12 Most Underrated Feats in D&D 5e

Players of Dungeons & Dragons have the option of replacing Ability Score Increases at certain levels with Feats (ASI).

As a part of their character development, D&D players are given the option to add points to their Attributes through the Advanced Skills Improvement system (ASI), thereby boosting their overall statistics.

Feats, meanwhile, function similarly to class features in that they grant beneficial bonuses and features.

Some gamers equip their characters with Underrated Feats to give them more options in combat.

But which Feats should they acquire?

Some Feats appear to be generic options that might be used by any kind of character.

Nonetheless, players should reevaluate some “meh” Feats that could turn their characters into powerhouses.

What are some underappreciated Feats that any character can benefit greatly from?

12. Fell Handed Speciality: Melee Combat

Ever wanted to knock the enemy out cold, but also make it easier for your allies to do the same?

That’s exactly what the Fell-Handed trick will do.

With this technique, not only can you deal greater damage, but you can also render your opponent helpless and even dislodge their shield.

You can use this accomplishment in tandem with the protector fighting style, or as a raging barbarian who wants to win fights via sheer force of arms.

When wielding a heavy weapon like a battleaxe or warhammer, you get a +1 bonus on attack rolls.

If the higher roll would have hit, then damage can be done even when at a disadvantage.

11. Master of Disguise Speciality: Stealth

The goal of a stealth operation is not always to avoid detection.

To succeed at times, you need to be able to pass people by without being seen.

You can learn to use the disguise kit effectively by taking the Master of Disguise feat.

If you are already proficient, you can increase your bonus by a factor of 2.

During a heist, this allows you to blend in almost imperceptibly.

If you’re sneaking into a place you’re familiar with, take an hour to scope it out and make a disguise.

You can enter without anyone noticing.

This is a stealthy playing style that doesn’t get enough credit.

Only a minority of players recognize the importance of mastery of one’s equipment.

You can play the spy sneaking into the opposing camp or the rogue brazenly entering the mansion of a nobleman and robbing them blind with this skill.

10. Athlete

The Athlete Feat may seem simplistic, but it actually helps many different types of characters who value mobility.

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Characters with a high focus on mobility, such as the Monk or Rogue, can profit from its innate advantages and become even more nimble in combat.

Meanwhile, this Feat makes heavier characters like Fighters and Paladins more steady on their feet.

The player may choose whether or not the Athlete increases their STR or DEX by one.

Additionally, the distance gained when prone is now just 5 feet instead of 2 feet.

Similarly, sprinting long/high jumps will be possible while moving within five feet rather than ten, and ascending will no longer have any movement costs.

Despite the niche nature of these skills, characters with the Athlete Feat are capable of avoiding physical hazards and natural dangers or even going to the help of those in need of healing Spells.

9. Charger

Those skilled in melee who wish to establish themselves as early game leaders recognize the importance of a bold introduction to the battlefield.

It’s likely that these soldiers, be they tanks or melee DPS, will charge in full force to draw the attention of their opponents.

The Charger Feat gives this method of fighting a new spin.

After all, with Charger, you can follow up a Dash with a shove or melee attack as a bonus action.

To be more explicit, when a player does the Charger’s bonus action, they can choose to either increase the damage roll of their next attack by 5, or they can move.

Also, they can stop a Dash by pushing their opponent up to 10 feet away if they so desire.

If you manage to pull off a successful Dash attack, you can swiftly overwhelm your opponent, and a well-placed shove can knock even the strongest of your foes to the ground.

8. Dungeon Delver

While many adventurers dream of becoming dungeon masters, reality often proves otherwise.

A trap or summoned creature may be activated by an unwary individual at any time.

Dungeon delving with the Dungeon Delver Feat allows for greater caution.

Dungeon Delver essentially aids its bearer on Investigation (INT) and Wisdom (WIS) checks when looking for hidden entrances.

In addition, when it comes to avoiding or surviving in a dungeon, Dungeon Delvers have a bonus on their Saving Throws.

They also become immune to damage caused by traps.

Dungeon Delver is a useful addition to the Feats of any explorer, especially in a world where dungeons are plentiful.

7. Elemental Adept

Despite its simplicity, an Elemental Adept can swing the battle in a spellcaster’s favor.

It allows the user to bypass defenses against their preferred damage type for all spells they cast (Thunder, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Acid).

As an added precaution against misfires, all ones in the damage dice for Spells of that damage type are converted to 2s.

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Finally, Elemental Adept can be selected many times as a Feat, granting players the ability to use their Spells despite barriers based on different elements.

Admittedly, players that want to make the most of this Feat will need to put in an incredible amount of study time, as they may face foes that aren’t resistant to their element in the first place.

However, players destined for a specific field of battle may benefit from the Elemental Adept perk set in order to better handle the challenges posed by the enemies they will fight there.

6. Grappler

If players are looking for a new twist on melee combat, grappling is a great option for controlling their foes.

In most cases, this tactic can be used to conclude a conflict without resorting to killing all of the opposing soldiers or coercing the enemy commanders into submission.

The Grappler Feat gives players a leg up while attempting such stunts.

When making attack rolls against a creature they have grappled, Grapplers have a bonus.

They can even use their action to attempt another grapple check to further immobilize their opponent.

If they are successful, the monster will be held until the Grappler releases it.

This method may not appear useful in and of itself, but it does open up some fun possibilities for non-combat roleplay.

5. Martial Adept

Battle Masters (BMs) have the ability to alter the tide of battle by employing intricate strategies through the use of Superiority Dice and the Maneuvers at their disposal.

These can range from simple shifts in position to elaborate additions to checks and rolls.

The Martial Adept Feat, however, makes it possible for those who are not BMs to learn some of the BM’s most treasured Maneuvers.

The basis of Martial Adept is a D6 Superiority Dice that may be used to perform two BM Maneuvers of the player’s choosing.

As a non-Martial Adept BM can only have about nine Maneuvers by 15th-Level, BMs can employ Martial Adept to maximize their Maneuvers list.

Specialists in melee combat, such as the Ranger and the Rogue, have the ability to quickly escape the battlefield by using Maneuver.

Similarly, several Maneuver can be used by spellcasters to fortify their defenses.

4. Weapon Master

D&D’s flexible Class system means that nearly every character has a set of “preferred” weapons and armor that they add to their list of Proficiencies.

To that end, for as long as they wield these weapons, their Proficiency Bonus will be factored into attack rolls.

Fighters and other melee Classes naturally develop a deep mastery of a wide variety of weapon kinds.

Wizards and other non-weapon-reliant Classes, on the other hand, have narrow weapon specializations.

In addition to gaining +1 DEX or +1 STR, characters who take the Weapon Master Feat become proficient with four weapons of their choosing, whether martial or simple.

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Although it’s not particularly impressive, Weapon Master can be a huge help to Classes that prioritize defense.

3. Savage Attacker

Barbarians, Fighters, Monks, Rangers, and Rogues are all melee specialists who rely on complex combos to deal maximum damage.

As they level up and earn access to Extra Attacks and the more complex movesets that come with Magic Items and Weapons, these moves become more targeted.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of a potentially game-ending combo can be nullified by a poorly rolled damage die.

However, things can quickly turn around thanks to Savage Attacker.

Once every turn, a player with this Feat can reroll damage for a melee weapon attack.

As a result, they are free to employ either sum.

It’s true that you could still roll poorly or end up with a worse score if you decide to do this.

Players can put out that little bit of extra effort with the help of the Feat’s bonus to ensure that their attack goes off without a hitch.

2. Skilled

Combat is the primary means by which armies and powerful NPCs are wiped out in Dungeons & Dragons.

Players should pay attention not just to Skills that can be used during battle, but also to those that can be used in non-combat situations, as these can be extremely useful in making genuine connections with other players and even forming trustworthy alliances.

The Skilled feat allows players to increase their chances of success by increasing the effectiveness of their Proficiencies.

Players can reach Proficient in any three Tools or Skills they choose with the Skilled Feat.

Characters that rely heavily on Intelligence can find that their speech and physical Skills are more crucial.

On the other hand, bulky characters should focus on developing Skills that make use of their intelligence and charisma.

Having Proficiencies in these Skills can mitigate the effects of negative Ability Modifiers.

1. Spell Sniper

The Spell Sniper Feat is useful for players who want to get up close and personal with their spellcasters, as it increases the attack range of roll-based spells by a factor of 2.

As an added bonus, Spell Snipers can now make ranged spell assaults that bypass three-quarters and half cover.

The Spell Sniper Feat is available to anyone, regardless of magical ability. Characters with this Feat must select a Cantrip from the Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer, Druid, Cleric, or Bard spell lists.

Even without the ability to cast spells, non-spellcasters can optimize their spell-sniping with a high Intelligence (Wizard), Wisdom (Cleric, Druid), or Charisma (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock).