Today we are talking about Ring of Evasion and If you’ve seen the Matrix films or are familiar with legendary movie moments, you’re likely to recognize the Matrix Bullet Dodge as one of the most memorable.
Suddenly, a soldier transforms into Agent Smith and fires a gun at Neo. Neo manages to duck under the gun barrel as the camera zooms in to watch the bullets fly past him.
I love this scene because of how quickly the bullets come out of Neo’s fingers. Isn’t that something you’d like to be able to do?
Playing D&D with a character as agile as Neo is a great way to relive the experience of being in a sci-fi movie.
You may be asking yourself, “Is that even feasible?” If your character has a high Dexterity saving throw, then yes, it is conceivable.
Armor Class (AC) is a system that includes the ability to avoid attacks. For purposes of flavor, the DM or player can decide whether a failed attack roll indicates that the target was avoided or blocked.
AC, on the other hand, is more commonly associated with the first hypothesis. Dodging is better described as using your dexterity to save yourself in Dexterity saving throws.
Is there a way to achieve a high dexterity saving throw level?
Having a high Dexterity ability score in the first place, or picking a class that specializes in Dexterity saving throws like the Rogue or the Ranger, are just two examples of ways to increase your Dexterity score.
If you fail a dexterity saving throw but have the Ring of Evasion, you can succeed at a successful saving throw in the 5th edition.
What is the Ring of Evasion?
On page 191 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the Ring of Evasion is a major-tier rare magic item. There are three jade-like jewels embedded in the golden band, as well as an ornate hummingbird perched on top.
Using gold and jade or emeralds to resemble bird feathers, the tail and the primary framework of the bird are produced.
Sapphire-colored stones may be seen on the wings and lower body of the creature.
In order for the ring’s magical properties to work, the wearer must be attuned to it; attunement is the relationship between an item and a creature.
If you are a spellcaster, you can attune to an attunement that requires this.
For the Ring of Evasion, there is no precondition. In order to get attuned to it, one must rest while concentrating on the object by making physical touch with it.
The attunement process fails if the short rest is disrupted. The Ring of Evasion is explained in further detail in the following section.
How to use the Ring of Evasion

It is possible to employ the Ring of Evasion’s magical abilities to change a failed Dexterity saving throw into a successful one when it has been properly adapted. But first, let’s take a look at how Dexterity saving throws operate.
How Dexterity Saving Throws Work
There are numerous situations in which you must dodge something in order to avoid being hit. You may have set off a trap in a dungeon, and now you must dodge an incoming arrow.
You may have been the target of a spell that necessitates a Dexterity saving attempt. In any instance, a 1d20 is rolled to see if you’re successful. You then add your Dexterity modifier to the total.
The DC (Difficulty Class) of the attack or circumstance would then be compared to the final number.
As long as your saving throw is higher than the required DC, you’re out of harm’s way and can continue on with your day.
If you don’t, you pay the price. Because certain tasks are more difficult than others, the DC changes depending on the attack or circumstance.
Every class in the canonical texts grants a character two saving throws of proficiency. The Barbarian class, for example, provides a bonus to Strength and Constitution saving throws for its members.
Dexterity saving throws have a competence bonus that is added to your roll when a certain class provides this ability to you.
It is therefore necessary for level one characters to perform Dexterity saves if their Dexterity modifier is +2 (for example).
Your 1d20 rolls a 10, therefore you’re out of the game. First-level characters receive a proficiency bonus of +1. Saving throw: 10 (1d20) + 2 (Dexterity modifier) + 2 (Proficiency bonus) = 14.
How the Ring of Evasion works
After an occurrence necessitating a Dexterity saving throw, you make the roll. When you roll a 1d20, you add any necessary modifiers to get the final result. But it falls short of the DC needed to succeed.
In technical parlance, this is known as a failed save attempt. After triggering a trap, for example, you can try to flee from an impending arrow.
Losing hit points or getting poisoned are both possibilities should you fail your Dexterity saving attempt.
A character’s safety depends on their ability to make successful saving throws. This is when the Ring of Evasion comes in.
As long as you are wearing an attuned Ring of Evasion, you can use your reaction to use one of the item’s charges in order to succeed on your Dexterity save when you have failed a previous one.
As you can see, your DM informs you that you failed your saving throw in the previous case. A charge of the ring can then be used in order to free your character from harm.
Remember that you can only do one action every turn in combat. As a result, the Ring of Evasion’s effect cannot be used if you have already used your reaction on your turn.
The Ring of Evasion cannot be used if you are unable to take a reaction due to particular spells or effects.

At dawn each day, this D&D ring can be recharged to its maximum three charges. One die is used to determine how many charges can be restored at dawn, and one die is used for every three rechargings. There are just three charges left on your account at this time.
To determine how many charges have been restored, you roll a 1d3, and the result is 2. There are three charges in total on the ring since it is the maximum number of charges it can hold.
If your adversary is a spellcaster, for example, and aims a fireball at you, you’re in serious trouble.
A Dexterity save is required in order to meet the spellcaster’s DC. As a result, you will receive 8d6 fire damage if your saving throw fails. When you’re down to your last few hit points, your character is doomed.
If you have a charge left in your attuned Ring of Evasion, you can use that charge to make a previously failed saving throw successful.
As a result, the Fireball will only inflict half the damage it would have otherwise.
You cannot utilize your Uncanny Dodge class ability if you are a rogue since it costs a reaction. There is a limit to how many reactions you can handle at once.
Is the Ring of Evasion good?
Because so many spells call for a dexterity save throw on the part of the target, it makes a good rare magic item.
A Dexterity saving throw is required for 65 different spells of varying levels, according to the Player’s Handbook, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, Tasha’s Cauldron to Everything, and other sources.
When compared to other saving throws, dexterity saving throws are as prevalent as constitution-saving throws and wisdom-saving throws.
For 63 spells, the target must succeed on their Constitution saving throw, while for 55 spells, the target must succeed on their Wisdom saving throw.
Consequently, the Dexterity saving throw is the most frequently used of the three.
A magic item with three charges is a nice idea, and it’s even better when the ring regains its charges by 1d3 at dawn.
Generally speaking, it is a good rare magic item because it can be utilized in a number of spells that need a successful Dexterity saving throw.
In terms of a character’s talents, a high degree of dexterity is essential.
How rare is the Ring of Evasion?
In the early phases of the game, finding the Ring of Evasion is very impossible due to its rarity. Even if it’s up to your DM, other DMs have given advice on when rare magic items should be given away.
The Dungeon Master’s Guide has a section on rarity on page 135. The following table, taken from the aforementioned source, shows how the concept of rarity is applied.
Rarity | Character | Level Value |
Common | 1st or higher | 50-100 GP |
Uncommon | 1st or higher | 101-500 GP |
Rare | 5th or higher | 501-5000 GP |
Very rare | 11th or higher | 5001-50000 GP |
Legendary | 17th or higher | 50001+ GP |
Starting at level 5, according to the Dungeon Master’s Guide, you should start giving out rare magic items.
According to the same source, beginning equipment for characters can be adjusted based on the campaign’s level of magic.
This idea can be found on page 38. Again, if you started your game at different levels, you can rely on this to determine the starting equipment of the characters.
Character Level | Low Magic Campaign | Standard Campaign | High Magic Campaign |
1st to 4th | Normal starting equipment | Normal starting equipment | Normal starting equipment |
5th to 10th | 500 gp + 1d10 x 25 gp;normal starting equipment | 500 gp + 1d10 x 25 gp;normal starting equipment | 500 gp + 1d10 x 25 gp;one uncommon magic item;normal starting equipment |
11th to 16th | 5000 gp + 1d10 x 250 gp;one uncommon magic item;normal starting equipment | 5000 gp + 1d10 x 250 gp;two uncommon magic item;normal starting equipment | 5,000 gp + 1d10 x 250 gp;three uncommon magic items;one rare item;normal starting equipment |
17th to 20th | 20000 gp + 1d10 x 250 gp;two uncommon magic items;normal starting equipment | 20000 gp + 1d10 x 250 gp;two uncommon magic items;one rare item;normal starting equipment | 20000 gp + 1d10 x 250 gp;three uncommon magic items;two rare items;one very rare item;normal starting equipment |
In a high magic campaign, the Ring of Evasion can be introduced as a beginning item for characters between the 11th and 16th levels, as illustrated in the table above.
The magic item can be introduced as starting equipment in a normal campaign or a high magic campaign together with another rare item for 17th to 20th-level players who are just starting their game.
However, the Ring of Evasion can be freely given to the DM starting at level 1. It’s a surefire way to tell a compelling story.
Is the Ring of Evasion magic?
It is. It is a rare magical item, which can be found on page 19 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
How much does the ring of evasion cost?
A rare item of magic is priced between 501 and 5000 GP, according to the Dungeon Master’s Guide (page 135). The DM can still decide how much it will cost, taking into account the location and setting. An innkeeper may sell the Ring of Evasion at a lower price because they don’t understand its value. You might be charged more by a magic item connoisseur in large cities.
Do you require attunement with the Ring of Evasion?
The Ring of Evasion requires that its wearer be attuned to it in order to function. You must take a brief rest and focus on the ring while still having physical contact with the ring to attune your personality to the Ring of Evasion.
What saving throw does the Ring of Evasion alter?
The Ring of Evasion transforms a failed dexterity save throw into a successful one. To use it as a response, you would need to charge it.
How many charges does the Ring of Evasion come with?
The Ring of Evasion can only be charged with three charges. Every dawn, the ring is subject to 1d3 charges.