25 Best Waifus in Epic Seven

Even Epic Seven knows what waifus are.

And the game’s great character designs have kept giving SuperCreative/Smilegate the money they need to stay in business (supplied with salt by gacha players across the globe).

So, after everything, who are the best waifus in E7?

With this list of fan-favorite characters who stole our hearts, we hope to answer that question.

Note that we won’t be talking about collaboration units in this ranking. Instead, we’ll be focusing on characters made for Epic Seven and nothing else.

25. Roana

Class: Soul Weaver
Element: Earth
Rarity: 5*


By far the easiest to get, her third skill restores health and lets allies revive once every two turns for two turns.

Roana is also good against counter-attack and dual-attack teams because when an ally gets hit by one of these attacks, she heals them and makes them ready for battle.

Her skill animations are beautiful, and her look is sure to inspire a lot of cosplays in the future.

24. Celestial Mercedes

Class: Thief
Element: Dark
Rarity: 4*

Celestial Mercedes

The Celestial Mercedes looks and plays the best out of all the different Mercedes in the game.

With brighter colours, more powerful skills, and better cooperation with other heroes.

When she uses her third skill, she will be very ready for battle if she has a full crit.

23. Assassin Coli

Class: Thief
Element: Dark
Rarity: 4*

Assassin Coli

Many players don’t choose Assassin Coli as their waifu, and the newer heroes have left her in the dust.

She is still a strong offensive thief hero who can kill a weak enemy at the start of the battle and then finish off the rest.

If she loses a buff, her damage goes down by a lot. It’s hard to defend against area-of-effect debuffs, which are common in Epic Seven.

22. Christy

Class: Knight
Element: Earth
Rarity: 3*


Christy is a strong tank who came out during the RE:Zero event. She can protect her team from effects and boost their attack and defence.

Christy also has a chance to attack back, which makes a counter set very effective against her.

Since she starts off with a 3* rating, it’s surprisingly easy to get a lot of copies.

21. Dizzy

Class: Mage
Element: Ice
Rarity: 5*

In Epic Seven, Dizzy is a powerful AoE mage that players of all play styles want.

With powerful debuffs and the ability to make them last longer, she is great in both PvP and PvE.

She also does beautiful animations all over the place.

20. Peira

Class: Thief
Element: Ice
Rarity: 5*


Here’s one of the newest E7 units, but she’s already making a name for herself in the RTA meta.

Since Armin, Peira is the first character who is both animal and human.

And we hope that there will be a lot more cat/wolf/kitsune girls in the future.

Surins aren’t talked about…

19. Cermia

Class: Warrior
Element: Fire
Rarity: 5*

Lionheart Cermia
Class: Warrior
Element: Fire
Rarity: 5*


Cermia is the embodiment of all of us who play gacha games…

We’re so hooked on gambling that we just can’t stop!

At first, Cermia’s design was changed because her default face looked a lot like Ravi’s.

We’re happy that it did.

Because Cermia’s look now feels like it’s part of who she is.

Lionheart Cermia is also showing up more and more in RTA, and we’re glad to see cleave back on the menu.

Even though we think that Chaos Sect Cermia should have been the one to get the ML version…

18. Senya

Class: Warrior
Element: Earth
Rarity: 5*

Senya is a unit with a very narrow use.

Her huge attack makes her a good partner for Lilias on a cleave team. Even though her buffs are nice, they just give the enemy Rimuru more fuel to burn.

Still, who needs a meta with a design as good as Senya’s?!

Read Also:  Best Hunts To Farm in Epic Seven

Senya and other characters like Ilynav can get by just on how they look.

And to be honest, we have no complaints at all.

17. Solitaria of the Snow

Class: Mage
Element: Light
Rarity: 5*

Solitaria of the Snow

Solitaria is such a fun character, and she is very different from Eda, who is her RGB counterpart.

Solitaria seems to be in a pretty good place in terms of RTA after her recent buffs.

Her great design is full of flavour and colour, and we couldn’t be happier about it.

16. Luluca / Top Model Luluca

Class: Mage
Element: Ice
Rarity: 5*

Top Model Luluca
Class: Mage
Element: Dark
Rarity: 5*

Luluca would be the only waifu that E7 players wouldn’t mind being in a thruple with.

The ship between Luluca and Violet, and later between Tomoca and Riolet, is one of the strongest in the E7 fandom.

While the number of people using Tomoca is going down and the number of people using Bluluca is pretty much dead and buried… The shippers will keep her in the news no matter what.

15. Fallen Cecilia

Class: Knight
Element: Dark
Rarity: 5*

Fallen Cecilia

Oh my goodness, that RTA skin…

Regular Cecilia has never really been a contender in a waifu war.

Her skin from being a succubus is nice, but not very special.

Also, FCC was mostly called in because of her very powerful kit, not because of how she looks.

The RTA skin nation’s attack changed everything.

The RTA skin from FCC completely changes the look of the original and takes the character to a whole new level.

14. Belian

Class: Knight
Element: Light
Rarity: 5*

This one was hard.

We gave up and decided that we could only put one sitting waifu on this list. It came down to Belian or Conqueror Lilias.

Both of these units are extremely strong, very meta, and very cute.

And after a lot of talking, we decided that Belian should get the crown.

Not only is Belian an important part of the E7 story, but she also needs much less gear than Cilias.

Still, both of these waifus are great, and we won’t think less of you if you choose one over the other.

13. Lidica / Faithless Lidica

Class: Ranger
Element: Fire
Rarity: 5*

Faithless Lidica
Class: Ranger
Element: Light
Rarity: 5*


Back when E7 was still young, Lidica was one of the first units to be asked for a banner.

She played a big role in the story, and people were eagerly waiting for her to come out.

She’s great for some Abyss stages where you need to move slower units back, like Dark Corvus.

On the other hand, Flidica is a good starter in RTA and Guild War.

Also, Lidica’s skin is so smooth that it looks like a wedding dress. How “wife-u” can you get?

12. Celine / Spirit Eye Celine

Class: Thief
Element: Earth
Rarity: 5*

Spirit Eye Celine
Class: Thief
Element: Light
Rarity: 5*


Karin has always been a great character that E7 players all over the world loved.

Bringing Blood Blade to life Back in the day, having Karin as your waifu was a death sentence for your account because most players would use every resource they had to make her the best she could be.

We were not ready for Karin’s aunt, though.

Celine’s cute laziness is at odds with how fast she can kit.

Even though her base speed isn’t the fastest, her skill two is very strong.

Spirit Eye Celine also has one of the most beautiful animations for skill three in the whole game.

11. Elena

Class: Soul Weaver
Element: Ice
Rarity: 5*

I can already hear the pitchforks coming because this placement is so controversial…

Even though Elena is still a great pick against opponents who want to deal a lot of AOE damage (like Pavel) or push the team with an AOE attack (like Faithless Lidica), players can’t get past the fact that her voice acting sounds a bit strange when she speaks.

Overall, Elena is not a very likeable person because of how she looks and acts.

Everything changes, though, when you put on that beautiful Starlit Melody skin.

Skins often take characters that aren’t as popular to a whole new level.

Read Also:  Roana or Angelica Which one is Better Unit in Epic Seven?

So don’t be surprised if some waifus you didn’t expect to make this list (mostly because of their great skins).

10. Vivian

Class: Mage
Element: Earth
Rarity: 5*

When it comes to epic skins…

In Epic Seven, Vivian has never had much of a role.

She is mostly used on one-shot Banshee teams with other niche units like Shadow Rose and Leo.

But none of us thought that Smilegate would make a skin as great as Villainess Vivian.

Fans were so excited when they heard about that skin.

Many people thought that the design must be a new limited unit or an ML counterpart because it was too good to be a normal skin.

People were sad when they saw the skin, though, because a new skin isn’t enough to get Vivian off the bench.

She now has a new job as a permanent role model for waifu fans all over the world.

9. Iseria / Summertime Iseria / Briar Witch Iseria

Class: Ranger
Element: Earth
Rarity: 5*

Summertime Iseria
Class: Ranger
Element: Fire
Rarity: 5*

Briar Witch Iseria
Class: Ranger
Element: Dark
Rarity: 5*

We’re getting into really dangerous territory now.

This list had to include everyone’s favourite elf at some point.

But the fact that she barely made it into the top ten shows how strong E7 waifus are.

Still, every version of Iseria has been used in the game in some way.

Her Earth form was the other part of the deadly Tama-Iseria duo.

Her ML form can also strip and deal damage well.

Summertime’s units like Peira and Ran are still causing trouble in the RTA meta… So, it should go without saying that you should get used to seeing Iseria.

8. Yuna

Class: Ranger
Element: Ice
Rarity: 5*

Yuna is a unit that has (unfortunately) become completely unknown.

Even though she was a key character in the first few stories of Epic Seven, she seems to have vanished from both the story and the overall meta (if she could ever have been considered viable in the first place).

But Yuna’s quirky personality and artistic skill three animation made a lasting impression on fans.

But it’s clear that the people who made Epic Seven like Yuna because the engine that Epic Seven is built on is called the Yuna Engine.

7. Mercedes / Celestial Mercedes / Archdemon’s Shadow

Class: Mage
Element: Fire
Rarity: 4*

Celestial Mercedes
Class: Mage
Element: Dark
Rarity: 4*

Archdemon’s Shadow
Class: Mage
Element: Dark
Rarity: 5*

Mercedes is the free character we all get at the beginning of our journey. She goes on all of Ras’s adventures with him.

Over the years, it’s only natural that we’ve all grown fond of Mercedes.

We can all agree that without her, the game wouldn’t be the same.

Mercedes’s new update, though, makes her a real threat in PVP, mostly because of her revive. Her ML 4* form has been used as a cleaver on occasion, and her ML 5* form is still in the meta.

So, Mercedes is a great waifu in the end.

And we’re sorry for everyone who missed out on getting her Fluffy Lady Arky skin.

6. Judge Kise

Class: Warrior
Element: Light
Rarity: 5*

Judge Kise

Here comes Judge Kise, the first waifu to end all other waifus.

For those who don’t know, when Epic Seven was first starting out, there was a lot more fan service.

Some characters, like Maya, Serila, and Silk, have busts that are bigger than their heads.

Over time, Epic Seven’s creators realised that the game doesn’t need that kind of stuff to make money, which has given the game a lot more respect.

So, Judge Kise will always be a piece of the past because her jiggle physics are the best of any E7 unit.

5. Yufine / Holiday Yufine

Class: Warrior
Element: Earth
Rarity: 5*

Holiday Yufine
Class: Warrior
Element: Fire
Rarity: 5*


Yufine is one of the characters that fans love the most.

When Epic Seven first came out, before most people knew who the best units would be, a few people decided to reroll for Yufine just because of how she looked.

She’s so popular that she even has a Summer version where she fights in a bikini.

Holiday Yufine was almost entirely made to beat Basar, which is a shame. And since Basar isn’t used much anymore, Holiday Yufine has also been sent to the waiting room…

Read Also:  Epic Seven: How To Make 6-Star Heroes?

4. Tenebria / Fairytail Tenebria / Specter Tenebria

Class: Mage
Element: Fire
Rarity: 5*

Fairytail Tenebria
Class: Mage
Element: Ice
Rarity: 5*

Specter Tenebria
Class: Mage
Element: Dark
Rarity: 5*


All versions of Tenebria will be put together here, since they all bring something different to the table.

Regular Tenebria has been a good waifu for a long time.

Her Phantom Schoolgirl skin made her original design look a lot cuter, which is always a good thing.

Fairytail Tenebria also looks great and is still sometimes used in RTA.

Then, when we look toward Specter Tenebria, things start to get crazy.

Specter Tenebria has always been a top-notch waifu, and she still has a strong meta position.

She’s great at both PVP and PVE, especially in Automaton Tower, Raid, and Abyss.

She was also the first unit to get a highly sought-after RTA skin, which showed us how much a character’s look could change.

If you like waifus who are bossy and ask you to kiss their feet, Specter Tenebria is your girl.

3. Challenger Dominiel

Class: Mage
Element: Dark
Rarity: 4*

Challenger Dominiel

The movie’s poster girl had to be on the list somewhere, right?

After all, when you start up Epic Seven, the first thing you see is CDom’s face.

CDom used to be the best choice for cleave teams because she can make the team better at fighting and kill any unit she wants.

Even though she isn’t as good as she used to be because of all the interrupts in the current meta (Politis, Celine, etc.), she will always be the unit designed to get new players interested in the game.

I think Angelica is a little upset that she is no longer the app icon.

2. Luna

Class: Warrior
Element: Ice
Rarity: 5*


Luna was the first unit in Epic Seven that had to be called.

There were rumours for a while that we would have to wait a whole year before we could get a Luna banner on the global server.

Luna was already on the KR server, and people were upset that she hadn’t made it to the global server yet.

Wyvern was the most important thing for everyone to do at the time. And Luna was the last thing that was needed to make a stable Wyvern 11 team.

Then, as if from heaven, we got the patch notes with information about Luna.

It’s not hard to see why Luna has won over so many E7 players.

The people who played the game really liked how she was. Even though her gear isn’t as useful as it used to be, her unique gear makes her a decent DPS option.

Plus, ML Luna seems to be much closer than many of us thought she would be based on the leaks and animated trailer for Vivian’s skin.

Hope you’ve saved up enough Mystic Medals!

1. Bellona / Seaside Bellona

Class: Ranger
Element: Earth
Rarity: 5*

Seaside Bellona
Class: Ranger
Element: Ice
Rarity: 5*

Bellona / Seaside Bellona

Most people agree that Bellona is the best Epic Seven character ever made.

When she first came out, many people cheered for her because she gives off a smug vibe while calmly fanning herself.

At the time, Bellona was a top-tier DPS who could use her percentage health damage to speed through the main storyline and early Abyss stages.

As Bellona dropped out of the meta, her seaside version came out and caused chaos in PVP for what seemed like an eternity.

So many counters were put out to stop SSB from being the best (Roana, for example). Even though she is rarely seen in RTA these days, she is still great for Hunts and the Automaton Tower.

Also, we can’t forget that our fallen brother KGaming spent hundreds of dollars trying to call her before Epic Seven had any kind of pity system.

Bellona is the best kind of waifu.

She might not be as good as she used to be. But in both of her lives, she has been at the top of the meta at some point.

So only one question still remains…