10 Best Skyrim Fire Emblem Mods of All Time

Fire Emblem became popular because it had great stories, memorable personalities, and great game play.

When units died in battle, they died for good. This made every move matter and put us in some of the most do-or-die situations we’ve ever been in as gamers.

The civil war in Skyrim and the latest dragon attacks make it sound a lot like a Fire Emblem game.

The Dragonborn might be able to help save Tamriel with the help of some of its famous heroes and weapons.

With these Fire Emblem mods for TESV: Skyrim, you can get ready for brave heroes and holy weapons.

10. Spells and Skills from Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia

Fire Emblem

This mod adds spells, combat arts, and class skills from the game Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia to Skyrim.

These are recreated as spells, lesser powers, and passive abilities, allowing players to use them in combat and role-playing situations.

The mod aims to bring some of the mechanics and flavor of the Fire Emblem game to Skyrim.

9. Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem

This mod adds a simple visual effect to the main menu of Skyrim by making the game’s emblem spin 360 degrees every 8 seconds.

The purpose of the mod is to draw attention to the curves and reflections of the emblem, and to provide a small aesthetic enhancement to the main menu screen.

8. Fire Emblem Hero Companions (LE)

Fire Emblem isn’t just about winning tactical battles against unfavorable odds. It’s also about the friends you meet along the way.

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You can start making your Skyrim a lot more like Fire Emblem by bringing some of these friendly faces to the province with Scorpiovaeden’s Fire Emblem Hero Companions mod.

Most characters (like Ike, Nephenee, and Elincia) are from the GCN masterpiece Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

But you’ll find a couple from other titles. These include Ayra from FE: Genealogy of the Holy War and Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening.

They are considered essential, can be married, and have unique combat styles based on their original games.

7. Pokerace – An Anime Race

I’m sure you’ve noticed that “anime” characters like those on Fire Emblem titles don’t translate too well to Skyrim’s realistic facial proportions.

The best way around this is using Pokerace by Maflock, which lets you create surprisingly beautiful anime faces with large eyes and cute, small noses.

They’re surprisingly well-animated and come with a ton of presets so you can build your ideal anime Dragonborn.

Regrettably, there’s still no mod to turn every NPC into an anime character, making this utterly immersion-breaking unless you’re using it for screenshots exclusively.

6. Durandal Dwarven Greatsword Retexture (LE)

Skyrim and the world of Fire Emblem are not too different.

One thing they have in common is the eternal conflict between dragons and humans.

In Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade for the GBA, we’re told of an ancient Dragon-Human war known as The Scourging, not unlike the battles fought by early Nords to free themselves from Dragon tyranny.

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Durandal is a legendary sword used by ancient hero Roland during The Scouring – and thanks to this mod by Red_Mage21, it’ll help your Dragonborn on their own quest against Alduin.

5. Fire Emblem Killer Weapons

In the Fire Emblem universe, “Killer” weapons like the famous Killing Edge or Killer Lance are renowned for their amazing critical hit chance.

It’s a gamble, really. You either 1-hit KO your opponent, or you barely scratch them. That’s life!

The Killer Weapons mod by Sysheen1234 introduces nine high-critical chance weapons from across the Fire Emblem franchise, including the Killing Edge, the Shamshir, and the Barbed Dagger.

These weapons are found all throughout Skyrim, and you can fuse copies of the same blade together to upgrade their critical chance from 25% to a whopping 35%.

4. Fire Emblem Light Brand and Runesword

Many weapons in Fire Emblem have returned throughout the series, becoming somewhat of a legend among fans.

The Light Brand and the Runesword are famous for their ability to function as both melee and magic weapons. This allows characters that usually fight in close range to deal damage from a distance.

You’ll find a similar effect on the Light Brand and Runesword included in this mod by Sysheen1234.

Keep an eye out for Daedric artifacts you can fuse with these weapons to create more powerful “dark” versions.

3. Falchion from Fire Emblem: Awakening (LE)

Few weapons are more well-known among Fire Emblem fans as the Falchion – a divine sword forged from a divine dragon’s fang.

After the hero Marth wielded it to end the War of Shadows in FE: Shadow Dragon, it was passed down his lineage until falling into Chrom’s hands in FE: Awakening.

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The design in this Falchion mod by Erjojunk resembles the one seen on FE: Awakening. It’s a very unique blade that citizens of Skyrim would take for some Daedric artifact.

Get it for a warrior of light.

2. TERA Armors Collection

As expected of a JRPG, Fire Emblem features colorful and refined armor that’s quite different from the average realistic and practical Skyrim equipment.

You can make your character and followers more like Fire Emblem heroes by replacing their outfits with something from the TERA Armors Collection by Asianboy345.

As a South Korean MMORPG for an Asian market, TERA Online features very stylized armor sets for men and women that’d look right at home in Fire Emblem – especially the latest releases.

Note: If you notice that all helmets are invisible, it’s not a bug. There are actually no helmets in TERA, but the mod features invisible equipment so you can get the armor rating.

1. Fire Emblem Weapons (LE)

I think the more, the better when it comes to modded content.

This mod by MarcosGam3z is a one-stop-shop for every Fire Emblem weapon you might want to get.

Its 27 detailed weapons come from all across the franchise, all with custom effects matching their FE counterparts.

Some of my favorites include:

  • Ragnell and Alondite from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  • Gradivus from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
  • And the Falchion/Exalted Falchion from Fire Emblem: Awakening

You’ll never run out of new weapons or FE playstyles to try.