Frostbite Spell 5e D&D Guide

It is one of the least dangerous cantrips that you can find.

But the damage isn’t everything.

This cantrip has its niche and is a great fit.

Frostbite Spell Details

Type: Evocation Cantrip
Duration of Casting: 1 action
The range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

Frost forms on one creature that is within the range.

The creature has to attempt to save its constitution, and if it fails to save, it suffers 1d6 damage from the cold.

Additionally, the creature will now get a disadvantage on its next weapon attack in the next turn.

At the 5th, 11th, and 17th levels it takes an additional 1d6 of damage, with a maximum of 4d6 damage at 17.

Who Gets It?


Nearly all full casters have access to this spell, including Artificers, Druids, Wizards, and Sorcerers all benefiting from this spell along with Warlocks.

All classes have access to this cantrip from level 1.

This is good as this spell is more useful at lower levels because of its Con Save mechanic and as more powerful enemies usually have a greater score on their constitutions.

Frostbite Vs Ray of Frost

Then, there are two cold-damaging cantrips in the Fifth Edition, Frostbite, and Ray of Frost.

Most players require a variety of spells if you’re using a cold-damaging cantrip.

Many people agree with this conclusion, as Frostbite appears to be the most effective of all.

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Ray of Frost is a move-based spell that can be used against Frostbite, which is a save or suck cantrip.

Ray of Frost does damage of 8 against Frostbite’s single 6.

So far, it appears to me that Ray of Frost is slightly better.

However, Frostbite’s debuff is superior to Ray of Frost’s.

You can either cause a disadvantage to an animal’s next weapon attack (Frostbite) or reduce a creature’s speed to 10 feet for an entire period (Ray of Frost).

Generally, one is superior to the other since inflicting a disadvantage is a powerful thing to accomplish.

Two cantrips result in disadvantage and one is available only exclusively to Bards (Vicious Mockery)

So Frostbite on average can deal about 1 damage less (3.5 vs 4.5).

However, its secondary effect more than makes up for the loss.

Frostbite 5e Build Ideas

Silver/White Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers

The majority of Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers concentrate on a particular type of damage due to the advantages accrued from your sixth-level feature, Elemental Affinity, as it can increase the damage per second (or the in Dungeons and Dragons terminology damage per round).

In addition, the skillful feat is an extremely popular option when it comes to Draconic bloodline sorcerers.

It allows you to use your damaged type to overcome any resistance, as cold damage is the 3rd most frequent resistance to damage by monsters.

In terms of thematically speaking, Frostbite works perfectly.

It is logical to have the inherent sorcerer’s power that comes from a specific type of dragon(in this instance Silver or White) to represent the element (damage kind) associated with the dragon.

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The film is a great manifestation of this inherent ability to cast spells.

Frostbite is an excellent alternative to Ray of Frost, especially in the beginning, as the disadvantage could potentially save your life with the cost of less damage (d6 against the d8).

Therefore, it is sensible to select since your cold damage can trip.

Evocation Wizards

There’s not much to add here.

Wizard Subclasses aren’t as great, however, they are a good option.

The potent cantrip feature gained at the 6th level will allow you to attack enemies who can be saved from throwing. However, they do not gain the added effect.

This is the purpose of using frostbite.

It will only take half the injuries from the attack to heal.

It is in line with the theme that wizard subclasses are centered around spells.

Since Frostbite is an evocation-based cantrip, it is a perfect fit for this game.

Circle of the Land (Arctic) Druids

Since Frostbite is a fundamental attack, particularly an attack that is cold-damaging, it is in line with the theme of nature, which is the Druid.

The one Druid Subclass: Circle of the Land specifically, the Arctic Circle of the Land is perfectly suited to a thematic way with Frostbite.

Because your druidic training commenced in a biome that is colder, you can experience a myriad of cold spells.

Examples include Sleet Storm, Ice Storm as well as Cone of Cold as your Circle Spells. Additionally, you can gain another Druid cantrip when you choose this subclass, in which Frostbite can be selected.

It is perfectly suited to the cold magic and the debuffing properties in this particular circle.

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Even the non-cold spells that are in this circle such as the Slow spell, Hold Person and Spike Growth contain a debuffing feature.

It could be the control of crowds, difficult terrain, or even affecting the speed of movement.

Frostbite is a fantastic ability to boost your spellcaster druid’s focus on spellcasting and that’s exactly the reason why Circle of the Land is best suited for.

Other Ideas


Although it is accessible to both Artificers and Warlocks, I’m not sure that Frostbite fits either optimally or thematically.

Frostbite isn’t the worst option for artificers as it’s an effective cantrip.

However, it is better when used in conjunction with other classes than Frostbite, as well.

Fire Bolt is a better dangerous cantrip alternative.

Warlocks depend heavily on Eldritch Blast since numerous invocations are compatible with it and Frostbite can’t be compared to Eldritch Blast that way.

Frostbite is better when the adversary is near you.

Like most squishy characters their disadvantage could be an element that can make the difference between living and death.

However, the nature of Frostbite means that it is designed to do just that as well it is the sole instance that it could be utilized in conjunction with Eldritch Blast.

Final Words

Frostbite is a fantastic spell for games with lower levels and is among the most effective first Cold Damage spells in 5e.

It’s a good choice for various characters but it’s not an essential choice for all.

Take a look at your character’s design and determine if it’s the right choice for your next game.