Firbolg 5e D&D Guide

Many D&D players love the calm and protective Firbolg class. This guide will show you how to play Firbolg Dungeons & dragons 5th Edition (D&D5e).

Firbolgs, gentle giants of the forest are well-known for their calm nature. However, this doesn’t make them weak adversaries.

Firbolgs are over 7ft tall and can easily kill their enemies. This race is loved by many players for its balance of slaughtering and sweetness.

Firbolgs were not always playable races. Firbolgs first appeared in D&D in 1983 as a type of giant, one of the most intelligent races.

Firbolgs are a playable race that has been around since D&D 3e’s Monster Manual I (2002). However, their popularity has grown over the years.

Taliesen Jaffe, a Firbolg cleric, also made a Firbolg part of the main cast when he began to play Caduceus Clay.

This guide will help you learn the basics of playing one of these gentle giants.

What is Firbolg?

Firbolg 5e

What is the basis of Firbolgs? Firbolgs loosely draws inspiration from ‘Fir Blogs,’ an Irish mythological figure who was one of the first inhabitants of Ireland.

The Fir Bolg fled Ireland to Greece. They brought bags from Ireland with them to transform barren, rocky land into fertile land.

This is a small connection between D&D 5e’s protectors of nature and the mythological folk from ancient Ireland.

Apart from that, Firbolgs 5e share very little with their namesakes. Firbolgs are a vastly different species from their Viking-like predecessors.

Firbolgs, giant-kin in D&D 5e are peacefully living among their kind and the natural world they protect.

They are humble and peaceful and resist violence and greed, except when it is necessary.

Firbolgs are large and powerful opponents. However, they are skilled at Druidic magic. Firbolgs are a fun class to roleplay if you’re looking for a mix of combat skills and spell-casting ability.

Your Firbolg’s class will determine which side will have the strongest powers, but you can be sure that they will play a crucial role in any battle.

Firbolgs live close to other Firbolgs, often in a clan or deep in the mountains.

They avoid humanoid animals and prefer to protect forests and other natural areas.

Firbolgs may prefer to be at home so why should your Firbolg go adventuring?

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Firbolg adventurers could have been sent by their clan on a divine mission. They may have been separated from their clan or destroyed their clan.

Or they may have been exiled from their clan for killing or for their destructive nature.

Firbolgs love peace and care deeply for their clan and home. They will need good reasons to leave it all behind.

What does Firbolgs look like?

Over the years, Firbolgs’ appearance has changed. They looked more like giant Vikings in the beginning than they do now, which is why they were called giant-kin.

Volo’s Guide to Monsters contains the latest Firbolg playable races. Firbolgs in 5e are approximately 8ft tall, with cow-like faces and long, pointed ears. They also have broad noses.

Firbolgs have fur that is usually an earthy color like brown, grey, or ruddy-red. Firbolgs can be adorable, but they can also be dangerous. This is why they are so beloved by players.

How do you pronounce Firbolg?

Firbolg can be pronounced “FEERBOLG”

What abilities do Firbolgs have?

Ability score increases: Firbolgs receive +2 for their knowledge and +1 for their strength.

Firbolgs can move at 30 feet per second. Firbolgs can move at 30 feet per second.

What is the average lifespan of Firbolgs? 

Firbolgs can live up to 500 years.

Firbolg magic: Firbolgs can cast both detect and hide at once, in between short rests or long breaks. This spellcasting ability is used by Firbolgs using Wisdom.

Hidden Action: Firbolgs have the option to use a bonus action that makes them invisible until their next turn, or until they attack. This can be used between short and long rests.

Powerful build: Firbolgs can only be one size bigger when it comes to carrying capacity, pushing, or lifting items. They can throw large rocks and tear down barriers in combat.

Speech of Beast & Leaf: They live in the wilderness, where they can communicate with beasts and plants. However, they are unable to understand their words. Firbolgs are also able to do a charisma test to influence animals and plants.

What personalities do Firbolgs have?

Firbolgs have a reputation for being gentle and serene creatures that put the survival of their homeland above all else.

They love to spend time in peace in the forest, and they are not comfortable in crowds or small spaces. Firbolgs can be shy, kind, and protective of the environment or wise, spiritual mystics.

Firbolgs are a calm voice for your party. Firbolgs don’t rush to violence unless it is a threat to the natural world that they love.

Firbolgs prefer team tactics overcharging headfirst when they attack.

Firbolgs are strong opponents of greed. All that matters in the forests and hills where they live is that they have enough food and supplies to sustain them.

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Your Firbolg won’t care about treasure or rewards, so it is unlikely. Firbolgs with more mischievous tendencies have been known to steal from greedy humans for fun.

Firbolgs can be aligned with either Neutral Good (or Lawful Good) or both. Evil Firbolgs would be considered rare as they would be shunned by their clans. 

If you choose to follow this path, it could be part of your Evil Firbolg’s backstory.

Firbolg Religions

Officially, Firbolgs are described in 5e as having no set beliefs or religions. The Firbolg’s unwavering dedication to protecting their clan, home, and the natural environment is what is highlighted.

Firbolgs are Druids and may worship one or two nature deities. Firbolgs might worship Iallanis, which is the goddess of mercy, love, and flowers.

You can view the official pantheon and make your selections there. Your Firbolg could also worship nature, and not a specific god.

How to create a Firbolg character?

1. Select a class for your Firbolg

Which class is best for Firbolgs. The Druid is the best class for Firbolgs. Firbolgs are naturally gifted with Druidic powers, and they have great Wisdom bonuses.

Druids do not have access to detect magic spells or invisibility spells. So, choosing the Druid class will give you a strong and diverse selection of spells. The Fighter, Ranger, and Cleric are all good options.

2. Select a background for your Firbolg

Firbolgs live within clans in forests and hilly areas. Firbolgs are rarely seen leaving their clans, as we have already mentioned. You should ask your Firbolg why he or she has gone adventuring.

Is your Firbolg being sent on a quest either by her deity, or her clan elders? He was allegedly banned from the clan because he committed murder or burned down the forest. Did humans destroy her home forest and clan?

This backstory will help you understand why your Firbolg is adventuring and whether they plan to return home.

Also, consider how long your Firbolg have been apart from their clan. This is a new development that could be scary for Firbolg.

The oder have they lived with non-Firbolgs over many years?

You can choose a background from the Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook, Outlander, Hermit, or Sage. They all work well for Firbolgs.

Matthew Mercer’s beloved Firbolg NPC, Pimat Sol, from Critical Role is a merchant-magic shop owner.

Firbolgs are usually kept apart from humanoids. However, if your Firbolg family has been separated they may have a background like Merchant or Folk Hero.

3. Name your Firbolg

You may be asking yourself, “What should I name my Firbolg?” Firbolgs don’t use names in their homes. Instead, they just know each other and the forest creatures by their actions and deeds.

Firbolgs find the outside world’s culture of names strange and incongruous. Firbolgs often adopt Elven names when dealing with outsiders.

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Some Firbolg might also take on nicknames from outsiders as they don’t care about their names. Your Firbolg could be given the following nicknames by other races:

  • Gentle Giant
  • The Green (Wo) Man
  • Feyfriend
  • Forester
  • woodwalker
  • Old one


Is Firbolgs fey?

Firbolgs in 5e isn’t fey creatures. Firbolgs in 4e were described as being connected with the Fey Wild, so you can call them fey touched or foey-oriented.This is, however, not mentioned in 5e. However, if you are playing a Firbolg, they may feel an affinity for Neutral Good Fey, particularly those who protect and revere the natural world.

How tall is Firbolgs?

Firbolgs can reach between 7 and 8 feet in height. They are Medium in size in 5e.

Is Firbolgs Good at Combat?

Due to their size, Firbolgs are formidable opponents. Firbolgs are known for wielding huge weapons such as two-handed swords and massive wooden staffs made of tree trunks. Firbolgs can use a single hand to wield many human-sized two-handed weapons.

Can Firbolgs Cast Spells?

Yes, Firbolgs can disguise themselves and be detected magically. Your Firbolg will be able to cast spells just as other races, as long as they choose a spell-casting category.

Which cantrips should I choose for my Firbolg Druid?

All Druids receive cantrips at level 1. These spells can be cast at any time and do not require a slot. For Firbolgs, guidance or druidcraft are great starting points. Shillelagh is the best option for Firbolg Druids who are more inclined to combat than support their companions. Learn more about Druid trips in our Druids guide.

Does Firbolgs have Darkvision in 5e?

No, Firbolgs do not have darkvision in 5e. However, they did have darkvision when they first appeared as a playable race, in 3e. This has been updated.

Which Language Do Firbolgs Use?

Firbolgs speak their language, but can also speak Common and Elvish. Although they can communicate with plants and animals, they are unable to understand them.

Are Firbolgs Cows?

No! Firbolgs are often called cow-people or bovines by many people. This is simply not true. Firbolgs are not related to cows, despite their appearance resembling cows.

Final Words

Firbolgs have become a popular D&D race. Firbolgs are charming and formidable characters in any D&D campaign due to their close relationship with nature, their sweet and gentle demeanor, and their powerful skillset.

It’s worth discussing with your DM the type of campaign setting that you will be using. 

Campaigns that are primarily set in cities might not suit a Firbolg unless they have lived among humanoids for many years and become accustomed to them.

Volo’s Guide to Monsters provides the complete details about the Firbolg class, in 5e. There are many ways for imaginative players to make a Firbolg even more unique.