7. Thieving
Imagine not making money by stealing.
There are a lot of ways to make money with stealing, from Master Farmers to Ardougne Knights.
When stealing, you should always wear rouge gear to get twice as much loot.
There are many ways to get to 99, and each one makes a different amount of money. Taking Ardougne Knights to level 99 shouldn’t take you more than two weeks, and you’ll make 17 million coins in the process.
Pickpocketing Vyres and Elves is another way to make money. If you’re lucky, you can get around 2m per hour from blood bits or teleport crystals.
With these methods, you’ll always take damage, so you’ll have to do a lot of clicking and saving.
6. Hunter
With the Hunter skill, the best way to make money is to do Red Chinchompas or the much more expensive Black Chinchompas.
At level 80, red Chincomphas will give you about 500k an hour and are completely safe.
This is a good way to make money because it’s pretty routine and easy to get into a rhythm with.
You can also try to catch Black Chinchompas in the Wilderness, which can earn you over 1 million gold per hour.
The only problem is that other people often try to kill you. And if you die, you’ll lose all of the Chinchompas you’ve caught.
So if you want to get these, you’ll need tank gear and a way to get away.
5. Fishing
Fishing is a very relaxing way to get to level 99. But it will take a long time because it takes a long time to learn things here.
Depending on your fishing level and whether or not they have Rada’s Blessing (4) unlocked, the minnows that require more clicks can make you between 300k and 500k. But these are pretty easy and chill.
Another option that is even more AFK is to do Anglerfish.
Players can expect to make about 130k per hour, which is much less than before, but they will have to pay much less attention to the computer.
This is something I would only suggest to Ironmen who need fishermen. Or if you plan to do something else in your spare time.
4. Mining
Mining makes a lot of money. And many players learn this skill all the way to level 85 just to make money.
At level 85, you can mine Rune Ore, which can give you up to 700k per hour in cash.
This is not very hard and is easy to do.
A player can also do Blast Mining once they reach level 43 and make up to 750k. This requires more clicks, and you should be at a better mining level before you start.
Motherload Mine is the most popular way to get to level 99 mining. It is semi-afk and makes about 225k an hour at level 85 mining.
I recommend this method because it’s a good way to spend time and the money is just a nice bonus!
3. Smithing
If you use the Blast Furnace, smithing is one of the most valuable skills in the game.
A player can make up to 1.3 million coins per hour by making rune bars at the Blast Furnace.
This is a crazy amount of money to make so fast. Even at level 70, doing adamant bars can bring in $1.2 million an hour.
Both ways give about 100-110k experience per hour, which isn’t too bad.
You can always smith rune things at an anvil if you want a method that lets you do less work but gives you a lot of experience and money. There, you can make 450k an hour and gain 200k experience.
2. Runecrafting
Runecrafting is the most valuable skill for collecting resources in OSRS. If you get it to level 99, you can make up to 400 million or more.
Making Wrath runes, which are very powerful, can give you between 1.1 million and 1.2 million coins per hour.
At 32k experience per hour, though, the experience is pretty bad… but we are here for the money.
Blood and soul runes, on the other hand, can earn you 630k and 230k per hour while you’re not doing anything.
I like to do blood runes because they let me relax and not worry so much about running around.
For both choices, you can get around 50,000 Runecrafting experience per hour, which is much more than you can get from making Wrath Runes.
1. Slayer
Slayer is easily the most profitable skill in the game.
And if you throw in boss slayer, you can hit a total bank value of over 1b coins on your way to 99.
Bosses like the Alchemical Hydra literally print money, and can provide well over 3m coins per hour. Most slayer bosses are very profitable, with Kraken and Thermonuclear Smoke Devil both providing well over 1m in coins every hour.
So there’s a lot to go around here.
Many bosses like Cerberus even drop items worth 20m or more.
A single drop could equal hours of other money making methods, and it’s obtainable by pure chance!
And slayer also doesn’t get repetitive or boring since there’s always a new task or boss to kill, meaning you should have plenty to do on your travels.