If you like Elder Scrolls games, you probably like the way the Daedric look in the games.
The Daedra are important to a lot of what happens in the series, especially in Oblivion. Some Daedric artifacts and gear look even better than yours.
So, if you want to make your own Daedric armor, here are a few mods you should check out.
These well-made pieces of armor will make the Dragonborn look great.
- 13. Daedric Wrath
- 12. Daedric Dawnbreaker
- 11. Daedric Crossbow
- 10. Evil Incarnate Daedric Gear
- 9. Daedric Reborn
- 8. True Bound Daedric Armor
- 7. Daedric Stealth Suit Shadowcloak Armor
- 6. Stronger Daedric Artifacts
- 5. Daedric Lord Armor
- 4. Kynesguard & Daedra Hunter Gear
- 3. Daedric Mage Armor
- 2. Daedric Assassin Armor
- 1. Daedric Armor & Weapon Improvements
13. Daedric Wrath

The Daedric Wrath is a bow weapon mod for the game Skyrim that is part of the Scoped Bows mod.
It is designed for players who want a more immersive first-person archery experience without the use of a UI-crosshair.
Additionally, the mod is set up to receive Donation Points.
12. Daedric Dawnbreaker

This mod enhances the power of the Dawnbreaker sword in the game Skyrim by increasing its base and critical damage to Daedric levels and adding 60 points of sun damage to undead enemies.
The mod also includes a feature where Dawnbreaker now acts as a light source, eliminating the need for a torch.
Additionally, the latest version of the mod includes improved lighting effects and the ability to stagger undead enemies. This mod requires the Dawnguard DLC to work properly.
11. Daedric Crossbow

This mod adds a powerful daedric crossbow to Skyrim, which can be found in the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon. It requires Dawnguard to work properly.
The mod also includes optional features such as exploding bolts and an enhanced version of the crossbow.
The author has made various updates and improvements based on user feedback, such as fixing bugs and reworking the handguard.
10. Evil Incarnate Daedric Gear

The first mod on our list is a simple one that gives your character access to some great-looking Daedric armor.
When the developer worked on this armor retexture, they didn’t know anything about modding, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at it in-game.
Evil and Alternate Evil are the two types of armor.
They both look amazing, and that alone should stop Molag Bal in his tracks.
9. Daedric Reborn

Here’s yet another retexture armor set with a Daedric look.
It adds a high level of detail to this armor, without sacrificing the original intent.
Granbted the changes may be somewhat subtle with this mod, but it brings the kind of immersion that most Skyrim players are looking for.
8. True Bound Daedric Armor

True Bound Daedric Armor is an interesting piece of armor that fits in well with the story.
If the name didn’t already give it away, this mod adds Daedric-style bound armor.
The best thing about this mod is how well it was made.
Each of the conjuration spells has its own animations and properties.
I think this one looks great, and it’s clear that the developer put a lot of work into it. But now, even your conjuration mage can wear Daedric armor.
7. Daedric Stealth Suit Shadowcloak Armor

True Bound Daedric Armor is an interesting piece of armor that fits in well with the story.
If the name didn’t already give it away, this mod adds Daedric-style bound armor.
The best thing about this mod is how well it was made.
Each of the conjuration spells has its own animations and properties.
I think this one looks great, and it’s clear that the developer put a lot of work into it. But now, even your conjuration mage can wear Daedric armor.
6. Stronger Daedric Artifacts

If you ever thought that the Daedric artifacts, that were literally made by gods, were a little too weak… well then I’d say this is the mod for you.
This one aims to increase the abilities and power of most Daedric artifacts in the vanilla game.
Some of the items you might recognize are Dawnbreaker, Mehrunes’ Razor, Spellbreaker, and the Ring of Hircine. All worth tracking down to see what kind of new effects they’re rocking.
And maybe now the ultimate gear will feel a bit more “ultimate”.
5. Daedric Lord Armor

So this mod is actually a port of a popular Oblivion mod of the same name, just ported into Skyrim.
It adds some very unique armor that’s designed to make you look like a Daedric Lord, of course.
And there are some very obvious Daedric themes throughout this armor. It’s dark with blood red accents throughout the design – and the detail is immaculate.
It’s also more powerful than typical Daedric armor, so it’s worth tracking down.
4. Kynesguard & Daedra Hunter Gear

I’d say this mod is fairly unique for this category.
With this installed, you get a new quest that follows a knight as you collect his gear along the way.
The Daedric aspect of this mod is finding the hideout of a mysterious Daedra hunter. This hunter has some really exciting gear, mostly focused on stealth and archery.
3. Daedric Mage Armor

Along the same lines as the Daedric Lord armor, the Daedric Mage armor also looks incredible.
This adds a full set of dark armor with red accents across the design. But for mage builds.
And this mod is intended for high level characters, but it can work on almost any mage. Better still, there are different varieties of this armor that you can craft too.
There’s a lot of attention to detail here, and the armor is available to both genders as well.
Now your mage can look their Daedric-best with this installed.
2. Daedric Assassin Armor

We’ve talked about assassin gear from Skyrim’s base game, but this mod is for both assassins and stealth characters.
It’s a set of armor for both men and women that was made in the style of Daedric armor, especially for an assassin build. It can also be made and enchanted on its own.
Depending on your build, you can also use it as heavy or light armor. Very versatile.
This developer also made a mod for a Daedric dagger that you should check out.
It goes very well with this armor (along with most armor in this list).
1. Daedric Armor & Weapon Improvements

You might think that this is just another mod that changes the look of the Daedric armor.
And you would be right to some extent.
This retexture is different from other mods because it has so much detail.
The original Daedric armor isn’t as flashy or unique as you might expect. But this mod tries to fix things by making them more realistic while staying true to the story, and it does a great job.
I mean, this armor is so worn that you can see every scratch and cut.
Also, this adds some new Daedric sets, with things for both men and women.
Give this one a try and see what you think; it’s hard not to be impressed.