Loxodon 5e D&D Guide

This Dragons Loxodon 5e Guide is for intermediates and beginners. I’ve included some tips for players and DMs who have run a few campaigns.

If you’re new to DnD or want to play with one of the more obscure races within the worlds of Dungeons then I have a fun suggestion

The Loxodon is the most popular humanoid elephant race.

What’s a Loxodon?

You don’t have to be a Loxodon expert if you’ve never heard of them before or are unsure what they do. 

They are humanoid humans with elephant heads. Their natural habitat is the plains at Ravnica.


They are tall creatures that stand 7 feet tall. These are two of the most important characteristics a Loxodon could have in their culture. 

Loxodons are not considered adults until they reach 60 years of age.

They are an elephant-like race but they can also be bipedal. Their skin is rough, just like an elephant. 

They only have four digits, which is a difference from humans. They are tall and have large ears. The majority of Loxodons in the world have tusks, but they can vary in size.


Loxodon 5e

Loxodons may be pacifists but they don’t take it easy. Loxodons will protect their loyal friends and family with all of their might.

They can also be a formidable ally in battle. They are skilled in fine art, craftsmanship and despite their brute exterior. Their stonework is regarded as one of the finest in the world.

They are well-known for their loyalty and diligence to their friends. They are very stoic and rarely resort to violence. 

They are a strong community that offers wise counsel to anyone who asks. It is difficult to get them mad and you should avoid it at all costs.

Two languages are the norm for a Loxodon. This means that you won’t have to converse a lot with other races, because the Loxodon language doesn’t exist.

The characteristics and traits of the Loxodon Race

Age: A loxodon can only be considered an adult when they reach the age of 60 but this is still a very young age compared to their life expectancy. They live an average of 450 years. They age at the same rate as humans, despite being able to live so long. They reach physical maturity around the age of 18-21.

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Alignment: Loxodons, on average are lawful goods. They place rational discourse over violence and seek peace in their lives. They are a force for good. This is not an exact alignment. Loxodons that are neutral good or neutral in general alignment will be easy to find.

Size and speed: This elephant humanoid walks at a speed of 30 feet. They are medium in size, which makes them very large as far as playable races. They are between 300-and 400 pounds in weight.

Carrying capacity: A Loxodon is one size bigger due to its powerful build. This can have an impact on your carrying capacity as well as the maximum weight you can drag, lift and push. This is especially useful if your DM has stricter limits on your carrying capacity. This is great if you’re a hoarder.

Loxodon Serenity: The Loxodon Serenity is a very useful ability. This ability gives you an advantage over being scared and charmed. These kinds of status effects are likely to be in your life, so it is a great advantage.

Trunk: It is clear from the text that the Loxodon trunk capability was not intended to be used as a third arm superpower. It is forbidden to be used as such. This ability is too powerful if your Dungeon Master doesn’t know.

If you have something in your hands and want to retrieve it, the trunk can be useful. The usefulness of the trunk ability will depend on how creative you are and what story your DM has created. It is a nice thing to have but only a few uses make it useful.

Natural Armor: This ability is very useful. Natural armor can increase your constitution by up to 16 and you will have 17 Ac right at the start of your adventure. The combination of high natural armor and a high constitution makes you more resilient against the most powerful monsters. You already have a +2 constitution because of your race. This means you can add points to dexterity to make your build more resilient.

Keen Stint: I have never used this keen smell ability. It might prove useful if your Dungeon master is fond of small details.

You can get some very useful abilities from the Loxodon race, such as Loxodon serenity and Powerful build. 

You also get a nice constitution bonus and the natural armor trait which make you even tankier.

Building a viable and strong Loxodon

You have now decided to give the Loxodon another try. The second aspect is equally important: Which class are you going to use?

Barbarian Loxodon? The unarmored defense skill is slightly better than the Natural Armor skill. 

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These two traits do not stack so you could trade a useful trait for an even more powerful one. However, you would also lose an additional one.

If you are a strong base race, the Barbarian class shines. Although Loxodon’s CON stat is impressive, it is not sufficient to make the most of the barbarian class. 

You should play with a different type of barbarian than the Loxodon, despite its appearance.

Ranger? This is a strong indicator that the ranger class would be a good idea.

To get the best out of weapons and finesse, a good ranger needs to have the ability to dexterity. 

You won’t need natural armor if you have high DEX. Instead, you can use actual armor. The Loxodon is an excellent ranger. 

It seems a waste to lose this powerful ability for no real advantage.

Monk? This is because a barbarian gets CON and STR while a monk receives CON and WIS. Loxodons have a wisdom that is greater than their strength. There is one problem. Because the Monk’s unarmored defense outperforms it, the Loxodon’s natural armor will be lost.

Cleric?– The Cleric class is the best for your Loxodon. Your natural armor will be less useful because of the heavy armor proficiency that most cleric builds.

Loxodon Serenity is the best thing about using their Loxodon Race. This skill gives you an advantage over being scared and charmed. These are two very useful skills to have if you’re a cleric and want to increase your survival rate when you focus on healing your allies.

Druid – This class is almost perfect for the Loxodon race. You might be aware that druid builds often have difficulty getting their AC up enough to allow them to take down some hits. The Loxodon’s natural armor gives you a huge boost to fix this problem immediately. To further address this issue, you also receive a decent constitution. You can now focus all of your ability points on the Wisdom skill.

Paladin? A lot of stats are required for a paladin to be successful. The Paladin does not need to have Wisdom, which is a bad thing for Loxodon. You can also dump your dexterity, use your natural armor, and spend the DEX points on strength and charisma.

Some classes are just not compatible with the Loxodon race. The rogue is the most obvious. Rogues must be stealthy.

The elephant’s stealth is not something that most people are aware of. It seems a funny idea to build an elephant-sized rogue, which is between 7 and 8 feet tall and weighs 350-400 kg.

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You might be better off skipping this one. Loxodon Serenity is the only thing that the Loxodon has going for them. Unfortunately, this is not enough to build a powerful rogue.

There are also the Warlock and the Sorcerer. Both classes are dependent on Charisma for their effectiveness. 

The Loxodon does not possess the stats to make it an effective pick for these classes. The Wizard class is the same; they require intelligence to be as efficient as possible. The Loxodon is intelligent but not wise.

Remember that the Loxodon can take significant damage because of its natural armor and high CON. 

This is a great way to add tank abilities to your party, or if you have a few other players who can use the glass cannon.


Can a Loxodon trunk use a weapon?

The trunk cannot be used to double, or triple-wield a weapon. This would be too powerful. The trunk is an important part of the Loxodon races. Its capabilities have been clearly described by its creators. It is useful for picking up or storing certain items when you don’t have enough. Any more than that will probably result in a firm no from your DM.

How much is a Loxodon Trunklift?

The trunk of a Loxodon, thanks to its carrying capacity, is very strong. It can lift to 5 pounds. Your Loxodon, for instance, has 12 strengths. This means that it can lift 5 times 12, or 60 pounds. It’s not a lot but it isn’t useless.

Is Loxodon as good as barbarians?

Not really. They have two disadvantages, despite how attractive they may appear. Their strength isn’t very impressive. You won’t be able to use 2 of their decent abilities. While their natural armor is great, the armor that a barbarian has is far superior and does not stack well with it.

Is it worth playing?

It is quite an experience to play as a Loxodon. You can stand up to 8 feet tall and weigh between 350-400 pounds. Although your trunk may seem like a remarkable ability, in reality, it is more of an accessory than a practical tool.Natural armor is the Loxodon’s main strength. 

The Loxodon, with its great bonus in constitution or wisdom, is an incredible tank for any class that uses wisdom as their main ability.The Loxodon seems designed for the druid classes. Low AC is a major weakness of this class. Natural armor can give a boost to AC and you can spend a little CON to increase it to 17. This is straight from level 1.