15 Best Sims 4 Elder Scrolls Skyrim CC

There are a lot more similarities between Skyrim and The Sims 4 than you might think.

Both games are ways to get away from our boring or hard lives, but these two are the best when it comes to making you feel like you’re really there.

As we play, we change these worlds to look like us. You feel like you are making a difference. And the time you spend playing these games is not wasted.

Mods are a big part of this change, and both games have huge creator communities that make new content every day.

The following crossover mods are great at bringing some of the charm of Skyrim to TS4. If it was official, it would be the collaboration of the century, but the fact that it’s being done through modding is almost poetic.

15. Skyrim Fan T-Shirt Collection

Elder Scrolls CC

About Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls, people have pretty strong feelings.

You either hate it or are a die-hard fan who has put at least 400 hours into the game. People like me are new to the game and don’t know much about it.

True Skyrim fans will want to let everyone know they’ve reached Dragonborn status. These Skyrim-themed T-shirts are a great way to show the world who has the loudest Thu’um.

They’re funny and creative, and they make references to many things that happened in Skyrim that only people who’ve played the game would get.

Make sure to check out this Nirn-rito shirt as a bonus. It’s very funny.

14. The Elder Scrolls Game Collection

Some Skyrim fans have been following the series since the beginning, while others have made it a point to go back and check out the steps that have led from TES: Arena to TES V.

Regardless, any respectable The Elder Scrolls fan will lose their marbles at the opportunity of owning every single entry in the series in their original casing.

This TES Anthology includes everything you need to build a shrine to your Sim’s favorite Western RPG franchise.

There’s Daggerfall, Battlespire, Redguard, Shadowkey, and 24 more swatches, including all Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim expansions.

13. The Elder Scrolls Game Art

This Elder Scrolls Game Art CC set will let your Sims hang large prints featuring the cover art for almost every game in the franchise.

It’s perfect to have them line the walls of your game room in a sort of timeline of The Elder Scrolls – or you can just choose a couple of your favorites to hang throughout your home (or your Sim’s game store).

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Personally, I can’t get enough of vintage cover art.

If I could, I’d have this in real life.

12. Skyrim Lean-To

There comes a time in the life of every RPG fan where wearing licensed tees and owning figurines just doesn’t cut it. Sometimes, you just want to go into the forest and start a new fantasy life.

I wouldn’t recommend making your Sim run into the woods to become a Bosmer. But there’s a way to get closer to the outdoorsy Skyrim experience without leaving your lawn.

This Skyrim Lean-to looks just like the rough and tough leather tents used by bandits and the Forsworn out in the wilds.

These are actually pretty big, and they’ll provide protection to several Sims if need be.

11. Forsworn Outfits

If you really liked the outdoor living experience, these Forsworn Outfits are for you.

This rebellious group of The Reach natives is a bit of a plague in Skyrim – at least, they are to almost any other group in the game. Easy to see why, too.

These guys worship Hagravens, of all things. They also make blood sacrifices and spiritually commune with Daedra.

It turns out the spirits of the land – and the Hagravens – are pretty supportive, and their badass clothes offer excellent protection.

If your Sims are the type to worship old gods, they’ll love these Forsworn Outfits.

10. Oblivion Eyes

One of the main differences between races in Tamriel is their eyes.

While humans in Tamriel have regular, real-life human eye colors, there are also Argonians with reptile eyes, Dunmer with red eyes, Orcs with dark eyes, and so on.

This pack of Oblivion Eyes includes all of these, along with zombie eyes, vampire eyes, and even Dremora eyes for your most demonic Sims.

Other valuable Skyrim CAS items include this custom background and these feline skin patterns for your Khajit.

9. Sheogorath’s Regalia

Sheogorath is one of the most interesting and magnetic Daedric Princes.

He’s generally associated with madness and delusion, and his realm – the Shivering Isles – is somewhere you wouldn’t want to visit.

Instead of going to him, perhaps you should bring him into your Sims 4 game with this detailed clothing set.

It includes the boots, the pants, and the robes.

Any Sim would look fly in these – but only the most insane will wear this attire correctly.

It just doesn’t work without that crazy glint in the wearer’s eye.

Get this for a Sim whose Erratic trait seems to be their greatest strength.

8. Elder Scrolls Flora

If you’re going to play as a Forsworn, Sheogorath, or anything of the sort, you might as well make the environment around your Sims resemble Tamriel just a little bit more.

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A great way to get started is to set down some trees, flowers, and mushrooms straight from the world of The Elder Scrolls.

This Elder Scrolls Plant pack includes well-known leafy friends from Cyrodiil and Skyrim, including giant mushrooms, the ever-singing Nirnroot, and my favorite: Swamp Fungal Pods.

If you want, you can further enrich the natural environment with this Mushroom Set and these voluptuous human trees that look just like Spriggans.

7. Riverwood Lot

Oh, Riverwood, how I miss you.

Most of us go to this small town of woodcutters as our first stop when we play Skyrim.

It is home to both friendly and not-so-friendly people, and it is a great place to start learning about life in this dangerous part of the world.

The person who made this custom lot was able to fit an entire medieval village into a 6464 space, including a river, five houses, a bathhouse, and a tavern. This is an incredibly impressive feat.

Despite using no CC, everything looks just like it does in Skyrim.

This lot is probably one of The Sims 4’s greenest and quietest places to live.

6. Dragonsreach Lot

People who like big buildings more than small towns should look at The Dragonsreach, the crown jewel of Whiterun.

The Jarl, the most powerful man in the province, lives in this impressive medieval keep that looks out over Whirterun, but it’s empty right now.

It’s a big place to live, so on your next big TS4 save, you can rent it out to any group of misfits you want.

It could be a family or a Sim who is king or queen and has an army of attachés.

Even better, you could try to make the people who lived there in the game.

5. College of Winterhold Lot

The College of Winterhold is similar to the last lot. If you own The Sims 4: Realm of Magic, you must have this hand-made lot.

The College has a long and shady past, full of lies and the bad results of having too many goals. It will hopefully be a place to relax and learn in the calmer world of The Sims 4.

This huge lot makes a very accurate copy of the College, but you don’t have to put it on top of a rocky cliff that’s about to fall.

Even if it’s not cold, that doesn’t matter.

Leave Hogwarts’ cold, foggy nights to them and put this in Sulani! I’m sure the mages will be very grateful to you.

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And if you liked these lots, you should also visit Solitude and Fort Dawnguard.

4. Aedra Shrines

Just like the Daedric Princes influence the world of mortals negatively, so do the Aedra intercede for those of strong faith – or, at least that’s what we want to think when we kneel down and pray at their shrines.

This incredible set of Aedra Shrines will bring piety back into your Sim’s life.

Something unique about faith in Tamriel is the massive variety of gods you can be devoted to in exchange for their supernatural assistance.

There’s Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Julianos, Kynareth… and the list goes on and on. You’ll find idols for all of them in this set.

3. Monastic Library Furniture + Monk Robes

If 10 minutes of prayer every day isn’t enough for your faithful Sim, maybe he or she should become a monk.

This Monastic Library Furniture can turn any simple home into a wise and mysterious monastery that has been around for a thousand years.

Also, the pack comes with Monk Robes so that your Sim can give up all material wants, including fashion.

I’d pair this with something like these Solitude Wallpapers to make it feel like a real Tamriel monastery.

2. Skyrim Aedra & Daedra Statues

If you want to take your adoration of mysterious forces beyond your (and your Sim’s) comprehension one step further, you have to build one of these arcane statues.

This mysterious set of sculptures depicts many famous Aedra and Daedra, including the spiteful Malacath, the loving Mara, and my favorite – Azura – among a few others.

And you’ll also get non-gods too, like a statue of a Falmer and the classic depiction of Talos dominating a snake.

Yes, I just said Talos wasn’t a god. I play an Imperial, and I take my RP seriously.

1. Skyrim Alchemy Set

This last spot goes to a beautiful copy of my favorite place in Skyrim, which is my Alchemy lab.

Even though I make a lot of health potions, it’s not because my character is addicted to them or anything.

Instead, it’s my own desire to get more XP and make good use of all the shroom caps and herbs I’ve collected on my travels that brings me to the table.

Any Sim who is a mage would love to have an Alchemy lab set up and ready to go right next to their portal to the Magic Realm.

It will make their fellow wizards jealous and make them the go-to people when a potion is needed.

This build is also very detailed and has every ingredient and color of potion you can think of. It will be a lot of fun! We don’t think so, at least.