FFXIV: How Should You Use Old Gear?

As you rush through the world of Eorzea, which is full of loot, FFXIV Gil your Armory Chest can quickly fill up with all the gear you’ve found.

Taking care of your inventory can be one of the hardest tasks for both new and experienced Warriors of Light.

Your adventure won’t be derailed if you know all the things you can do with your old gear besides throwing it away.

No one wants to stop trying to save the world by organizing a huge number of hats…

So here are some ideas for what you can do with your old gear when it’s time to clean up for spring.

Keep Gear for Alternate Jobs

In FFXIV, you can switch between Jobs and level them up however you want.

So it’s a good idea to look over your old gear to see if you could use it again.

Jobs can even be added out of the blue, like when Blue Mage was added.

Most of the time, tanks, healers, and DPS all use the same gear (aside from a few specific sets).

Keeping them can keep your Item Level (ilvl) up-to-date, so you don’t get locked out of tasks because you don’t meet the minimum requirements.

Specifically, dungeon gear is worth keeping because it can fill in the odd levels while crafted gear can fill in the even levels.

The best sets to keep are the ones that were considered “end game” at the end of each Expansion.

They give the most ilvl at that cap and can get you through long stretches of quests and dungeons without any problems.

Most of the time, you can buy these with Tomestones, which you can get from any Duty that is level 50 or higher, as well as Daily Roulettes.

Keeping those levels 50, 60, 70, and 80 sets is a great way to save space, especially if they add more Jobs in the future.

Spirit Bond Gear for Materia

Spirit bond is a stat that gets added to all of your gear when you craft, gather or kill monsters.

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Different jobs and zones can change how fast it builds up, but the result is always the same.

When your Spiritbond is at 100%, you can open the sub-menu on a piece of equipment to Extract a piece of Materia. This resets your Spiritbond to 1%.

Some sets of gear, like Crafting and Gathering sets, are worth keeping because they can be used to make Spiritbonds.

Depending on the Gear, the Materia you get will be of a different type.

Gathering equipment will give you Materia that affect the stats of that Job. The same is true for Crafters and Disciples of War or Magic.

In the Final Fantasy style, you can put FFXIV Materia into your equipment to get bonuses like Spell Speed or Critical Hit that are useful for your Job.

If you have a lot of useless Materia, you can always go to Mutamix Bubblypots in Central Thanalan, which is not far away.

There, you can play the lottery that lets you change things.

You’ll get something different for every five pieces of Materia you give.

It can even be of a higher grade sometimes.

This can be especially helpful when you’re trying to give your gear certain stats.

Desynthesize Gear for Materials

You can get the quest “Gone to Pieces” in Ul’dah when you reach level 30 in any Crafting Job.

When you’re done, you can use Desynthesis from the submenu of almost any item in the game.

Desynthesis has several uses, but the main one is that it lets you break down many of the things you find into materials you can use for Crafting.

Some of these items are needed only for Quests.

This can save you some Gil when you need materials that are hard to find or hard to get.

It also raises the value of a separate Skill, which, at higher levels, lets you get even rarer materials in exchange for your work.

Since Patch 5.55, weapons you get from Trials can also be broken down into rare parts that only come from Bosses.

Then, those weapons can be put into special recipes to make fancier weapons with special effects.

Only a fancy sword that also shoots lasers is better than just a fancy sword.

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Turn Gear Into Your Grand Company

In the Main Story, you’ll join a Grand Company around level 20 or so.

And then you can start the hard work of moving up their ranks.

This has a lot of benefits, like letting you get special gear or a cool hat for your Chocobo.

The best returns come when you reach Sergeant Second Class and can use Expert Delivery.

You can turn in requested items or random gear you have lying around for Seals or Crafting and Gathering Experience Points if you have Expert Delivery.

Seals can be used to buy a lot of useful things at your Grand Company:

For example, you can get free teleport tickets, Venture Coins (which you can use to pay for your Retainers), special crafting materials, and even more gear.

Note that the items asked for in the daily Supply and Provision quests give the relevant Disciple of Hand or Land a lot of Experience Points.

These reset every day and get harder as you level up, but they always give you a lot of Experience for the Job they are for.

When you turn in a High-Quality item, the amount of Experience you get goes up even more.

So even if you’re just starting with Crafting and Gathering, these are great ways to level up quickly.

Put Gear on your Retainer to Increase Their iLvl

After you hire your Retainers, you can use their 175 inventory slots, which are very useful (each).

But that’s not the end of the good things.

They also do a lot of other things that players often forget.

By giving your Retainer a Venture, you can give them different jobs to do.

This could mean digging through the void for random items like fish (mostly fish), unique dungeon-specific equipment, or high-value house furnishings.

Keep your Retainers using at least decent gear as they level up to get the most out of them.

As your Retainer’s ilvl goes up, their Ventures will give you better rewards.

Certain level ranges have thresholds that tell you how many materials you can get at that level.

Putting your old gear on your Retainers is a great way to make sure they are in good shape.

The maximum level of a Retainer’s Job is the same as yours. If you’re a level 5 Thaumaturge but a level 80 Dragoon, it’s better to have them as your highest Job.

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Disciples of War and Magic can choose from different Ventures than Disciples of Hand and Land.

Store Gear in Your Glamour Dresser or Armoire

Love the style but need more room.

Take a trip to your local Inn before you throw away your favourite blouse.

There is one in every major city in the game. There, you can go to your room, which has all of your stashes.

You can store any piece of equipment you got from a Seasonal Quest or Promotion, like buying a Collector’s Edition, in the Armoire.

It can also hold a small amount of Job gear, but not much. This helps you make the most of the space you have in the game, but it has some limits.

But the real prize here is your Glamour Dresser, which has 400 slots for all your electronic stuff.

It can hold any piece of equipment, and you can use Glamour Plates to get to your favourite outfits.

With Glamour Plates, you can quickly save a look and put it on a new set of gear to keep your look fresh.

Not only that but gear can be pulled out of the dresser easily when it’s time to use it, which helps you keep your inventory from getting messy.

Turn Gear into a Crafting Levequest for Experience

Levequests are quests that you can do more than once, and you can do them in almost every City or Settlement in the game.

Once you’ve unlocked them, these can give you a quick boost of XP while you’re looking through your bag to make room.

Every 12 hours, a player gets 3 Levequest Allowances. These can be stacked up to 100 times.

Unless you’re doing a lot of these Quests at once, you’ll probably always have some open.

Not every piece of Gear has a quest that goes with it, but many do.

The Lives come in groups of five every five levels, and each disciple of the hand can get them.

Here, turning in high-quality gear is especially helpful because it gives you twice as much experience.

Since weapons are only used by certain types of jobs, it’s a good rule of thumb, if you’re on the crafting grind, to keep an eye out for leves who want them.