18 Best User Interface Mods To Customize Skyrim

Still, I think Oblivion’s interface was better than Skyrim’s. And that’s why I’m always looking for UI mods to make TES V better for me.

I know that a lot of you have the same problems I do, so I’ve put together a list of my favorite user interface mods for Skyrim that will make your game even better.

If you want your Skyrim game to look better and play more smoothly, you should check out these free mods.

Besides the obvious ones, most of them should be able to work together (ie. mods that do the same thing).

Install as many as you want and then compare how you play them. You’re sure to find something you like if you look around enough.

18. Easy Wheelmenu

Best User Interface Mods

Many fantasy adventure games offer a console-style wheel menu that can be activated on the fly in order to access armor, weapons, or items.

Easy Wheelmenu is a similar style interface that can be activated using up to 16 hotkeys, each representing a different wheel menu with different criteria.

Alternatively, gamers can opt for just one wheel menu with the basic trimmings. It’s compatible with a number of other mods like Campfire, Frostfall, Convenient Horses, and iNeed, to name a few.

Though some gamers may not have need of it, having a wheel menu interface can come in handy, especially when it comes to spells or actions.

17. Clean Menu

This mod is a multi-fix option for those who want to get into the game quicker and not have to deal with such a bloated main menu. 

Clean Menu disables the opening intro videos of the game and gets straight to the main menu interface, which is a welcome plus right from the start.

Next, it gets rid of a bunch of superfluous content from the main menu, including Creation Club news, rising smoke, and a bunch of unnecessary buttons that most gamers won’t ever use.

It’s a minimalist solution to an annoying set of gripes that many gamers never thought twice about fixing.

16. Smooth Interface (60fps)

Skyrim has a real problem with framerates, as many gamers can attest to. Pushing the game over 60fps can cause the physics engine to go absolutely berserk, resulting in some rather hilarious glitches and side effects.

However, even if the game is locked to 60fps, the main menu interface is another matter.

For some reason, the menu appears to run at 30fps or lower, causing the mouse cursor to appear sluggish and heavy. 

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Smooth Interface (60fps) bumps up the framerate of the menu system, allowing players to navigate the menus with silky smooth precision.

15. Quick Loot

If you’ve ever played Fallout 4 then you know exactly what this mod does.

It basically incorporates the quick loot system to Skyrim, which means you can simply open up a small window beside the body (or container) that you’re clicking and it’ll show you your looting options.

You can choose to take all or simply click on each individual item – it’s up to you.

The only thing that’s certain is that those tedious large pop-ups won’t be an issue anymore if you install this sucker.

14. Atlas Map Markers

Now this mod doesn’t allow you to place your own map markers, but it does add over 700 new map markers to all of the Skyrim maps (including all of the DLC maps).

These markers make almost every single location in the game have a marker, which makes exploring the various regions handier than ever.

Quick traveling will no longer be an issue if you’re a savvy explorer.

13. Customizable Camera

I’m not too keen on just having a couple of camera options to use.

I mean, why wouldn’t I be able to set whichever camera settings make me feel more comfortable? I hate that man!

The Customizable Camera mod is the end to my woes, though.

It incorporates a customizable camera menu to the game, which will let you choose some really specific settings.

Set your vertical and horizontal alignment however you want, and choose which side you’d rather have the camera on. No requirement to keep it directly behind your back anymore!

12. Extended UI

Extended UI is actually an add-on to the SkyUI mod which you’ll find a bit further on my list.

It aims to further improve the UI to make the game’s menus easier to browse while also enhancing the player experience.

You’ll notice how the Extended UI adds the level, experience, and stamina bars to the skill screen, among many other cool little features.

I really suggest you get this mod with the Sky UI already installed. It just adds to the fun.

11. UIExtensions

I have to admit that this mod was originally meant to be used by modders.

But if you like to customize certain aspects of your game, the UIExtensions mod can prove to be quite useful for typical players too.

The mod allows you to select certain options that would otherwise only be possible via debug menus, like re-entering the character edit screen, or browsing the abilities of NPCs.

As I said, these things would mainly be useful for modders(obviously) but they are always cool to have in your game if you don’t mind being a bit of a cheater.

10. moreHUD

The MoreHud mod allows you to study objects on the ground before picking them up.

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I mean, I know that this isn’t too useful on most occasions.

But it will allow you to decide whether to pick up an object or not without having to drop it.

That, alone makes this mod worth it.

Simply point to any object within your FOV and it’ll show a display full of information about it.

I’d advise you to combine this with the Quick Loot plugin, as they work perfectly put together. Gone are the days of opening any menus while looting. Hurrah!

9. Categorized Favorites Menu

The MoreHud mod allows you to study objects on the ground before picking them up.

I mean, I know that this isn’t too useful on most occasions.

But it will allow you to decide whether to pick up an object or not without having to drop it.

That, alone makes this mod worth it.

Simply point to any object within your FOV and it’ll show a display full of information about it.

I’d advise you to combine this with the Quick Loot plugin, as they work perfectly put together. Gone are the days of opening any menus while looting. Hurrah!

8. Unread Books Glow

As the name suggests this basically makes every book that you haven’t read “glow” (until you read it).

This is useful for skill books so you won’t open them again and unnecessarily waste time.

It’s also useful for those of you timewasters who like to read most of the books in the game, as it will show at a glance which ones you’ve already perused.

It doesn’t matter where the books are placed – they will glow as long as you have them in your field of view. A neat add-on although not totally required, but still handy nonetheless.

7. Better Message Controls

If you’re playing Skyrim on PC then you know the eternal struggle of having to click every single damn dialogue box that pops up.

This mod will save you trouble by allowing you to scroll through options with your arrow keys and using the ‘E’ key to select an option.

A small change, but a very welcome one.

6. Better Dialogue Controls

Selecting a dialogue has always been as much of a pain in the ass as it is to pick an option when messaging.

In fact, I’d go as far as to say that dialogues are far more annoying because your mouse sometimes hovers an option that isn’t really selected.

This mod fixes the issue completely. Give it a try and see what you think.

5. A Matter of Time

A Matter of Time is a mod that fully enhances the way you perceive time in Skyrim.

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You’ll have the option to open up special tools that tell you the time of the day, as well as the position of constellations and stars.

But you’ll also get a cool solar clock to go alongside it!

As if that wasn’t enough, this mod allows the game to display the time of day too, as well as the current date, on the upper left corner of the screen.

Never lose track of time again or bother opening up the “Waiting” menu to see which day it is.

4. Immersive HUD

A Matter of Time is a mod that fully enhances the way you perceive time in Skyrim.

You’ll have the option to open up special tools that tell you the time of the day, as well as the position of constellations and stars.

But you’ll also get a cool solar clock to go alongside it!

As if that wasn’t enough, this mod allows the game to display the time of day too, as well as the current date, on the upper left corner of the screen.

Never lose track of time again or bother opening up the “Waiting” menu to see which day it is.

3. RaceMenu

Warpaints and paints of all sorts now come included in the character creation menu after you’ve installed this freebie.

You’ll have the option to properly customize your character like never before, as this also includes a whole bunch of presets as well as many more sliders to fine-tune your character.

This mod allows you to create beautiful characters as well as the most demonic creatures that you can imagine, much like the character creator in The Sims. Only, Skyrim style.

2. A Quality World Map And Solstheim Map

This is the best mod you can find that changes the map of the game.

The game’s creator made sure to draw all of the roads by hand, so when you open the map, you’ll have a much better idea of where you are.

The map is also much more clear. So those annoying clouds won’t bother you anymore.

1. SkyUI

SkyUI is a complete overhaul of the game’s user interface, allowing you to access more options than ever.

Basically, you get to see everything displayed in the clearest way possible from the get-go.

Virtually everything gets improved in the SkyUI, ranging from the item selection menus to the quick selection menus and even some parts of the game map.

It’s fully compatible with most of the other mods on this list, too, so definitely check it out if you’re looking for a one-stop shop to radically enhance Skyrim’s GUI.