Your party’s too late The evil cultists summoned their demon master, and your group of adventurers is beaten.
Your weapons are ineffective as those powerful magic spells from your wizards or warlocks do not work as the demon is ready to unleash an attack that you’re sure will kill all those around.
There’s nothing more you can do until the magic user raises his hand and displays their sacred symbol.
It’s possibly the only spell that could save the group from sudden attacks of the devil or incursions from the elemental realm, or other attacks by creatures not from this world and banishment can be beneficial if you know how to utilize it correctly.
However, this spell isn’t as easy as it appears it could be dangerous if you don’t use it correctly.
How do you utilize the spell of banishment to save the life of your group instead of bringing the adventure to an end?
This is our Banishment 5e guide on the banishment magic spell from D&D!
What is the Banishment Spell?
Here are the statistics regarding the banishment period as stated in the handbook for players:
- 4 level abjuration
- The Time to Cast: 1 step
- Range: 60 feet
- Contents: V S M (An item that is disgusting for the person who is using it)
- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Minute
- Classes: Paladin, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
You attempt to transport a creature you can observe within distance to another dimension of existence. The target must make a Charisma Saving Throw or else be exiled.
When the person you’re targeting is native to the level that you’re on, you can send the target to an uninvolved demiplane. There the target is disabled.
The target is there until the spell’s end and at that point, the target appears in the area it left, or in the closest unoccupied space, if that space is already in use.
If the target belongs to an entirely different realm than the one you’re currently in The target is ejected with a slight popping sound and then returns to its home plane.
If the spell is over within a minute the target appears in the area it left, or in the closest space that is not occupied if that space is not occupied. If not, the target won’t return.
At higher levels: If casting this spell with the slot for spells of 5th or higher level You can target an extra creature that is higher than 4th.
Okay, there’s a lot to go over in this article Let’s begin. The first is that it costs one cast action and can reach 60 feet. The spell requires verbal physical, and material components.
It can last for approximately one minute under concentration. A Paladin Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard can cast the spell and the effects of the spell are as the following.
It is your goal to take any living thing you observe to another dimension of existence, usually your home planet. The target has to make a charisma save throw or be banished.
If the target is in the normal realm of existence, they are transported to a demiplane that is harmless, disabled, and left until the spell has ended. They return to the place they were at the time they were ejected or to the nearest location that is available.
For demons as well as those who exist in different realms the spell operates differently. There is no saving-shrew and they disappear when they are struck by the spell, and then return to their original plane of existence.
If the spell ceases to work, because of a lack of concentration or the spell getting dropped they’ll reappear in the same space that they left or in the nearest space. If the spell is in effect for more than one hour, that creature will be removed and is not able to return.
It’s a powerful spell however, to ensure you know its power of it You must understand how planes operate.
What are planes in D&D?

The idea of different levels of existence is an entirely separate article but for those who are just beginning, this is a brief and simple overview.
The world of Faerun and every other gaming world that you design is located in the Material Plane which is a plan that is very similar to earth.
There’s an endless number of realms that exist in the material plane. However, outside of that, there are many different planes of existence just as vast.
There’s, for example, an instance of the Astral plane, which is a place of dream and thought in which you can quit your physical body and travel to other worlds.
Elemental planes include earth, air, and wind, as well as the outer planets, which are home to good creatures.
There’s a vast array of planes that could be constructed and explored and the majority of extraplanar creatures originate from one of these planes.
Is Banishment Good?
Overall, the score is blue. This means that banishment is a good spell, and you should give it serious thought for your character.
Overall Notes: Get rid of creatures from other planes or get rid of a big threat that will be a threat for most of the fight.
One of the best save or suck spells out there. Keep in mind that the creature will go back to where it came from unless it is from another plane.
What are some creatures that can be Banished?
In the first place, the elementals all come from their elemental plane. When a caster casts a spell to summon an elemental from fire, they don’t create it from something, but instead, call it up from their fire plane into our world.
The process can be reversed with banishing, and the elemental is banished from the world of ours, returning to their own.
Fiends also originate often from the abyss at all times or come from lower levels of chaos. They originate from evil and are also creatures such as Marliths, Dretchs, Quazits, and Devils.
Demons, as well as Devils, are all included under the umbrella of beasts, which means they can be wiped out.
If the creature isn’t from this world, then it is likely that you will be able to drive it from its habitat during battle, which will provide you with an advantage over the most powerful creatures.
What if a creature is of The Material Plane?

When people think of banishment, they envision the challenge of a demon or removing a raging creature… But what about banishing other, less important people?
Are you able to banish an Orc warlord who’s causing the party some trouble for a small amount?
Sure, however, they’ll eventually come back. They may fight the exile through the charm of a saving throw but if they do not succeed, they will be banished to the demiplane, which is harmless.
Demi-planes are the lesser levels of existence which is disabled while they are there. After a few minutes, the target will always appear at the location they disappeared from.
The banishment spell could be a good way to allow your group to breathe but are you going to use a 4th level spell slot into someone likely to return in the future?
Do you want to ensure that the person you exile declares gone?
What is the best material component?
According to the description of the spell To cast the spell you will require an item that is disgusting to the target but what exactly does it mean? Demons fiends and devils indeed scream in the face of holy fire, cold iron, and even fire.
In the majority of cases, the presence of a holy symbol will be enough to get the job done however if your character has a pouch for components, it’s possible to conclude that there is something odious to a demon inside.
In a look at a description of reading the 3.5 version of the Handbook for Players, The following text can be useful: lists things the target is afraid of, hate, or is otherwise opposed to and, in particular, things are prone to (examples are weapons made from metal, which the creature is vulnerable to, or substances it is susceptible to) Particularly, particular items of a rare nature that the person is particularly averse to.
For elements, you can consider the things they are susceptible to. For instance, fire elementals are averse to water. Water elementals dislike cold.
Earth elementals may be able to fight by smoke, and air elementals could be defeated using bits of metal or earth. Talk with your DM about the elementals and you might come up with some great ideas.
To find other monsters, take a look into their motivations and the backstories behind them. There is a good chance that within the mythology of monsters, there are things they aren’t fond of or susceptible to.
Enjoy it If you’ve got an accessory pouch or focus, there is no need to fret about materials components.
Items and Weapons work too

The majority of DM’s allow items such as weapons and items to serve as a material element, particularly against creatures of that realm of the physical.
For instance, Orcs are all hostile to the elves and weapons of the elves therefore having something elvish on you will enable you to banish that orc chief with success.
Goblins and dwarfs have animosity toward one another, and the use of a goblin’s tooth can assist you in getting rid of the dwarven guard who is after you.
Talk with your DM and don’t be afraid of getting creative when you’re dealing with the material elements. It can make the spell more enjoyable!
FAQs Banishment 5e
Can Certain Enemies Be Immune to Banishment?
The answer is that banishment is a little overpowered when employed too often.
The usual strategy is to exile the toughest appearing enemy first, then clean up the person who came with more than ten rounds of combat, and then protect the area in which the enemy is likely to appear and smudge the tar out of the tough adversary whenever they return.
If you can create powerful enemies that are immune to being destroyed even if you offer some reason in-story for this that it is the truth, this could appear a little shady. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to make your monsters aware of this whole thing.
Let’s suppose that your paladin can bring an evil lord of demons back to its original dimension and lesser demons have noticed this. Most likely, they already know the meaning of banishment or they are aware that the paladin was able to cause their boss to go away, so they take a leap and attack the Paladin.
Since the spell is based on concentration and every time they hit, they must make a Constitution save to prevent having the spell dissolved. The spell will be canceled in the end, and if the enemies keep whistling at them, the spell will likely break before the time limit of one minute.
You don’t want to penalize them for casting the spell and make every enemy fight the caster, but enough enemies are expected to charge at the spellcaster that it will be difficult for the spell to stay in place.
What if a player gets banished?
Players aren’t the only ones to can access this spell. Other spellcasters could be able to utilize the spell against you.
If a player is exiled by the spell, they are then taken to a harmless demiplane and are unable to function while there. They return after 10 rounds. If they’re playing an additional planar creature, they’re returned to their plane of origin. It’s up to the remainder of the group to disrupt the spellcaster’s focus to bring them back!
The banishment spell is rare since many other fourth-level spells are more suitable for the spell slot and cause real damage to a group other than just removing one person from the group for a single minute of the battle. If the group does come across it, they’ll follow the same rules that monsters do.
Do I need to Understand My Enemy To Use Banishment?
A few DM’s try to limit the use of banishment by making players understand what their adversaries dislike and fear, and carry that information in their possession when applying the spell. Some simply state that a pouch with components contains the items you’ll need to ward off the majority of your adversaries.
It’s all dependent on the discretion of your DM and how much you’ll use to expel enemies during the campaign. If you’re only using it in the instances it makes sense to use it, most DM’s assume you’ve got the components required.
If, however, you’re making use of the spell frequently and removing your opponent before each fight and every battle, they may make it more clear what you should carry with you to expel your foes. Additionally, although banishment can be fun, many other fourth-level spells can be utilized and you should try branching out!