24 Best Paladin Spells For D&D 5e

In Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, Paladin spells can be powerful magical.

Although they are only half-casters (meaning they are able to cast spells up to 5th level at most), Paladins can prepare a limitless number of spells each day they are able to use their slots to cast.

A lot of them involve the strengthening of their own forces or those of their allies. However, a few allow them to do more damage during combat, directly or indirectly.

However, Paladins’ slots compete with their most popular characteristic feature, Divine Smite which is trading the slots of spells to unleash powerful bursts of damaging radiation. 

Thus, casting a spell and making use of it for smiting frequently is a way of managing to maximize the use of the Paladin’s resources.

All in all, paladins make fantastic combatants. In my experience, I’ve played a number of them using different designs.

This list focuses on options that allow Paladins to give bonuses and some magical assistance. *

*Note: Spell levels mentioned here correspond to the minimum slot required to cast the spell. This will only affect the Paladin’s basic listing of spells (discounting any possible swearing spells).

24. Dispel Magic

Best Paladin Spells

Source: Player’s Handbook

The best thing would be for a wizard or sorcerer at the table to learn this spell. a paladin should do it if no one else does.

This third-level abjuration spell removes one magical effect from a creature or object within 120 feet.

From magical traps to spells cast by enemies, dispel magic adds a level of interaction that parties that don’t have it just don’t have.

If no one else is taking care of it, a paladin who knows what they are doing will.

23. Zone Of Truth

Source: Player’s Handbook

Zone of Truth is a spell that is more for roleplaying. But it works wonderfully well in this area.

The spell makes a dome with a 15-foot diameter. Any creature that comes into the area must make a charisma saving throw.

If the creature fails, it can’t lie while it’s inside the dome. Best of all, the person who casts the spell knows who saves and who doesn’t.

This simple second-level spell can easily stop a dishonest dungeon master from doing what he or she wants to do, which is not something to scoff at.

22. Lesser Restoration

Source: Player’s Handbook

There’s nothing worse than having a bad guy blind you, paralyse you, or poison you.

If any of these things happen to a character, they are useless at worst and easy to kill at best.

The second-level abjuration spell “lesser restoration” ends all of these effects on a single creature that the caster touches right away.

The spell can also heal people who are deaf or sick. Casting lesser restoration is one of the easiest ways to become a party favourite.

21. Warding Bond

Source: Player’s Handbook

Warding Bond is a second-level abjuration spell that can only be cast if both the person casting the spell and the person the spell is meant to protect are wearing a set of platinum rings.

Once the spell is cast, it creates a ward around the target that gives them +1 AC and makes them immune to all damage.

This is a great defensive boost. In exchange, whenever the target takes damage, so does the person who casts the spell.

The cost of protecting an ally is lessened by the fact that Paladins tend to be big and can heal.

20. Magic Weapon

Source: Player’s Handbook

Paladins can access this second-level spell at the time that they also receive their Extra Attack ability.

A magic weapon can be upgraded by a weapon by adding +1 to damage and attack rolls.

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Since many creatures are resistant to damage from nonmagical weapons (meaning they only take 50% damage from such sources), this spell is able to bypass these defenses.

If your Paladin doesn’t have an enchanted weapon, it’s best to be prepared for this spell. In case you encounter enemies who mock ordinary damage sources.

19. Thunderous Smite

Source: Player’s Handbook

When you cast thunderous smite, you take an additional 2d6 thunder-related damage next time you strike the target using a melee weapon attack.

Why is this magic spell worthwhile? The slot at 1st level (which you could use to play Divine Smite) is the other effect: you could push the person that you strike 10 feet away from you, and then knock them to the ground.

However, the spell produces a loud sound when you hit it. Therefore, it’s not appropriate for situations that require sensitivity.

18. Destructive Wave

Source: Player’s Handbook

The majority of Paladins do not have blasting capabilities using their spells.

But once they’ve mastered 5th-level spells (the most powerful spells Paladins are able to cast) they are able to utilize destructive waves.

It affects any creature you choose to target located within 30 meters of you. The creatures you want to target have to make a Constitution save against 5d6 of thunder damage and 5d6 of radiant or necrotic damage as well, to be careful not to fall into the ground.

It can take a while to allow Paladins to experience a devastating wave. It helps to strengthen their weaknesses when dealing with a large number of enemies at once.

17. Aid

Source: Player’s Handbook

This spell of 2nd level grants the possibility of three or more creatures added Hit points (HP).

The lowest point at which you can cast the spell augments the target’s maximum and current HP by 5. Casting it with higher-level slots increases this additional HP by 5.

It’s a simple booster that lasts about 8 hours and does not interfere with your focus.

16. Command

Source: Player’s Handbook

This spell at the 1st level allows you to give a single word command to an animal.

If the target does not make their wisdom score, then they have to try their best to adhere to the rules of the round.

Given that Paladins don’t have the variety of crowd control options that can completely block the actions of an opponent, the command is an excellent alternative in this regard.

Its definition of the spell gives a few examples of words you could make use of, however imaginative wording using Command could lead to many possibilities.

15. Banishment

Source: Player’s Handbook

As previously mentioned Paladins have a few options to disarm enemies, other than taking damage to them.

However, banishment is a powerful 4th-level spell that can make a creature out of play-or perhaps for a long time when it is targeting extraplanar creatures.

Although the cost of a spell slot can be high (for the Paladin, a 4th-level slot is a maximum for its Divine Smite damage), banishment that requires the use of a Charisma saving-shrew could make the spell extremely efficient. Because a lot of creatures are typically lower in value for this particular save bonus.

14. Blinding Smite

Source: Player’s Handbook

Paladins have a lot of amazing 3rd-level spell options.

Blinding Smite functions similarly to thunderous smite. However blinding smite deals an additional 3d8 damage upon hitting and also will blind the target for up to one minute, if they fail to make the Constitution saving roll.

Blindness can be a devastating condition to cause harm to enemies, which makes this spell a fantastic choice.

13. Compelled Duel

Source: Player’s Handbook

Another fantastic 1st-level spell option, Compelled Duel, targets one creature within 30 feet of you.

In the event of a missed wisdom saving roll your target suffers a disadvantage in attacking creatures other than you for up to 1 minute.

Also, it has difficulty getting away from you.

As per the name In line with the name, your Paladin cannot attack the target of the spell, and allies aren’t able to be a threat to your opponent either. If not, the impact of a compelled duel end.

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It takes only one bonus action to perform this spell. This means you can use your time in focusing on your target too.

12. Heroism

Source: Player’s Handbook

The 1st-level concentration spell gives two powerful buffs over one minute.

One, the victim becomes invulnerable to the terror condition.

The target receives a temporary HP that is equal to the Paladin’s Charisma modifier. It then renews at the beginning of each turn of the target.

In combat, heroics can give you some temporary HP that’s highly efficient in the time slot you’re using, as long as you’re fighting for longer than 2 or 3 rounds.

11. Death Ward

Source: Player’s Handbook

A Paladin who is unkillable is usually the most frightening one.

Deathward, a 4th-level spell, provides an 8-hour buff that is not concentrated on one target and helps to protect it from the possibility of death.

The spell specifically stops the target from descending to 0 without taking damage; instead, it reduces their hit points to 1 before the spell ends.

The death ward is still in effect. It is true that a creature that is affected by an effect isn’t killed by any effects, such as effects or capabilities that can result in immediate death.

This feature can be particularly useful at higher levels of play, but it’s an effective guarantee of the general survival of your Paladin.

10. Holy Weapon

Source: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything

As a 5th-level spell holy weapon is a powerful choice for Paladins.

For up to one hour, you can imbue holy energy into your weapon, which allows it to inflict an additional 2d8 of radiant damage every time you strike with it.

Also, the weapon emits lights for this time.

You may choose to end the spell earlier, which triggers an explosion that causes radiating damage. It also blinds any creatures that you wish to blind within 30 feet of the area.

You’ll likely keep this effect until the maximum time is possible and not let it go because it gives you an impressive boost to your damage every round.

9. Protection From Evil And Good

Source: Player’s Handbook

A powerful spell of the 1st level that protects against evil and good offers anyone who has targeted a substantial boost against the following effects:

  1. Aberrations
  2. Celestials
  3. Elementals
  4. Fiends
  5. Fey
  6. Undead

In addition, for as long as 10 minutes, the target that is protected by this spell won’t be attractedcharmed, or terrified by creatures belonging to those subtypes.

Furthermore, they aren’t able to attack their victim.

In the end, protection from evil and good provides powerful advantages to certain kinds of adversaries.

The only drawback to this magic spell is the fact that it uses holy water or powdered silver to serve as casting components.

8. Divine Favor

Source: Player’s Handbook

A highly reliable first-level spell selection Divine favor allows Paladins to add a d4 amount of radiant damage to damage rolls when attacking with weapons.

This spell requires only an additional action to cast and can last up to 1 minute.

First, divine favor can give every Paladin an excellent and simple offensive boost. It’s even more effective when your character is able to be attacked multiple times during a turn!

7. Revivify

Source: Player’s Handbook

This spell of 3rd level allows you to revive a dead creature by merely touching.

There are some requirements to be met, but they are:

  1. It is necessary to possess an estimated 300 GP diamond that is used as part of the casting process.
  2. The creature you are targeting has to be dead for more than a minute prior to the time you apply this spell, as well as its body, cannot be missing any vital organs (like its head).

Thematically speaking, one casting of revivifying grants your Paladin an amount of control over death, which is a great concept in general.

6. Crusader’s Mantle

Source: Player’s Handbook

Here’s a spell of 3rd-level that creates an aura that is 30 feet in radius around the Paladin.

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The effect is similar to that of divine favors. For up to an entire minute, each hostile creature within your aura (including your own) is able to deal 1d4 more damage when you strike with a weapon attack.

The advantage of this method is in the spread of offensive bonuses to the entire team. It is especially beneficial when your team includes some characters who depend on weapon attacks.

5. Aura of Vitality

Source: Player’s Handbook

Aura of Vitality is a third-level spell that creates an aura of healing surrounding your Paladin.

Within the next 30 seconds, you have the option of spending one bonus action per round to heal a creature that is within 30 yards of your character’s location at 2d6 HP.

For a single 3rd-level slot, aura vitality replenishes a significant amount of HP. It is especially effective in healing in the absence of combat. It is worth a look.

4. Wrathful Smite

Source: Player’s Handbook

Wrathful Smite grants you a first-level spell slot to make your next melee weapon attack. It deals another 1d6 of psychic damage and makes the target stay away from being scared by you.

Whether it’s an oversight or an intention to do something, angry smite can have a powerful, long-lasting impact that can be a sham to eliminate.

To get rid of this spell’s frightening state, a creature has to perform an action (an excellent cost to put on an opponent) in order to break the spell.

The creature is required to make a Wisdom *check*. Not only are wisdom checks generally less expensive, but they are not always exactly the same as wisdom saves. 

But if you stay within the reach of the terrifying creature, they will make the check-in disadvantage, which in the end, keeps the creature at a minimum.

3. Shield of Faith

Source: Player’s Handbook

This amazing spell for the 1st level gives your target an additional bonus of 2 in Armor Class for up to an hour.

Shield of faith is an especially nice boost to frontline warriors. Paladins with the Divine Smite requiring melee attacks–often make up a large portion of them.

Additionally, the bonus casting time for shields of faith permits you to apply it and, at the same time, plunge into the front line to attack with your actions.

2. Bless

Source: Player’s Handbook

If you have a 1st-level spell slot the Paladin is able to provide the possibility of three or more creatures a d4 bonus the attack roll as well as saving the throws.

It is only possible to find a handful of effects that give the kind of immediate bonuses that are available to rolls, which is why blessing remains an extremely powerful and resource-efficient buff. The most powerful and resource-efficient buffs that you can find.

Additionally, you can use a higher-level slot, which allows you to select an additional creature for each level of spell above the 1.

Since it takes an active action, it is possible to maximize the effectiveness of casting this magic by doing it prior to a fight.

1. Find Steed/Find Greater Steed

Source: Player’s Handbook/Xanathar’s Guide to Everything

Alongside the aura spell The find Steed (2nd-level) and the find higher Steed (4th-level) is among Paladin’s most well-known spells.

Both spells call for a faithful and savage mount who is able to follow the orders of the Paladin and responsibilities, from transporting them across the country to launching the battlefield.

Your summoned creature will be different in appearance and adds different abilities to your group.

The 2nd-level version summons a mount that could be as strong as the war horse.

The fourth-level version of the game lets your mount transform into an even more powerful appearance, for example, an equine or a griffon.

Unless your Paladin refuses to accept the “steed,” the supernatural mount will remain with you for the duration of time they don’t lose all of their HP, which makes them a permanent partner in your adventures.

In the end, they may prove very useful both inside and in the absence of combat.