Every Rings From 5e D&D Guide

Rings are one of nine magic items adventurers have access to in the D&D5th edition. To be able to wear a ring, you must have it on your finger or a “similar” digit. 

You will need to consult your DM if you wish to use a magic ring for an earring, or another purpose.

They’ll likely let you customize your character if you try. They won’t let you wear every ring you want. 

Although it may seem that you could benefit from 10 rings, the rules of attunement limit your options. We are pleased to present our comprehensive DnD Rings Guide.


To benefit from their magic ability, most rings will require that you tune to them. Only the Ring of Swimming, Ring of Water Walking, and Ring of Three Wishes don’t require tuning.

Each character can use up to three magic items at once in D&D. This includes magic rings, as well as other magic items such as weapons, wands, and wondrous items. 

The only exception is the artificer, who at higher levels gains an additional attunement slot reaching a maximum of six.

Uncommon Rings

Uncommon rings are the weakest rings in D&D. Magic items have a broad and vague value.

According to the DMG, these rings can be worth anywhere from 100 to 500 gold pieces. It is more likely that they will be found by an adventurer in a Dungeon.

However, it is possible to find one at a local vendor or city.

Ring of Jumping

While wearing this ring you can use the Jump spell to your advantage. Jump Triples your jumping distance for the next minute. This applies to both your high jump and long jump.

Your speed will limit the distance you can jump. Your Strength score and a 10-ft run-up determine how far you can long jump. You can only jump half the distance without the run-up.

A character with a Strength score of 15 can jump long distances of 15 feet. Let’s say you have a speed of 30 feet. Your turn is yours.

You move 10 feet on the run-up, 15 feet long jumping, and 5 feet in between.

You can now jump 45 feet if you cast the Jump spell. You move 10 feet to get a run-up, and 20 feet to jump. Your speed is only 30 feet.

You cannot move faster than that on your turn unless your speed increases, such as with the Dash action.

Ring of Mind Shielding

This ring has a jewel-like array that resembles a brain. This ring is not magic-proof. It cannot be used to read your mind or determine if you are lying.

You can either allow or deny someone trying to communicate telepathically with you. You can also make the ring invisible at any time you wish.

This ring offers a variety of interesting effects. However, there is one important condition: your soul will enter the ring if you are dead unless there is one already. 

You cannot stop a soul from entering the ring if it is communicating with you telepathically.

This ring is great for introducing an NPC or enemy whose soul is in it. It also makes it possible to cast divination spells on bad guys that don’t work. 

Start grabbing the fingers of your enemy to search for an invisible ring if your casting Detect Thoughts fails.

Ring of Swimming

You can swim at 40 feet while wearing this ring. 

This ring is useful for sea-faring campaigns as it doesn’t disadvantage creatures with melee weapons underwater.

Ring of Warmth

The ring provides protection against cold damage and is unaffected by extreme cold environments.

Ring of Water Walking

You can walk on any liquid surface or solid ground with this ring. It can be used on any liquid, despite the name suggesting that it can walk on water. 

The description also states that you can move on liquids. This suggests that you have the option to not swim if you don’t wish to.

Rare Rings

Next is Rare. Rare magic items can range in value from 500 to 5K gold pieces. This is not helpful in determining if you have the money to purchase one in a shop. 

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It all depends on the campaign. However, these items are unlikely to be available for sale unless you live in a major city.

According to the books, rare magic items can be used by adventurers of 5th or higher levels. These items will be rewarded by many DMs sooner than expected.

Ring of Animal Influence

This ring is reminiscent of Game of Thrones opening credits. It lets the wearer cast Animal Friendship and Fear upon beasts with Intelligence scores of 3 or lower. Talk with Animals

Each spell costs the ring one of three charges. You regain 1d3 each day. Roll a 6 to get a d3, divide it by 2, and then round up.

Ring of Evasion

The ring of Evasion does not have the same class ability as the Evasion class ability, despite its name. You can use this ring to make a failed Dexterity saving throw a success by using your reaction.

Each use of the ring costs one of three charges. The ring is charged 1d3 each day. For more information, see the Ring of Animal Influence.

Ring of Feather Falls

You do not suffer injury from falling while wearing this ring. 

You can fall 60 feet per round if you’re falling. The ring will save your life and can be used to help you.

Ring of Free Action

Another ring with a misleading name. This ring does not have anything to do with you, but it has everything to do about your movement. It is still not known why it is called the Ring of Free Movement.

This ring doesn’t slow you down due to difficult terrain. It also protects you from magical effects that can reduce, paralyze or restrain your speed.

Ring of Protection

This ring gives you a +1 bonus to your AC or saving throws while wearing it. This includes both the six ability saving throws and the death saving throws.

Ring of Resistance

This ring contains one of the ten possible gemstones that correspond to a particular damage type. You can wear this ring and gain resistance towards the damage type.

Three physical damage types are excluded from the list: piercing and bludgeoning.

Ring of Spell Storing

The ring can contain five levels of spells. You could store five 1st-level spells, three 2nd-level spells, and one 5th-level spell inside.

The ring’s owner is the only person who can cast spells, but anyone can put a spell in the ring. When casting the spell into a ring, all components must be included.

Your cleric can keep Revivify in your ring to store an extra resurrection, or you could store a Flash inside so that they can send the barbarian running headfirst with a bomb on the ring finger.

When the spell is released, the caster becomes the user of the ring. The spell’s power is dependent on who cast it into the ring.

Ring of the Ram

The ring has iron horns that protrude from the top and it has two abilities. The first summons a huge spectral Ram’s head to butt people up to 60 feet away. The second allows you to break any object not being worn or carried.

Make a ranged attack roll to attack a creature. A hit causes the target to take 2d10 force damage, and it is then knocked back five feet. 

Make a Strength check to gain a +5 bonus if you are attacking an object. If you are unable to get through a door and have no Strength-based characters, you can use the second option.

Each ability costs the ring 1 of its 3 charges. The ring then recoups 1d3 daily charges. For more information, see the Ring of Animal Influence.

Ring of X-Ray Vision

This ring has a very realistic-looking eyeball. You can see through solid matter for 30 feet around you by taking one action. 

One foot of stone, one inch of common metal, and three feet of wood, dirt, or dirt can be seen through. Your DM should have the wall thicknesses for every nearby building available.

This cannot be used more than once per day. You must either succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throwing or reach exhaustion. It is not a good idea to spend so much time on screen in one day.

Rare Rings

Rare magic items are extremely rare and can be purchased for as little as 5,000 to 50,000 gold pieces. These rare items are very rare, as the name implies.

These items are not easily found in shops, magic item shops, or any other type of shop. You have the best chance of finding them by dungeon-delving, or by taking them from your enemies. Adventurers of 11th level or higher can find rare items.

The Ring of Regeneration

You can regain 1d6 hits every ten minutes while wearing this ring, provided you have at least one hit point. You can also regrow lost limbs. 

This is not intended to be a boon in combat but between encounters. You can always heal yourself.

Ring of Shooting Stars

This ring is an offensive weapon. You can also spend an action to cast cantrips Dancing Lights and Light at your will.

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The ring can be used for the following purposes:

  • To cast the spell Faerie Fire, you will need to pay one charge
  • To create up to four lightning balls, you will need to spend two charges. You can choose one ball to deal 4d12 damage. Two balls deal 5d4 and three deal 2d6 respectively. Four balls each deal 2d4 damages. Any creature within five feet of a ball will cause it to emit its light at the person. They must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, or they will take the damage.
  • You can spend anywhere from 1 to 3 dollars. You can shoot a small start-up to 60 feet from you for every charge. Every creature within 15 feet of that point must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d4 damage if it fails to save or half the damage if it succeeds.

The ring is charged with 6 charges, and the ring regains 1d6 each dawn.

Faerie Fire can be used to find invisible creatures, but other abilities are more useful and can still be used against them if necessary.

The balls of lightning will automatically dissipate when they are near another creature than you. Allies are affected by this, so make sure you’re careful where they go. 

This is a great way to control the battlefield and determine where enemies can or cannot move. A creature that succeeds in making a saving throw against lightning balls does not take any damage.

Ring of Telekinesis

This ring lets you cast the Telekinesis spell on any object, but only on those that aren’t being worn or carried. 

This makes it less effective for moving important objects and removing them from someone’s hands.

You can still target objects over 1,000 pounds, which could include carriages with people in them.

Legendary rings

Legendary magic items are the most valuable and powerful rings. These rings can be worth up to 50,000 gold pieces. 

These rings are powerful and only for high-level adventurers of at least 17th level.

Ring of Air Elemental Command

This ring gives you an advantage over any attack against an air elemental, while it disadvantages them against your attacks. You can fall 60 feet per round, take no injury, and learn the Auran language.

The ring comes with 5 charges. Each dawn, you will regain 1d4+1 of the expended charges. To cast Dominate Monkey on an elemental, you can pay 2 charges.

You can also help to kill an air elemental by wearing this ring.

  • Lightning damage resistance
  • Flying speed is equal to walking speed, and hovering is possible.
  • To cast Chain Lightning or Gust of Wind you will need to pay 3 charges. Or 1 to cast Wind Wall.

Ring of Djinni Summoning

You can summon a Djinni using this ring.

The djinni will be friendly to you and follow your orders. It will fight for your party and return to the Elemental Plane of Air if it drops below 0 hit points. 

Although you can summon it only once per day, each time you summon it, the same creature is summoned.

You can give it a name and get to know its family. If you have the Ring Of Air Elemental Command, you can command it to summon an Air Elements to kill it.

Your djinni has the ability to cast Plane Schift every day. This gives you extra ways for your party members to travel across the multiverse.

Ring of Earth Elemental Command

This ring gives you an advantage over any attack against an earth elemental, while it disadvantages them against your attacks. 

You can normally move on the difficult terrain of dirt and rocks, and you can also learn the Terran language.

The Ring of Earth Elemental Command comes with 5 charges. Each dawn, you will regain 1d4+1 of your expended charges. To cast Dominate Monkey on the earth elemental, you can pay 2 charges

You can also help an earth elemental to be killed by this ring.

  • Acid damage resistance
  • It is possible to move through the solid ground as though it were hard terrain.
  • You can use 3 cartoons for casting Stoneskin or 2 cartoons for casting Stone shape. Or, you can use 3 cartoons for casting Wall of Stone.

Ring of Fire Elemental Command

This ring gives you an advantage over any attack made against the fire elemental, while it disadvantages them on their attacks against you. You are immune to fire damage, and you can learn the Ignan language.

The ring comes with 5 charges. Each dawn, you will regain 1d4+1 of the expended charges. To cast Dominate Monkey on a fire elemental, you can pay 2 charges.

You can also help a fire elemental to be killed by this ring.

  • Fire damage immunity
  • To cast Wall of Fire or Fireball you will need to pay 2 charges and 1 charge for Burning Hands.

Ring of Invisibility

This ring can be used to make it invisible. These effects are similar to the spell invisibility but they last for an indefinite time.

However, you will reappear if attacked or cast a spell. It cannot be countered with abilities like Counterspell and Dispel Magic since you aren’t casting the spell.

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This is similar to the spell but it’s not useful for combat or scouting. You should be invisible even when you sleep if you find one of these.

Ring of Spell Turning

This ring grants you the Counterspell ability that you have been waiting for. You have an advantage in saving throws against spells only targeting you. 

This ring is not the best because Yuan-Ti or Satyrs can get it at character creation.

You can roll 20 to make a saving throw against spells of 7th or lower level that only target you. The spell instead targets the caster. 

As a wizard, turning a spell against a spellcaster can be the ultimate reverse card.

The Ring of Three Wishes

This ring is the most powerful in the game, despite the strength of other legend rings. Wish, according to its own admission, is the most powerful spell in the game. This ring allows you to cast it up to three times.

Although you cannot wish for more wishes you can technically wish to have another Ring of Three Wishes. 

These requests can lead to disaster, as the spell says. It could instead transport you to the item’s location on the bottom of the ocean or the ninth layer of hell.

Before you buy this ring, think about your goals and make sure that you don’t let your DM get in the way.

Ring of Water Elemental Command

This ring gives you an advantage over any attack made against water elemental, while it deters them from attacking you. 

You can walk on liquid surfaces as if they were hard ground, and you can learn the Aquan language.

The ring comes with 5 charges. Each dawn, you will regain 1d4+1 of the expended charges. To cast Dominate Monkey on a water elemental, you can pay 2 charges.

You can also help to kill a water element by wearing this ring.

  • Swimming speed equals walking speed
  • It is possible to breathe underwater.
  • To cast Control Water you will need to pay 3 charges, 3 to cast Wall of Ice, and 2 to cast Ice Storm. Or 1 to cast Create/Destroy Water.

Homebrew rings

You can also create your own magic rings by working with your DM.

You can create a homebrew ring by using another magic item from the Dungeon Master Guide, or any other sourcebook.

You could, for example, change the Circlet of Blasting to a Ring of Blasting. You can be certain that this uncommon magic item is powerful enough to suit any player without changing the statistics.

You can create something new by looking at the many spells available in the game. A magic item that duplicates a low-level spell does not have to be uncommon.

The Ring of Invisibility is a replica of the 2nd level spell, but it is legendary for its inability to limit how many times you can become invisible.

A good way to make sure your homebrew isn’t overpowered is to look at the charges it has. 

Even though rare and uncommon rings are known for their exceptional abilities, they typically have only 3 charges. Legendary rings usually have six.

Finally, if you have created a fun item that you want to give to your players or ask for their approval, keep in mind that even though it may look great on paper, you might find it different when you play. 

After playtesting, DMs reserve the right of changing the power level of any item.


How many rings can you wear in D&D?

Seven. You’ll get seven benefits if you find the four rings without attunement and then use your attunement slot for three more. 18th-level artificers can have ten rings while using six attunement slots.

How many Magic Rings can you find in D&D

There are 25 published magic rings.

Can Dragons wear rings?

Yes. No matter what size or build, magic items can be made to fit any creature. A magic ring that can be reshaped to fit a dragon’s finger could work because they have claws. It’s up to the DM to decide if this is permitted.

Can you attune to two rings of protection?

No. Answer: No. You can’t tune to more than one item.

What is the cost of a ring?

Magic rings are valued based on their rarity. Uncommon rings can be valued at 101 to 500gp, rare rings range from 501gp to 5,000gp, while rare rings range from 501gp up to 5,000gp.

Very rare rings can range between 5,001gp and 50,000gp. Legendary rings are worth more than 50,000gp.

Final Words

One of the nine magic items found in the D&D multiverse is in the ring. 

Although most adventurers can have ten rings on their fingers at a time, many rings require attunement. Every class except the artificer has three slots for attunement.

Because rings can be disguised as fashion accessories, they can be very useful. 

Rings can be a great backup, even when you are visiting dangerous places or meeting where weapons have been surrendered.