17 Best Sims 4 Wall Decor CC & Custom Paintings Mods

Creating and decorating your home is one of the most fun things to do in The Sims, along with playing a god who rules everything.

Do I need to build a wall here?

Does this rug match my couch?

Should I build stairs to get into the pool?

So many hard things to choose!

Even if it’s imaginary, Wall Decor is important in a home. And unless you want your house to look like an insane hospital, which isn’t to say you shouldn’t add some custom decor.

Here are some of the best CC user-made wall decorations we found so you can decorate like a Sim!

17. Pumpkin Patch Paintings

Wall Decor

For those who want to add a little more excitement to their home decor, why not try adding some spooky paintings to your walls?

You can find 13 different paintings in this set, all of which are designed to give your home that extra bit of fright.

Each painting features a different spooky scene, from ghosts and pumpkins to witches and crows.

You don’t want to have empty walls in your Sim’s house on Halloween now, do you?

Click here to grab this set.

16. Art Decorative Watercolor Set

What is an artist without professional brushes and certified acrylic paint? This CC is so detailed that you’ll get to choose whether you want to have your brushes displayed in cans, on a wet cloth, or in the water jar.

On top of that, every color tube is available as a single tube, in an open box or a closed box to make things even more realistic. Get the set on this page for free!

15. Kids Camping Wall Art

Kids need visual stimulation in their formative years.

Before their eyes get the real-world treatment, it’s essential to show them colorful images of happy things. After all, in The Sims they only get a maximum of 23 days of childhood!

Amp up your child’s room with more cuteness with the Kids Camping paintings by SIMcredible.

This framed image CC set has 20 variations with designs including affirmations, cutesy art, and animals blowing some gum.

We leave it to you how to explain to the kid that animals haven’t mastered the art of bubble blowing.

14. Rock Posters

If you’ve ever gone through a rebellious phase, you know that it often comes with a new love of rock music.

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You listened to rock music when you were a teenager and felt like no one could understand you.

The more unhappy you are, the better!

It also made you look cooler than your friends who liked pop music.

If you’ve never grown out of your rock phase or just want to remember it, put these Rock Posters by L’Anti in the room or studio of your rock star Sim.

The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, and Pink Floyd, to name a few, are among the rock stars who are on them.

13. Wall Clutter Conversions

With a few instances, it’s not fun to be naked.

We’re going to talk about walls.

A blank wall is as boring as talking to your Significant other about the weather. Well, if you don’t like pictures or wall art that much, maybe you could add a little bit of clutter?

This Wall Clutter Conversions CC by Mio-Sims, which was made by BillyJean, has all the little things you might look at and think, “Hmm, let’s hang that.”

It has 14 meshes, such as a camera, headphones, Polaroids, and a lot more.

They can all be moved, just like the colors.

12. Decal Posters

Oh, Pinterest. It’s a place where even people who aren’t good at design can find ideas and make a nice atmosphere with just a few searches.

Minimalist lettering and art seem to be on the rise again.

If your walls are white, these Decal Posters by Pralinesims are a great match. The CC set has 36 designs. All of them are very simple, and some prints only have a little bit of color.

The sizes range from small to big, so they can fit in any room.

11. Great Art Series, Vol. 1

Are you an art enthusiast?

Do you have leather-bound books and an apartment that smells of rich mahogany?

If you’re rich, bored, and only want the finer things in life, well look no further – we’re bringing you FemmeOnAMission’s Great Art Series, Vol. 1.

This set includes reproductions of some of the world’s most famous art, but with a twist. Instead of the actual art just converted for the game, they’re remade with actual Sims while staying faithful to the original.

Yes, Mona Lisa still has no eyebrows here!

These will cost you a pretty penny, though. Each artwork in this set ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 Simoleons!

10. 90s Wall Posters

As a child of the 90s, remembering that time really makes me feel nice and fuzzy.

I’m so glad that it’s making a comeback!

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Do you also like the wild ’90s? Talia made these 90s Wall Posters, and you don’t have to be a member of Gen Y to love them.

Reminisce with these pictures of 90s icons like The Simpsons, Daria, Tupac, and even the Windows 95 logo (I bet you can still hear the starting music in your head!)

9. Chalkboards – Bar Edition

You walk into mine out of all the gin places in all the towns in all the world.

I’m joking, I don’t have a bar. It might look like that because I put these Bar Edition Chalkboards by Nadilein all over my Sim’s house.

The set has 24 designs drawn on chalkboard that look like classic mixed drinks like the Bloody Mary, Sangria, and a standard Margarita.

You might even learn one or two recipes from these. Put this up in your Sim’s man cave, drinking room, or home mini-bar for a relaxed, speakeasy feel.

8. Crescent Moon Wall Light

Has anyone given you a promise of the moon?

Did they come through? …Oof.

Get your own moon because you’re a strong, independent Sim who doesn’t need anyone. The Crescent Moon Wall Light from Sympxls will light up even your darkest nights in a way that has never been done before. This is a change from TS3 to TS4 that costs only 1 Simoleon!

You can also say that you love someone to the moon and back with this light. We’ll appreciate it.

7. Vintage Travel Posters Series

PixelateLlama’s Vintage Travel Poster Series lets you remember all your trips, even if they were just in The Sims 4.

With the Europe pack, you can look at the waterways of Venice, the CN Tower in Toronto with the Canada pack, or even just Atlanta’s famous peach.

All of these are different colors of the “No. 46 Landscape” picture, and if you ask us, we’d take these any day.

6. Ultraviolet Wave

Are you a fan of anime who says so?

We won’t ask who your favorite waifu is, but we’re sure she’s very pretty.

The Ultraviolet Wave cartoon art by Pixelfro reminds us more of Blade Runner.

It has nine pieces of anime art from the 1980s. You can hang them in your Sim’s room, in your man cave, or – if you live the anime life – just about anywhere.

5. Marquee Letters A-Z

Putting up sign letters on your walls is a creative way to light up a room.

They make a big statement, literally, because you can write anything you want with them.

Use these Marquee Letters A-Z from Sanoy Sims to make anything but “HOME” (please!).

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This CC not only has each letter of the alphabet as a separate thing, but it also has an ampersand and an exclamation point for more passionate quotes.

So don’t be shy, go ahead and spell anything you want. We promise that the cops won’t come.

4. Neon Signs Set #4

When I see neon bar lights, I think of going out with friends and having great conversations and even better drinks.

If you miss being in a bar so much, the Neon Signs Set CC by Novvvas will help you feel like you’re back there.

There’s no promise that people will talk and drink well. But these lights will always take you back to the good times.

But this pack is only for older Sims. It has ten lines and designs that will probably make your mother clutch her pearls.

3. Space Travel Advertisements

If we keep going the way we are, is space still the last frontier?

The chance of going to space seems to be getting more likely by the minute. And with everything going on on Earth, please book us a ticket!

Even if you just got out of Sixam, you’ll love these ads for Space Travel by Little Cakes.

You get seven Simlish prints that tell you to go see the amazing size of space. Not that you need to be told more!

2. Polaroid Photos

Polaroids used to be old things that everyone thought were magic.

Today, everyone is shaking it like their Polaroid pictures, as someone once sang.

There’s something fun about getting your pictures developed in seconds.

They’re also a cool way to add some old styles to a black wall. And you can do the job with these Polaroid photos by Ruby Red Sims.

These polaroids are real pictures of ordinary things that were taken in a tasteful way. Some of the pieces have tape on them to make them look more casual. You can pick from 20 pictures.

1. Terror Tales

Do you feel scary, weird, and strange all year long?

Some people like scary things all year round, not just on Halloween.

I’m a scaredy-cat, so I don’t know how that would work, but you do you, boo?

If you like scary movies, you might be interested in these posters and book covers from PixelFolk. They are called “Terror Tales: Spooky Simlish.”

There are 8 classic horror movie pictures and 8 pulp horror book covers for you to choose from. Or why not just hang everyone?

They are also written in 100% Simlish, so your Sim will say “Oo krem letich!”