Druid 5e D&D Guide

Do you want to know how to play as a Druid to play in Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e)? 

Druids are nature-loving spell-casters and staff-wielding protectors of the planet of D&D. They harness ancient natural forces to help them with their power and magic, and can transform into a variety of creatures.

If you’re looking to learn the in-depth mechanics behind Druid abilities and spells and spells, this Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook includes all the details. 

In this guide, we’ll provide all you should be aware of concerning Druids in 5e, and also answer the many questions you’ve got. We’ll go over:

What are Druids in 5e?

Your group is walking through a dark and dense forest. A tree snaps in the distance and then eyes flash all around you. 

Orcs have been wreaking havoc in the forest for ages and have now found you. A hooded man leaps into the action. 

With a loud crack, his staff shatters the skull of an orc. He is suddenly covered in orcs and you worry for the life of your friend. 

Then you hear the sound of a sound. He transforms into a massive bear and is now destroying the orcs who surround him. 

Once the battle is finished and he is back to his normal form. He accosts you and treats the wounds you sustained with a peculiar herbal blend.

It’s the Druid in your group. Druids from 5e are spell-casters warriors, healers, and warriors and all determined to safeguard the nature around them as well as the sacredness of their old order. 

As your Druid increases in stature, the build of your character will determine which aspect of the class is your strongest point. 

Certain Druids are focused on their fighting capabilities, making the most of their animal form, referred to as Wild Shape, to deal the most damage to their enemies. 

Others Druids utilize their magical spells that are usually tied to nature-based forces.

Druids belong to the ancient Druidic order, which is sometimes referred to as The Old Faith. 

They worship nature and animals instead of worshipping in churches or temples. 

Although Druids might meet for gatherings within the members of their Druid Circle, many Druids remain in a state of solitude by avoiding contact with humans when they can. 

Druids also have a firm conviction that the four elements of the universe such as earth, fire air, and water are in equilibrium and therefore they are particularly affected by the elements of evil.

How do you make Druid?

It’s helpful to determine the kind of Druid you’d like to portray when you create your character. 

Are they hermit that is only able to emerge from the mountain to use violence to defend their homeland? Are they a wolf-loving Elf who serves as an aide and healer to his group? 

Understanding the backstory of your Druid can help you make choices during your adventure about your preferred abilities, spells, or Druid Circle.

Druid statistics

The primary stat of a Druid is Wisdom. It is employed for spellcasting as well as, together with Intelligence and your saving toss. 

If you’d like to be a Druid within 5e, impressive wisdom is essential, as is having a good constitution and insight also can help.

Druid characteristics

  • Do you know how many hits can Druids receive?
    At the beginning of their Level, Druids get 8 hit points in addition to the Constitution modifier. From the 2nd level upwards they receive an additional 1d8 hitting points for each level.
  • What kind of armor can Druids wear?
    Druids are able to wear armor of light or medium strength and can also carry shields. Druids do not wear armor, however, or carry shields constructed of metal.
  • What weapons do Druids make use of?
    Druids of 5e can make use of daggers, clubs javelins and darts scimitars, quarterstaffs, maces sickles, slings and spears.
  • What tools do Druids employ?
    Druids can make use of a herbal kit that includes clippers as well as a mortar and pestle, vials and pouches. It also lets the Druid to prepare potions and remedies. What is the function of herbalism kits? Druids can take the Intelligence test to discover how to identify and formulate remedies using the herbs. If they’re proficient in herbalism, they may include a proficiency bonus on their test. The Druid must be skilled when they wish to create remedies or healing herbs.
  • What are the saving throws Druids adept at?
    Wisdom and Intelligence. Also when you Dungeon Master requests you to save a roll (such for instance, when trying to ward off an attack or poison) you could add the Wisdom or Intelligence modifier to the roll.
  • What are the skills Druids possess?
    When you design your own Druid with 5e you’ll be able to choose two of the following skills: Arcana, Animal Handling Insight, Medicine Perception, Nature and Religion. Survival is also an option. Consider the background and personality of your Druid when choosing the skills you want to use. For example, a sherman Druid who’s been living for many years on the land and is driven by only his faith and survival instincts may choose the two as the skills he has.
  • What is the equipment Druids begin with?
    All D&D Class in 5e has the basics of equipment. Druids are provided with an wooden shield or any weapon that is simple that is a scimitar, basic melee weapon, leather armor as well as an explorer’s pack and a druidic-focused focus.
  • Which languages can Druids have?
    All Druids use Druidic the secret language that anyone else are unable to read without the help of magic. Druids can also use this to write secret messages that other Druids can detect automatically.
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What are the special talents Druids possess?

Druids don’t have any particular abilities at the first level. As they progress they do gain certain powerful abilities.

Wild Shape

From the 2nd level upwards, Druids can transform into the animal they’ve previously seen. 

They can do this two times between long or short rests. Your Druid’s level determines what kind of animal you can transform into. 

At level 2 such as, for example, you could transform into an animal that has an average challenge rating of 1/4 and is not able to fly or swim like an animal called a wolf. 

In the 8th level you can transform into a beast that has a 1 challenge rating, and without restrictions, like an Eagle.

What do you make Wild Shape work in 5e?

The transformation into an animal is accompanied by certain rules. They include:

  • The dice you roll hit points, and the stats change to those of the animal that you transformed into. However, you retain you retain the Wisdom, Charisma, and Intelligence stats.
  • You are not able to speak and cast spells (until the 18th level, after which you are able to cast all in your Druid spells)
  • You are in animal form for a period of time equal to half your current level (rounded down) until you decide to change your mind or you become unconscious or have been reduced to zero hit points.
  • When you reach the 20th level, you are able to use at the 20th level, you can use your Wild Shape ability as many times as you want.

Improvement in score

In the fourth, eighth 12th 16th, 19th, and 4th levels, Druids have the option of choosing one ability score that increases by 2 or two scores, each of which can be increased by one.

Timeless Body

Starting at the 18th grade the body starts to age slowly. In every decade you go by, you will only be one year.

What are Druid Circles?

Druid Circles are an additional ability and subclass of Druids within 5e. All Druids belong to the druidic society which reveres either the Land or Moon. 

Druids from the same Circle will be able to recognize one another and regard one another as brothers and sisters. 

It is your Druid Circle that will give you specific abilities and spells at certain levels. As a Druid, you’ll select your Circle at the second level. 

It’s helpful to know the Circle you’ll choose when you design the Druid adventurer.

Circle of the Land

The Circle of the Land is an organization made up of Druids who are dedicated to safeguarding and preserving the old knowledge belonging to their sect. 

Druids who belong to The Circle of the Land will frequently gather in stone circles or forests and take part in ancient Druidic rituals. 

Druids who select to join the Circle of the Land gain many special abilities, and depending on the land they are introduced to (Mountain, Arctic, Desert, and so on. ) Also, they are granted specific spells.

What are the Circle of the Land abilities?

  • Bonus Cantrips: Druids get ‘cantrips’ at the 1st level. These are spells that are fundamental (see in the section on spells for more information). If you Druid selects to use the Circle of the Land at the second level, you will receive another cantrip that you can choose.
  • Natural Recover: Druids who are members of the Circle of the Land can take an brief time in the outdoors, meditating to replenish their spell slots. The total level of spell slots you gain cannot exceed half of the level of your character and they cannot be more than 6th level spell slots.
  • Land’s Stride: From at the level 6 circle that is part of the Land Druids don’t require any additional steps to travel across terrain or plants, and suffer no damage from plants that are not magical (e.g. thorns).
  • Nature’s Ward: From to the 10th degree you are invulnerable to disease and poisons and are not afraid or enticed by the fey.
  • The Nature’s Sanctuary: From to the level 14 the beast or creature that threatens you must make an Wisdom saving throw prior to making. If it does not succeed, it will attack an alternative victim instead.

What does The Circle of the Land spells?

The land your Druid is part of will be the land that they first became as a Druid in. Therefore, if you were raised in the mountains, and you were admitted to the Druidic order you’ll become part of the Circle of the Mountain. 

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Your chosen location grants you certain spells that are available at three levels: the 5th, 3rd 7th, or 9th levels. 

We’ll go over the different lands recommended in 5e and the spells that you’ll get if you select these lands. For more information on the Circle spells based on land, refer to the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook.

  • Arctic
    3rd stage: hold person, spike growth
    5th level: sleetstorm 5th level: sleet storm, slow
    7th level 7th level: freedom of movement snow storm
    9th level: connect with nature 9th level: commune with nature, cone of cold
  • Coast
    3rd Level: Mirror Image 3rd level: mirror image, misty step
    5th level 5th level: water breathing, water walk
    7.th Level: Control of of water and freedom of movement
    9th level 9th level
  • Desert
    3rd level: blur, silence
    5th level: produce water and food, as well as protection from energy
    7th Level: Blight hallucinatory terrain
    9th level: Insect plague, stone wall
  • Forest
    3rd level: barkskin spider climb
    5th level: call lightning, plant growth
    7th level 7th level movement
    9th level: connect with nature, stride of the tree
  • Grassland
    3rd Level: Invisibility 3rd level: invisibility, passing without trace
    5th level 5th level: daylight, haste
    7th level 7th level: divination Freedom of movement
    9th Level: Dream bug plague
  • Mountain
    3rd stage: spider climb, spike growth
    5th Level: lightning bolt melt into stone
    7th Level: Stone Shape stoneskin
    9th floor: passwall, wall of stone
  • Swamp
    3rd level: darkness Melf’s acid Arrow
    5th level 5th level cloud
    7th level Freedom of movement, to locate the creature
    9th level: insects plague and scrying
  • Underdark
    3rd stage: spider climb, web
    5th level: gaseous form stinking cloud
    7th level: more invisibility 7th level: greater invisibility, stone shape
    9th Level: Cloudkill, insect plague

What Circle of the Land is the best for 5e?

The most comprehensive Circle of the Land sect is the Arctic. Being it’s an Arctic Druid, you’ll get access to an extensive variety of Druid and non-Druid spells. 

If you’re hoping to have your Druid remain until 9th level or more the Arctic Druid is great. The fact that Grassland Druids can get the invisible ability at the 3rd degree is a great thing for low levels. 

If you’d like your Druid to excel when fighting, then playing the Mountain Druid will give them lightning bolt at 5th level, meaning you’ll be a powerful spellcaster fairly early.

Circle of the Moon

The Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook describes Circle of the Moon Druids as “fierce guardians of the wilderness”. 

Druids of their Circle of the Moon will join with other members of their sect in the light of the moon and be able to spend a lot of nights in the wilds. 

In comparison to, the Circle of the Land, the Circle of the Moon Druids is more connected to the natural world and animals and even avoided humanoid contact whenever they can.

What are Circle of the Moon abilities?

  • Combat Wild Shape: If you select Circle of the Moon, your Druid can adopt your Wild Shape as a bonus move, rather than an action. It is also possible to use the spell slot to gain hit points within the Wild Shape – 1d8 per level of the spent spell slot.
  • Circle forms: At Level 2 you can change into an animal, with one challenge rating (rather as than 1/4). At the 6th level you can transform into a creature that has an ability rating of equal to your level multiplied in three (rounded downwards).
  • The Primal Strike: From to the sixth level your actions that are in Wild Shape count as magical.
  • Elemental Wild Shape: From the 10th level, it is possible to utilize both of the Wild Shape applications to transform into an elemental like earth, fire, air or water.
  • Thousand Forms: Starting at the 14th level you are able to use the spell Self-change at your discretion.
  • What does “at will” mean in 5e? In 5e, “at will’ spells indicate that it is possible to cast these spells as often per day as you want.

Which are Druid spells of 5e?

Druids can access their spell lists in 5e and can use Wisdom for their spellcasting abilities. When creating spells, Druids can select a set number of spells equivalent to their level and the wisdom modifier. 

Then, you will have the option of a certain number of spell slots based on the level you are at. 1st level Druids get two levels 1 spell slots. 

The complete list and description of Druid spells is available inside the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook. If you’re still unsure of which are the top levels 1 Druid spells to use, here are our suggestions:

  • Treatment of injuries:A creature you are touching gains 1d8 along with an increase in your ability to spellcast (Wisdom modifier) worth of hit points.
  • The Charmer :You can charm a humanoid can be seen. If they make in their Wisdom saving-shrew, they’ll be able to consider you a friend.
  • Talk to pets:You can verbally speak to pets for 10 mins. Be aware that not all animals are friendly, helpful or even friendly!

What exactly is Druidic interest?

Druids may make use of the following items (or an alternative item depending on the Dungeon Master’s discretion) as a focus for spellcasting:

  • A sprig of holly or mistletoe
  • A wand constructed of yew, or some other special wood
  • A whole staff of an alive tree
  • any item that contains elements of sacred animals, like teeth, bones or feathers.
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What is a spellcasting focal point in 5e?

 If a spellcaster wants to create a spell that uses an elemental (M) component they will need either the items listed in the spell or a pouch with components or a focus for spellcasting. 

For instance, if the Druid spells animals’ friendship and wishes to cast the spell, they’ll need M – a small amount of food. 

The Druid could either choose to utilize a morsel from food or an alternative focus for spellcasting.

What is a cantrip?

Alongside the spells they’ll master as they advance in their level All Druids start having two cantrips. 

These spells are cast without preparation. Your Druid will be able to master more about them as she progresses in her level. The options you have to choose from include:

  • Druidcraft: you speak to nature and cause some of the outcomes:
    • You can create a small effect which can tell you what the weather is going to be in during the coming 24 hours.
    • It is possible to make flowers or leaves;
    • You can ignite or put out the flame of a torch, candle, or a small campfire.
  • GuidelineIf you contact a creature that is willing and for the following minute, they may increase 1d4 on a ability check.
  • RepairYou can fix one tear or break (no over 1” in size) on an object you are able to touch.
  • Posison Spray: It is possible to take aim at a creature nearby by inhaling poisonous gas. The creature has to pass an Constitution test, and in the event that they fail, suffer 1d12 damage from poison.
  • Create Flame: An ethereal flame is visible in your hands. It can be used to create light source or be thrown at enemies to cause 1d8 damage to the enemy.
  • Resist: You touch a willing creature, and during the next minute, they are able to increase 1d4 to a saving roll of their preference.
  • Shillelagh: The weapon you use with your wooden is infused with natural power and turns into a magical weapon. For a minute, you can use your spellcasting power instead of Strength to make your strikes and the damage dice of your weapon is changed to 1d8.
  • Thorn Whip: You create the whip at 30 feet, using it, you can create an attack that is a spell melee on an animal that is hit suffers 1d6 piercing damage. You can also make use of the whip to draw the creature closer to your.


What Druid Circle should I choose?

Circle of the Moon is the most straightforward option that can increase the power of your Druid more effectively in combat even at low levels. Circle of the Land offers greater spellcasting capabilities, however, it’s definitely a slower burning. It is true that at higher levels, Druids who select Circle of the Land will outshine Moon Druids. You can also look at some of the other Druid circles that are released as part of the D&D expansion, Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.

What are the top ways to get cantrips on Druids from 5th edition?

Although all cantrips are useful when choosing the first two trips, you should think about the function your Druid will be playing at your party. If you’d like your Druid to take part in the battle and lead the group, shillelagh and create flame are excellent cantrips. If you think of your Druid serving as a backup character during combat the group will usually be grateful for your guidance and Druidcraft.

What are the most popular races to race Druids?

Druids rely on Wisdom over everything else. Wood Elves make great Druids due to their Wisdom advantage. However, you’ll miss the opportunity to experience Wood Elves’ proficiency in bows and swords. One of the most effective races to be a Druid is the Firbolg that first appeared on Volo’s Handbook to Monsters. If you are a Firbolg you increase your Wisdom by 2. Furthermore, these half-giants with wood-dwelling perfectly fit into the Druidic connection to nature.

What is the best background to select for the background of a Druid with 5e?

This is The Folk Hero, the Hermit The Sage along with outlander. Outlander All of them are backgrounds of 5e that work well with Druids.

What do Druids believe in gods?

A lot of Druids believe in at least one god of nature. A lot of people consider Druidic beliefs as being more old-fashioned than the religions of Clerics and city dwellers, and even consider Druidic religious beliefs as being the “Old Faith”. Your Druid might worship a god associated with the place you select for the Circle of the Land or when you select for the Circle of the Moon, you could worship a moon goddess such as Selune and an idol associated with the animal you typically change into. Some Druids worship nature in general.

Final Words

Druids are enjoyable characters to play and have many possibilities to create a unique and memorable character. 

If you choose to become a Druid it isn’t going to be the most formidable combatant or the most powerful spell caster. 

However, you’ll have the ability to master a variety of abilities that can be useful at the time you least expect it! 

If you’re adamant about playing as a Druid and you’re a DM should purchase an edition of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, in which you’ll find an array of brand new Druid Spells, Circles, and other spells.