25 Best Ritual Spells For D&D 5e

Ritual spells can have a significant influence on combat, exploration, and other aspects of the game.

The ability to cast ritual spells in 5e is highly flexible.

When compared to Fireball, they’re a little less showy.

A well-planned and well-executed ritual magic, on the other hand, may be a game changer.

Despite the lack of high-level spells that may be used as rituals, nevertheless have a place in the magic community.

Due to their low level, all ritual spells are available early in the game as well.

The Ritual Caster feat opens up ritual casting to classes other than Bards, Druids, Clerics, and Wizards, who have access to it by default.

Rituals are also available to some subclasses at a later stage in their progression.

In order to cast a ritual magic, the caster does not need to use a spell slot, but it will take 10 minutes longer to complete.

As a result, a spell that ordinarily takes one minute to cast would suddenly take eleven minutes.

This might be a challenge, but the rewards are immeasurable.

According to their utility and value, I have listed the top 25 ritual spells (out of the 37 total) in order of priority.

Enjoy yourselves!

25. Feign Death

Best Ritual Spells

Source: Player’s Handbook

3rd-level necromancy (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of graveyard dirt)
Duration: 1 hour

You touch a willing creature and put it into a cataleptic state that is indistinguishable from death.

For the spell’s duration, or until you use an action to touch the target and dismiss the spell, the target appears dead to all outward inspection and to spells used to determine the target’s status.

The target is blinded and incapacitated, and its speed drops to 0. The target has resistance to all damage except psychic damage.

If the target is diseased or poisoned when you cast the spell, or becomes diseased or poisoned while under the spell’s effect, the disease and poison have no effect until the spell ends.

24. Gentle Repose

Source: Player’s Handbook

2nd-level necromancy (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of salt and one copper piece placed on each of the corpse’s eyes, which must remain there for the duration)
Duration: 10 days

You touch a corpse or other remains. For the duration, the target is protected from decay and can’t become undead.

The spell also effectively extends the time limit on raising the target from the dead, since days spent under the influence of this spell don’t count against the time limit of spells such as raise dead.

23. Beast Sense

Source: Player’s Handbook

2nd-level divination (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a willing beast.

For the duration of the spell, you can use your action to see through the beast’s eyes and hear what it hears, and continue to do so until you use your action to return to your normal senses.

22. Illusory Script

Source: Player’s Handbook

1st-level illusion (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Components: S, M (a lead-based ink worth at least 10 gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: 10 days

You write on parchment, paper, or some other suitable writing material and imbue it with a potent illusion that lasts for the duration.

To you and any creatures you designate when you cast the spell, the writing appears normal, written in your hand, and conveys whatever meaning you intended when you wrote the text.

To all others, the writing appears as if it were written in an unknown or magical script that is unintelligible.

Alternatively, you can cause the writing to appear to be an entirely different message, written in a different hand and language, though the language must be one you know.

Should the spell be dispelled, the original script and the illusion both disappear. A creature with truesight can read the hidden message.

21. Guiding Hand (UA)

Source: Unearthed Arcana 36 – Starter Spells
1st-level divination (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours

You create a Tiny incorporeal hand of shimmering light in an unoccupied space you can see within range.

The hand exists for the duration, but it disappears if you teleport or you travel to a different plane of existence.

When the hand appears, you name one major landmark, such as a city, mountain, castle, or battlefield on the same plane of existence as you.

Someone in history must have visited the site and mapped it. If the landmark appears on no map in existence, the spell fails.

Otherwise, whenever you move toward the hand, it moves away from you at the same speed you moved, and it moves in the direction of the landmark, always remaining 5 feet away from you.

If you don’t move toward the hand, it remains in place until you do and beckons for you to follow once every 1d4 minutes.

20. Speak With Animals

Source: Player’s Handbook

Animal communication and comprehension may sound tedious at first.

Even so, this may be valuable if, for example, an animal has recently seen something run past and requires information about the region in question.

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The creatures that are less noticeable are often the greatest to converse with.

Birds are excellent scouts because they can cover most of the ground in the open air.

Dungeons would be full with rats scurrying around, gathering information for a group of adventurers.

19. Water Breathing

Source: Player’s Handbook

Most campaigns will have to deal with undersea civilizations at some time.

If you can’t find them, you can go out of your way to find them, which will provide you access to vast new regions of the planet.

So, what’s the catch?

If traveling across seas isn’t your cup of tea, the Flood element of the Control Water spell might be a wonderful addition to Water Breathing in this situation.

At lesser levels, it’s just for fun.

18. Tenser’s Floating Disc

Source: Player’s Handbook

It is possible to lift 500 pounds on Tenser’s Floating Disc.

Because of the difficulty of the trap, the party may need to access a treasure box at a later date.

This platform may be handy in this regard.

A captive or ally can also be carried out of an underground dungeon with this ritual, but the party’s energies must be diverted to the task of getting them out of the dungeon.

The Floating Disc will not fly over deep ravines or anything more than 10 feet deep, so keep that in mind.

17. Alarm

Source: Player’s Handbook

Alarm is a basic spell that has the potential to save the lives of the whole party.

Caster can pick which animals are exempt from being sounded by the alert.

A sound or a mental ping notifies the caster if a creature enters the area of influence.

When setting up camp, most groups are seeking for methods to avoid being ambushed.

This spell is one of those approaches.

16. Augury

Source: Player’s Handbook

It’s possible to use Augury as a stand-in for more powerful divination spells in the future.

As the plan unfolds, a symbol is presented to the spellcaster to indicate the broad outcome.

Trinkets like cards or marked leaves are used to demonstrate this result.

If the strategy is carried out in the following 30 minutes, the outcome will be disclosed.

“Good, Bad, Good and Bad, and Nothing” are all options.

This forecast fails to take into account activities that were not included in the original strategy.

These extra acts might involve new individuals, other goods, or even additional spells.

Now, compared to more advanced Divination spells, this may seem antiquated.

However, if a party need rapid reassurance about a risk, this might have a more significant impact on a party’s behavior.

Augury’s risk of producing incorrect responses grows with the number of casts.

Take advantage of the initial reading, which is assured to be correct.

15. Commune with Nature

Source: Player’s Handbook

It’s possible that ‘Commune with Nature’ doesn’t sound all that significant.

It’s the perfect spell to have, though, for a campaign that involves a lot of time spent in the great outdoors.

This spell can be used to locate specific water bodies, natural resources, powerful extraplanar entities, or even certain structures throughout the universe.

When there is a lot of natural light, it helps, but it won’t help or even operate in dungeons or cities.

Keep in mind

When the group is separated and the desert is scorching, water might be a lifesaver.

Commune with Nature is also ideal for locating towns, communities, or tribes that have made their home in natural places such as national parks or wilderness areas.

Commune with Nature might be used by a group of dwarves that are preoccupied with mining to find rare metals or jewels.

There’s a lot going on here!

14. Forbiddance

Source: Player’s Handbook

It is forbidden to use any method of travel that involves utilizing other planes as a backdoor into a designated territory.

At 40,000 square feet, the area of impact is enormous.

However, the cost of the components is prohibitive.

Extra planar beings in the region of influence may be harmed by this 40k square foot block, but the caster can provide them a password to prevent this harm.

Forbiddance’s impact is everlasting until it is rejected or dispelled, even if it is cast daily for a month.

13. Water Walk

Source: Player’s Handbook

While the name “Water Stroll” may not sound exciting, having the entire party walk for an hour on any wet surface may be extremely tactical in combat.

It’s a good idea to use this spell if you’re traveling through watery places.

If a group encounters one of these, they may be forced to take a perilous detour around the marsh or the mountain.

If a party is submerged in water and wishes to swiftly rise to the surface, Water Walk is an excellent option.

When coupled with a horse, it lets one to go huge distances over rivers and completely avoid dangerous jungle sections by crossing lakes or island hopping.

Water Walk may even be used to surf waves generated by combining with Control Water.

Control Water may be used to flood an area and compel adversaries to swim while keeping teammates safe and dry.

A couple bops to the skull should be enough for the rest of the encounter.

12. Comprehend Languages

Source: Player’s Handbook

For an hour, the caster can decipher whatever language he or she hears.

When someone finds a letter or scroll written in an unknown language, they often utilize this method to try to decipher it, but they forget that they also need to be touching the medium on which it is written.

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Gnolls speak a variety of strange languages in addition to the well-known Elvish, Celestial, and Abyssal.

These are all included under the umbrella term “Comprehend Languages”.

The spell Comprehend Languages cannot interpret non-verbal languages since it indicates explicitly that the language must be heard or written in order to understand it.

Because of this, Comprehend Languages is limited in its abilities.

As a result, individuals may be forced to communicate only via the use of universally understood body language.

11. Silence

Source: Player’s Handbook

The spell of silence is frequently neglected, and its role as a ceremonial magic is frequently disregarded as well.

There are several applications for the capacity to block out all sound from entering or exiting a place.

It is impossible to cast any spell that requires a verbal component if a creature inside the spell’s effect is deaf and resistant to thunder damage.

Most casters utilize Silence to put an end to all spellcasting activities.

The majority of spells do not need the use of words, as is commonly believed.

Only a few spells contain a verbal component, but Counterspell and Demiplane have the potential to change the outcome of a fight.

When breaking into a structure, the ability to completely silence an area can be more effective than attempting to pick a lock.

Demolition can also be done discreetly in the event when an explosion is not possible.

To keep your torture victim quiet (I have no idea why you’re torturing her; it’s none of my concern) you can use silence.

The process of casting Silence allows players to take advantage of the spell and devise a strategy in advance.

It’s strange, though, that not all of the primary spellcaster classes have access to Silence.

As far as I know, this spell is only available to Bards, Clerics, and Rangers.

10. Unseen Servant

Source: Player’s Handbook

Using Unseen Servant instead of Mage Hand allows the caster to do more complex activities while still being able to cast spells.

This two-handed, self-aware humanoid can endure for up to an hour despite its invisibility.

You can use the Unseen Servant to transport light items between party members with a Strength of 2 (three times the capacity of a Mage Hand), but you can’t lift more than 30 pounds.

Mage Hand is available to all spellcasters that have access to Unseen Servant.

If three hands are required, a caster might have both of these spells available because neither one takes concentration.

The combat utility of Unseen Servant isn’t negated by the fact that it can’t really attack.

An Unseen Servant can be summoned if a fighter knocks an enemy’s weapon out of their hands.

The Unseen Servant can use a lever to close a door to separate an adversary.

In my opinion, the Unseen Servant is a superior trap locating spell than the actual Find Traps spell.

Open a safe or trigger dangerous-looking things with this handy sidekick.

As an added bonus, summoning a Familiar, less frequently by employing Unseen Servant as a ritual saves time and money.

9. Phantom Steed

Source: Player’s Handbook

Under the caster’s direction, Phantom Steed conjures a mystical horse-like creature.

Overland travel will be a snap thanks to this spell. The bridle and saddle that called this horse-like beast vanish with it.

It is also impossible to find the Phantom Steed if it is damaged in any way.

Unlike genuine horses, it has little stamina and can be pushed to 13 mph without tiring.

Phantom Horse may be cast as a ceremonial magic, allowing the whole party to be outfitted with one steed apiece.

Consider all the possibilities.

You may dispatch an emergency message to alert the residents of a town about impending attack, for instance.

8. Identify

Source: Player’s Handbook

After reaching level 3, Bards, Wizards and Clerics have access to the Identify spell.

This spell costs 100gp to cast, therefore it isn’t available straight out of the gate for most players.

Regardless, it’s a really helpful spell.

When it’s rested, though, Identify is rendered obsolete.

A character can perform the same thing as Identify by taking a brief rest and examining the qualities of a magical item.

Some games don’t support this form of identification, therefore the Identify spell isn’t essential.

So, instead of having to wait for a brief rest for each item, Identify will speed up the identification procedure if a cache of magical goods is discovered.

An item’s curse or a person’s spellcasting might potentially be determined by identifying it.

You should double-check with the DM, though.

7. Leomund’s Tiny Hut

Source: Player’s Handbook

Leomund’s Tiny Hut is included on this list because of its great adaptability.

The majority of the time, this spell is used in non-combat situations.

As a result, using it in a ritual saves spell slots.

A party can relax here in a safe and secure location.

The caster is in charge of how the dome appears from the outside, thus it can be painted in a way that enhances its ability to blend in.

People on the outside cannot see into Leomund’s Tiny Hut, but those on the inside can.

Magical and physical items cannot pierce the dome from the outside, therefore it has fighting potential if the party has the opportunity to prepare the battlefield in advance of the conflict.

The regulations make no mention of the dome being able to be utilized as a fortress, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be.

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6. Rary’s Telepathic Bond

Source: Player’s Handbook

This is one of my favorite ritual spells, although it’s not often that I get a Wizard to the right level to use it.

It is possible for a group of people to communicate at the speed of thought over large distances if they are all on the same plane of reality.

An hour-long ritual that doesn’t take much mental effort is a great choice for a ritual to try.

While formulating plans or bargaining with a high-ranking NPC, a party can now use Rary’s Telepathic Bond to justify their conversation without breaking character.

Another scenario in which Rary’s Telepathic Bond comes in handy is one in which radio communication is a need (without the radios).

Robberies, large-scale wars, and spy missions all call for lightning-fast communication.

Since Rary’s Telepathic Bond can only communicate in silence, having regular meetings would be a huge advantage.

Rogue attacks won’t need parties yelling at one other.

Cons: I seldom play a Wizard that has access to this spell, which is the biggest drawback.

It’s a lot of fun when I can get to it.

5. Contact Other Plane

Source: Player’s Handbook

It is now possible to communicate with a creature from another realm with this spell.

However, unlike Commune, here they get to ask an extraplanar being five questions at the risk of going insane.

The caster’s sanity can be preserved by passing an Intelligence check, or it can be restored using the spell Greater Restoration or a lengthy rest if the DC is failed.

The response will most likely be yes, no, or unknown, depending on the nature of the entity. For those who feel replying in this manner is dishonest, the entity may respond with a brief statement.

4. Divination

Source: Player’s Handbook

To speak with their God or one of their servants, the caster uses divination.

The deity will answer a single question about any upcoming event.

Even if the solution isn’t obvious, it will be the truth.

In D&D, Gods aren’t omnipotent or omniscient, therefore it’s crucial to keep that in mind.

As a result, they may simply state that they have no idea.

Because there are no significant drawbacks to casting Divination, it has a tiny edge over Contact Other Plane.

3. Commune

Source: Player’s Handbook

When used by an unprepared DM, this spell has the potential to ruin the game.

Because this is a ceremonial magic, it’s much more insane.

Three queries are posed by the caster to their God.

It is imperative that all questions be asked and answered within the allotted time frame.

Using Commune as a ritual would allow the group to properly consider what to ask.

This spell is often available to Clerics and Paladins.

The god of the caster, like that of Divination and Contact Other Plane, will not have all the answers.

A DM is unlikely to reveal the solution to the campaign’s central conundrum, but a player may inquire as to where magically powerful artifacts or beneficial companions could be hidden.

In this way, Commune may be utilized by both players and game masters to create story hooks for adventures.

2. Detect Magic

Source: Player’s Handbook

If you want to know if a thing is magical, you first need to know if it is magical.

You may perceive the magical auras of visible creatures or objects, and determine the spell school they come from, by casting Detect Magic.

If a door has Illusion magic on it, it must be dealt with in a different way than a door that has Evocation magic on it.

There is no magical aura around invisible beings.

It’s a pity that these mystical auras aren’t seen through barriers.

But Nytul’s Magic Aura may also manipulate auras in order to disguise or change an aura and perhaps fool the group.

In my opinion, every spell caster should have access to Detect Magic, given how often it is in spell lists.

5e’s magic-heavy campaigns need its employment, making it a vital tool.

Using an Arcana check may be permitted by some DMs, but I believe that most spellcasters do not have access to magic objects.

1. Find Familiar

Source: Player’s Handbook

Using Find Familiar may be used in so many ways.

You have no excuse not to take it if offered.

They are not genuine animals, but rather magical inventions.

A monster or an animal relationship cannot rule the inventions of Find Familiar.

Even though it’s obvious that Familiars should have their own initiative, most games force them to take the same turn as their owners.

It is possible to take an action to dissolve your Familiar and have it reappear near you in the event that it is going to be killed by a spell or is found by an opponent.

The familiar doesn’t have to be summoned to a location the caster can see, thus it can appear on the opposite side of a wall or inside or outside a prison cell.

With the “assist” action, a Familiar’s role may be used tactically to provide an ally a better chance on their next attack roll against a monster.

You can evade attacks of opportunity by using the “Flyby” ability of a familiar that appears as an owl.

This allows you to fly in, perform an assist action, and then fly out out of reach.

This spell is highly recommended for Arcane Tricksters.

Those that adore it are right to do so.