15 Best Animal Crossing BGM Songs

Animal Crossing is one of the most relaxed and peaceful game series ever made.

Animal Crossing is a great place to relax for many Nintendo fans. You can go to the beach, hang out with friends, or just listen to some of the great music.

I have one question for anyone who has ever played an Animal Crossing game: Have you ever felt bad about the places you forgot?

If you’ve played more than one Animal Crossing game, it’s even worse.

Just think about the places you destroyed when you left. For shame!

Even though that’s pretty funny, it could be why anyone who has ever played an Animal Crossing game can’t help but fall in love with the series.

AC is so sweet that even “hardcore” gamers can’t help but be charmed by everything about it, from the easy-going pace to the interesting characters.

And the music in the game is a big part of the AC style. Best of all, I don’t have to pull out my old system to play the newest Switch game, Animal Crossing.

Before I talk about my favorite Animal Crossing songs, I want to make one thing clear: there are no K.K. Slider songs on this list because they aren’t really BGM music.

I’m just thinking about the sounds in the background that we all remember so well.

So, after all that, get ready to chill with Animal Crossing BGM Songs…

Best Animal Crossing BGM Songs

15. 12 PM

“12 PM” is a great way to describe a sunny day. I hate when it’s sunny.

14. Animal Crossing: New Horizons 10 A.M.

There’s something special about the song that plays at 10 a.m. when you’re driving around your island.

It’s so catchy that you won’t be able to get it out of your head all day, even when songs from other times come on.

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Both the bass and the guitar are very cool.

This song is really good.

13. Bubblegum K.K.

Bubblegum K.K. is now K.K. Slider’s most well-known song.

This song by the traveling artist is a huge hit with fans. It’s a fast-paced jam that brings together all of K.K. Slider’s best qualities into one great song.

Bubblegum K.K. sounds great on a cool Saturday night in Animal Crossing: New Horizons’s town area.

12. Welcome Horizons

The main song of Animal Crossing: New Horizons is “Welcome to New Horizons.” It is used in ads, and K.K. Slider will play it for you if you ask.

The song updates what people liked about the original Animal Crossing theme and gives us something we can really enjoy.

This song is great for driving along the beach or just sitting and listening.

11. K.K. Metal

In every version of Animal Crossing, K.K. Slider shows up on Saturday nights and plays music for the people of the town.

Even though most of his songs are chill jams, he is known to get a little crazy sometimes.

Everything we know about K.K. Slider is turned on its head in K.K. Metal.

This song is really cool.

10. Animal Crossing Theme Song (Nintendo GameCube)

Yes, it is the first one, but it’s important for me to be honest here: when the first AC came out in 2001, no one thought it would lead to anything else.

Even though it didn’t do as well as games like Halo and Grand Theft Auto, which would set the “tone” for games going forward, the game seemed to become popular.

And maybe, like the game itself, the original Animal Crossing theme is important because it shows how a cutesy game can still have an effect on the gaming world.

9. Mr. Resetti’s Theme

You can never say that Nintendo doesn’t know who it is.

Here’s a person who might be a good example: Mr. Resetti is an angry mole who shows up in all of the Animal Crossing games to tell players off when they turn the game off (or more likely “reset”) without saving.

Because, come on, save-scumming is a thing that gamers do all the time, so AC might as well recognize it.

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So Mr. Resetti’s music is more than just a “memorable” theme—it acts like a Pavlovian signal to remember players that just because they live in an anthropomorphic village doesn’t mean they can break the rules.

How’s that for showing a child how important society is in the world?

Oh, and if you were looking for a way to get back at Mr. Resetti, you can feel good that he was taken out of the new version.

8. 10 PM Theme

One reason why Animal Crossing stuck in people’s minds is that the background music changes every “hour” in the game’s world.

All of it seemed to fit with how calm or excited the time of day was.

For example, the 10 PM theme sounds calm, but it still has enough “energetic” parts, like percussion, to gently tell players that they need to finish up so they can go to bed.

If only the real world were so kind…

7. Rainy Day Theme

Only Animal Crossing can make you feel like even the rain can still be your friend in this age of global warming.

The keyboards in AC’s Rainy Day theme sound like they were recorded ever-so-slightly, and the drums should make you feel like going around in the rain is the most fun thing you can do, which is probably what you’ll be doing as a player anyway.

A great song to put on while you do some studying.

6. 4 AM Theme

Still fishing at 4 in the morning?

This is the game asking,

“Why are you still awake???”

The score has a chord progression that goes up and up until it reaches its lowest point and then goes back up again.

This is a warning that even though it will be daylight in an hour, it can still feel so far away.

For the record, though, I’ve always thought that the “New Leaf” version of this theme was the creepiest.

5. 11 PM Theme

File this one under “Relaxing VGM” on your Spotify playlist.

This theme is a condensed version of what I meant when I said that AC is “undemanding.”

This is the game that tells you it’s time to go to bed, but you can take your time, dear.

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Look at Persona 5. This is what you should have done instead of having the cat tell Joker to sleep when you wanted people to go to sleep.

4. 11 AM Theme

In the real world, people like you and me would still be stuck at our work or in school.

In the world of Animal Crossing, this great song makes 11 a.m. not seem so bad.

But the 11 AM song sounds like a call to take a nap, which is strange.

But since we can’t “nap” in the middle of the morning, I guess this is a good lesson to slow down. Obviously, this is easier to say than to do.

3. 5 PM Theme

On the other hand, this theme is a more direct call to take it easy.

This is when you can finally relax, have a few drinks (non-alcoholic ones, since it’s Animal Crossing), and get ready for the next day.

When you think about it… Still, people leave work at 5 p.m., right?

2. Animal Crossing: Wild World Theme (Nintendo DS)

This Nintendo DS game, which came out in 2008, has the definitive Animal Crossing theme, at least for newer players.

It’s like the game’s main theme, but… well, it’s better!

At the very least, you can get an idea of what the world of Animal Crossing is like by just listening to this one.

1. Town Tree (New Leaf, Nintendo 3DS)

This may be the newest theme in Animal Crossing’s past, and the first time I heard it, it caught my attention.

Still, it might be the most important in terms of how much it changes culture. Animal Crossing: New Leaf has sold more than 12 million copies, which is the most of any game in the series.

So, this is the first song that new players would have heard in the most epic beginning to this series in a long time. It might be one of the most famous Animal Crossing songs ever!

Will the themes in New Horizons be as striking as those mentioned above? I can’t wait to turn mine on and play so I can find out.