12 Best Stormcloak Armor Skyrim Mods

Since you start the game on your way to your unfair execution by the Imperial army along with Ulfric Stormcloak, it’s easy to see why you’d side with the Nord rebels.

Sure, shouting “Skyrim belongs to the Nords” isn’t very inclusive. But they are trying to get rid of an empire here! They won’t get anywhere by being sneaky.

Some people think that the Stormcloak Dragonborn is pretty much a fact because a powerful fighter with the soul of a dragon wouldn’t be a lapdog and side with the imperials.

If you are fighting side by side with the Stormcloaks, you and your fellow soldiers will need armor fit for a fierce, patriotic fighter.

12. Stormcloaks with Sleeves

Stormcloak Armor

This mod serves as a replacement for the Stormcloak cuirass in the game. It also replaces the appearance of city guards, as described in the mod’s details.

It’s important to note that this mod simplifies the process for players who want to use it, but it was not created by Bethesda.

Instead, it is a user-made modification that provides a straightforward way for players to change the Stormcloak cuirass and the appearance of city guards in the game.

11. Stormcloak Explorer Armor

This mod offers a new set of armor and a unique mount for players to acquire in the game. It also includes a quest that players can embark on to obtain these items.

By completing the quest, players will be rewarded with the new armor set and a special mount, adding a fresh and exciting element to their gameplay experience.

10. Improved Stormcloak and Imperial Uniforms

This mod introduces 8 unique armor pieces as standalone additions to the game.

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Additionally, it revamps 10 existing armor sets worn by various non-player characters (NPCs) in the game, specifically those belonging to the Imperial and Stormcloak factions.

These revamped sets are then assigned to the respective NPCs based on their combat class, such as Mage, Archer, Soldier, or Commander.

Moreover, this mod replaces the default Imperial and Stormcloak uniforms with the new armor sets, providing a fresh and immersive experience.

9. Stormcloak Armor Revival – HD and 4K textures

This mod enhances the appearance of the Stormcloak Soldiers’ uniforms in a video game.

The textures have been meticulously recreated from scratch and are available in high resolutions: 4K, 2K, and 1K.

These improved textures bring greater detail and visual fidelity to the Stormcloak Soldiers’ outfits, enhancing your gaming experience.

8. Sleeved Guards & Stormcloaks

Something that always struck me as weird in Skyrim is how little effort the Stormcloaks (and every hold’s city guard) make to protect themselves from the cold.

I get most of them are Nords and have dealt with the cold all their lives, but these people are showing off their biceps and legs all along Skyrim’s mountainous northern regions.

There’s basically a 24/7 snowstorm in the area!

I think even vampires would find it a little chilly.

Sleeved Guards & Stormcloaks by 4KillMaster helps my sweet summer mind rest easy by putting thick, protective sleeves on all of their armor. It also adds some warm-looking fur gloves and boots to the ensemble.

7. Extended Stormcloak Armor Variety

Something else you might have found un-immersive about vanilla Stormcloaks is how every one of them dresses the same.

Maybe the Empire has a well-oiled production line making carbon copies of their armor sets, but the Stormcloaks are almost a guerrilla.

Where did they get enough uniforms for everyone?

This mod by Lifestorock changes things up by introducing different versions of the Stormcloak armor for Ulfric’s followers to wear.

By playing around with materials and adding stuff like sleeves and pauldrons to the cuirass, this mod creates hundreds of combinations, making the Stormcloaks look rougher and improvised while honoring their individuality.

6. Simply Realistic Guards & Stormcloaks

Stormcloak armor definitely looks cool, but it’s not necessarily realistic.

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Creator QuestionableKhajiit offers us an attempt at making both Stormcloaks and hold guards look more like real medieval warriors with this collection of tweaks to their armor.

These new cuirasses are more straightforward and similar to what a medieval knight or foot soldier might have worn.

This makes everyone look a lot less ragtag, and projects the disciplined image the populace expects from their protectors.

5. Guards Armor Replacer

Guards Armor Replacer by NordwarUA is the best visual overhaul for guards ever made for Skyrim – and luckily for the anti-imperialists among you, it includes Stormcloaks.

Like in the previous mod, none of these armor sets look haphazardly cobbled together from whatever was lying around.

It protects everyone from the cold much better, and gives them a more traditional medieval look.

Stormcloak soldiers look a lot more capable of taking on the imperial army now, that’s for sure.

In addition, you get new lore-friendly armor sets for every hold’s guard force to set them apart from each other through colors, design, and materials.

4. Stormcloak Battle Armor Replacer

You don’t need to fundamentally change the spirit of Stormcloak armor to make these fierce Nords look more menacing & capable of liberating Skyrim from imperial oppression.

The Stormcloak Battle Armor Replacer by Jayr848 gives Skyrim’s revolutionaries a badass Nord look with bearskins, pointy horns, and heavy metal pauldrons.

They even get pants, so you won’t get a free show next time you walk by a soldier manspreading at a tavern.

You can still clearly see the original Stormcloak style underneath all the badassery, so it feels like an organic improvement on the regular guard armor the Stormcloaks would have worn before detaching from Windhelm’s stationed forces.

3. Stormcloak Armor Replacement – Nordic Carved

The Nordic Carved armor introduced in the Dragonborn DLC is one of the most aesthetically appealing sets in the game.

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Regrettably, you barely get to see it.

This presents us with a golden opportunity though. Since it’s not any other faction’s armor, it’s up for grabs – and the Stormcloaks have the best claim due to their Nord heritage.

This mod by James Cole distributes shiny new Nordic Carved armor among Stormcloak recruits and officers alike.

With the Nordic Carved set, Stormcloak squads actually look menacing. Those imperial bastards will think Sovngarde has opened its gates to teach them a lesson.

2. Stormcloak Champion

By the time most players start paying attention to the civil war, they’re already known across the province as a Dragonborn warrior of incredible skill.

Fighting alongside your Stormcloak brothers and sisters in your own totally different armor can make you feel left out, but wearing regular foot soldier garb isn’t worthy of a prophesied hero.

The Stormcloak Champion mod by AlanovichRomanov offers a unique set meant for high-ranking Sons of Skyrim like yourself.

It’s based on the Nordic Carved armor, but has lighter colors and a different helmet that’ll set you apart from the average farmhand-turned-soldier.

You’ll also find custom weapons like an axe, maces, and swords to match the new armor.

1. Stormlord Armor

People say that armed knights were like tanks on the battlefield in the Middle Ages.

And that’s how you’ll feel when you wear Christian Paskota’s Stormlord Armor.

This set of heavy Stormcloak armor was made just for Ulfric, and you can see him wearing it in-game.

He usually thought it was funny when someone copied his style. But since you’re the Dragonborn (and probably winning him battles in the war), he’ll happily make an exception.

Note: You can try the Lord of Bears recolor if you don’t want to look exactly like Ulfric.