21 Best Hats in Sea Of Thieves

In Sea of Thieves, you can wear whatever you want, but let’s face it: no pirate will take you seriously as captain unless you’re wearing a beautiful best hats.

No matter what kind of hat you’re looking for, there are a lot of them to sort through.

So how could you choose just one?

Don’t worry matey, I have you covered.

21. Stonewall Imperial Sovereign Hat

Best Hats in Sea Of Thieves

To start the list off, let’s go with something truly unique.

The Stonewall Imperial Sovereign Hat is a silver metal hat that looks like it came out of a war game rather than a pirate one.

Sadly, it’s just for show, as I think most bullets in this game would just bounce off if.

This can look decent with the right outfit too – but it can also look like you got invited to a fancy dress party and got the dress code wrong.

20. Ruffian Sea Dog Hat

What if you want to wear something on your head, but don’t want to wear a hat?

Well, I’d call you fussy, but the General Clothing Shop has you covered.

And this Ruffian Sea Dog Hat is more of a bandanna than a hat – and that does come with some advantages.

It doesn’t stand out, making it a solid choice for tucking.

And if you’re upset at losing a voyage’s worth of treasure then it doubles as a pretty good handkerchief!

Great head-wear for any bilge rat.

19. Grimy Bilge Rat Hat

If you’re just after a no-fuss pirate hat, you can’t do much better than the Grimy Bilge Rat Hat.

As long as you’re willing to overlook the blue trim, this is as close to a traditional pirate hat as you can get. And it comes complete with crude stitching across the front.

This thing looks like it’s been through the wars – and you might catch something just wearing it.

But it looks the part and is available to all – for 61,200 Gold…

That’s expensive for a tatty hat!

18. Regal Sovereign Hat

I can’t be the only one who thought Puss in Boots had a cool hat!

If you’re the same way and want to cosplay as one of the coolest cats around, then this hat is a pretty close match.

The Regal Sovereign Hat is available in the General Clothing Shop for 61,200 Gold and comes complete with a full rim, a smart gold decal, and a long trailing yellow feather.

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A perfect match for any swashbuckler and cat owner alike.

17. Azure Ocean Crawler Hat

I can’t be the only one who thought Puss in Boots had a cool hat!

If you’re the same way and want to cosplay as one of the coolest cats around, then this hat is a pretty close match.

The Regal Sovereign Hat is available in the General Clothing Shop for 61,200 Gold, and comes complete with a full rim, a smart gold decal, and a long trailing yellow feather.

A perfect match for any swashbuckler and cat owner alike.

16. Hat of the Silent Barnacle

Wreck diving is more dangerous than ever now that the seas are patrolled by angry sirens, as well as hungry sharks…

The Hat of the Silent Barnacle proves your mastery of underwater combat in Sea of Thieves, as you’ll need to deliver 300 shipwrecked chests (most commonly found on shipwrecks) to unlock it.

That’s a lot of chests.

So it’s cheeky you’ll have to pay almost 100,000 Gold for the hat as well.

But hey, maybe it’ll scare the sirens away.

15. Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Hat

This hat makes the list because it’s simple, stylish, and not falling to bits like so many of the hats in this game.

The Crimson Corsair Sea Dog Hat is a smart traditional Tricorne with a subtle green trim and red feather. And it’ll look right at home on any captain’s head!

You’ll also fit in on the seas with this donned, but we all know how important the feather on the hat is.

And you can tell they definitely plucked that feather from a very small bird.

14. Distinguished Admiral Hat

As the name suggests, this one is for a captain who is sure of himself.

The Distinguished Admiral hat looks… well, impressive.

It’s neat and clean, and the details and trims are nice.

Honestly, this would probably look better on the head of a captain in the Imperial fleet than on the head of a pirate.

You’ll look like you can easily take over a ship, but since anyone can buy this hat, don’t be surprised if someone challenges you to do it.

13. Cultured Aristocrat Hat

If you’re the sort that would rather lounge in the captain’s quarters giving orders rather than get your hands dirty on deck, I’ve got just the hat for you.

The Cultured Aristocrat Hat is a lavish gold and white design that looks like it’s never seen a day of use.

More experienced pirates will know that it might just mean you’re more of a strategist – because to unlock this for purchase you have to shoot another crew with a Peaceball while sailing under the Reaper’s Bones Emissary.

Who says you have to kill to win a fight?

12. Rising Morningstar Battlehat

The only reason this hat isn’t higher up the list is because at the time of writing, it’s impossible to obtain.

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But the Rising Morningstar Battlehat is a beautiful hat, complete with a dull red trim and a striking tuft of white fur (I wonder what they wrestled to get that!)

This was a Twitch Drop in 2020, and since then there has been no way to get it.

Maybe one day it will end up in the General Clothing Shop. But until then, you’ll have to make do with the other hats on this list.

11. Forsaken Ashes Hat

One of the best things about Sea of Thieves is if you’re willing to put the work in, there are tons of awesome cosmetics you can unlock.

This is a perfect example.

The Forsaken Ashes Hat is a brilliant black pirate hat with fiery glowing details. And this is fitting because you’ll need the Master Devil’s Voyager title to unlock it.

This title is reserved for those brave enough to do a ton of work in the Devil’s Roar, so I hope you’re not afraid of Volcanic eruptions, boiling water, geysers, and falling fiery rocks of death… Good luck!

10. Silver Blade Hat

Silver Blade cosmetics look incredible – and the hat is no exception.

The Silver Blade Hat is smart and classy with its unique white, silver, and jade color scheme.

It’s almost a shame that most Pirates will never see it.

Why? Well, this hat is a reward for playing on the Insider build of the game, which is a test server that you can sign up for on the official Sea of Thieves website.

And to get this hat you’ll need to play for at least an hour a week for 90 weeks! That’s right.

You need to play for the better part of 2 years to unlock it.

A rare reward for the most dedicated pirates in the community.

09. Majestic Sovereign Hat

Don’t think you need to spend hundreds of hours playing before you can wear your very own smart feathered hat.

The Majestic Sovereign Hat is available from day one for only 6800 Gold!

For a tidy hat complete with a smart belt and a big plume of white feathers, that price is a steal.

The hat itself looks like it’s seen plenty of use – and may have been blown up a few times.

But this is among the best hats you can buy after your first few voyages.

08. Triumphant Sea Dog Hat

Here we have one of the most striking and beautiful pieces in the game – and just look at that feather!

Don’t get too attached to it though, since if you want one you’ll be going through hell (well, Arena mode) to unlock it.

Even if you’re good at PVP you should really think twice before engaging anyone wearing this hat.

To unlock the Triumphant Sea Dog Hat you need 100 wins in Arena mode, and you also need to be wearing at least 5 pieces of Glorious Sea Dog clothing when you do it.

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This is an insane unlock requirement.

But if you manage it, you’ll be rewarded with one of the rarest cosmetics in the game.

07. Dark Adventurers Hat

This hat makes you look like you don’t even command a ship anymore – you command an entire fleet.

The Dark Adventurers Hat is a stunning black hat with a tidy trim, the trademark red skull, and a ridiculously large plume of feathers to boot!

To unlock this hat for purchase you’ll need to be a Pirate Legend, and you’ll probably need to commandeer a fleet to make the 2,750,000 Gold to buy it!

Like the rest of the set, the Dark Adventurers Hat is a great long-term chase item to aim for.

And as long as you put the time in for this piece, you’ll be rewarded with one of the coolest hats to grace the Sea of Thieves.

06. Bell Brigade Hat

The Bell Brigade Hat is a Hat cosmetic variant from the Bell Brigade Set.

The Bell Brigade Hat can be obtained by the following methods:

  • Previously earned as a reward during Season Five by reaching Renown Level 22.

“This enormous headwear isn’t just for show – you can store your grog inside it, too.”

05. Belle’s Hat

The Belle’s Hat is a Hat cosmetic variant from the Standalone Cosmetics Set.

The Belle’s Hat can be obtained by the following methods:

  • Earned as a reward during Season Six by reaching Renown Level 45.
    • Requires the Pirate Legend title.

“Belle’s arrival on the Sea of Thieves caused such a stir, it was only a matter of time until her style caught on.”

04. Bone Crusher Hat

The Bone Crusher Hat is a Hat cosmetic variant from the Bone Crusher Set.

The Bone Crusher Hat can be obtained by the following methods:

  • Acquired during Skeleton Thrones (Content Update) as a time-limited purchase from Duke for 20.

“You found the skeleton thrones, now you wear the skeleton bones.”

03. Ferryman Hat

The Ferryman Hat is a Hat cosmetic variant from the Ferryman Set.

The Ferryman Hat can be obtained by the following methods:

  • An exclusive code that came with the Limited-Edition Xbox Controller.

“Lesser hats sometimes slip down over eyes and cause Ferry visits, but this hat fits very tightly.”

02. Golden Banana Hat

The Golden Banana Hat is a Hat cosmetic variant of the Golden Banana Set.

The Golden Banana Hat can be obtained by the following methods:

  • To have won the Quest for the Golden Bananas, a promotional contest held by Rare & Microsoft during the week of Sea of Thieves’ release.

“Bear the Golden Banana badge with pride, riddle-solver!”

01. Sailor Hat

The Sailor Hat is a Hat cosmetic variant from the Sailor Set.

The Sailor Hat can be obtained by the following methods:

  • Provided for free to all players by default.

“When having a real hat is a bit too much trouble, you can always rely on this.”