In the D&D 5th edition, Ultimate wizards are the most powerful spellcasters. They can do everything from spying and negotiating to blowing everyone up with a few hundred spells at their disposal.
Wizards can be difficult to play because of their resource management and adaptability. Spellcasting is at the heart of your playstyle and what sets you apart from the competition.
This means that wizards are given no armor proficiency and the lowest hit die in the game is a 6.
When it comes to magic, wizards have a reputation for being both powerful and vulnerable.
This means that a lot of your time will be spent in the backseat, casting spells while your companions surge into the fray.
In addition to gaining proficiency in saving throws for intelligence and wisdom, you also become psychologically resistant to some enemy effects.
In addition, you get two skills depending on your intelligence or wisdom.
When you begin the game, your character has a weapon they’ll never use, a component pouch or arcane focus to cover the cost of their spells’ material components and a bag.
All of the spells you’ve learned over the years are listed in your spellbook. Keep your cool.
Spellcasting (1st level)
Your spellcasting prowess is the linchpin of your wizardry. However, wizards lack the essential functions that other classes have, so any additional characteristics must be obtained through your subclass, feats you accept, or magic objects you discover.
In D&D, the mechanics of spellcasting are complex, but here’s how they work for a wizard.
When casting spells, it’s important to know about three separate but interconnected aspects: your prepared spells, your spellbook, and the spaces in which you can place those spells.
Each one of these is unique and helps your spellcasting prowess in its own way.
The Spells in Your Spellbook
Your spellbook contains all of your spells, which you carry with you on your journeys as a wizard.
The formulas in these documents appear to be the scribblings of a madman to anyone who has never studied them.
There are a total of ten spells in your book at the beginning of a character’s first year of play. It’s from here that your spellbook is built.
You can, however, expand your spellbook when you go on adventures. It’s only a matter of time before you run out of wizard spells to include in your book.
Find (or purchase) wizard spell scrolls to expand your spell repertoire. Written instructions for a specific spell can be found on these scrolls.
A wizard’s scribblings can be copied into your spellbook, but it takes time and effort to read the scribbles, grasp what a spell is, and rewrite it yourself.
Each level of the spell you’re copying costs you 50gp. A 5th-level spell, for example, will take 10 hours to replicate and will cost 250 GP to do so.
You can only replicate spells that are at a level where you can prepare spells because this is a time-consuming operation.
For example, wizards of lower levels can only cast spells of the same level as they are capable of casting.
To duplicate a 2nd or higher-level spell scroll into their book, they must first level up sufficiently to be able to cast 2nd-level spells.
You can perform ritual castings of your spells if they are marked as such. It takes ten minutes longer, but you don’t use up any spell slots or need to have the spell prepared, so it’s worth it. This, of course, brings us to the subject at hand…
Preparing Spells

You have a set number of spells in your spellbook that you must prepare each day. Prepared spells are like memorizing the incantations, swish, and flick, as well as the necessary ingredients.
If you have an intelligence modifier, your prepared number is increased by the amount of your wizard level.
How can I improve my wizarding skills? Each day, you can put together more spells. What can you do to improve your intelligence? Each day, you can put together more spells.
To enhance your spellcasting, you should strive to become the nerdiest person you can be and obtain your maximum intelligence score as rapidly as possible.
You can only use a spell that you’ve learned in advance throughout your adventures. The rest of your spellbook is off-limits for the time being.
Can you cast unprepared spells from your spellbook only if the spell allows it, or if you wait until the next day to prepare them?
Does your journey have a clear destination in mind? Do your best to stockpile spells that may prove helpful down the road.
No, I’m not expecting any encounters with the undead. Make a Defense Against Good and Evil. Making your way up a hill? Preparation for the Feather Fall is a critical first step.
There is always one day until you need that spell, so scouting ahead can be really helpful.
Spell Slots
Lastly, your spells’ energy is stored in spell slots. You’ve copied them down in your spellbook and even learned a few of them by heart.
When you’re ready to cast the spell, you’ll require spell slots. This class’s spell slots become larger as you go through the levels. Page 113 of the PHB has the full table.
A spell slot is used to fuel the casting of a spell. When you use up this internal source of power, you transform it into a magical effect in the world.
You’ll need to take a break to replenish the fuel you’ve used up.
You need a large enough power source to cast a spell. To cast a second-level spell, you must have a second-level spell slot to power it.
You need more arcane juice than a 1st level spell slot can provide. However, a 3rd level spell slot can be used.
In this instance, you’ve overloaded your system. Spells can be cast more powerfully at times than usual.
It is stated in each spell’s description whether or not casting it at a higher level increases its effectiveness.
You restore all of your expended spell slots after a long rest or a good night’s sleep.
Putting It All Together

Spellcasting has a few unique aspects due to the fact that it encompasses all three of these elements.
- Spell slots, not prepared spells, are depleted when a spell is cast. It is possible to perform the same prepared spell several times if you have three available spell slots.
- It is considered a 0th-level spell to cast a cantrip. You memorize a predetermined amount of cantrips and can use them at any time without using up a spell slot.
- Money is essential for wizards. You’ll need gold to buy spells for your spellbook if you wish to expand your collection. If you want to get stronger as a spellcaster, share this information with your friends.
- Do not lose your magic book! Alternately, create a copy and store it someplace safe. Tattoos can be used as spells, therefore make your body your book of spells. Your DM will teach you the importance of backing up your data once you reach a certain level.
Arcane Recovery (1st level)
Want to get your spell slots back right away? After a brief break, you can really gain a few pounds back.
Once a day, you can regain half of your wizard level rounded up, but this only works once every day. When you only have three spell slots, to begin with, regaining one is a huge deal.
Ability Score Improvements
At the 4th level, wizards receive the same ability score upgrades as every other class. Your spellcasting relies on your Intelligence, not your feats.
Before attempting a task, raise that number to 20. You’ve worked hard for it, so treat yourself to a game like Telekinetic.
Spell Mastery (18th level)

What a journey it has been to reach the 18th level, but oh my god, what a reward. A first-level spell and a second-level spell are yours to learn.
These spells can be cast without increasing the number of spell slots available to you. This feature doesn’t just work every now and then; it’s always there.
Other great choices include Invisibility (see through the mist), Invisibility (see through the veil), Misty Step, and Shield.
Signature Spell (20th level)
There is no longer a limit to the number of spells you can cast each day at 3rd level. You don’t have to prepare these spells, so you get two extra ready-to-use spells.
Optional Abilities (TCoE)
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything published optional features for each class. These features are not mandatory so you will need to confirm with your DM if they can be used.
Additional Wizard Spells
The list includes updated spells from other sources as well as new spells added to TCoE. The new summoning spells are available to you, as are interesting new psionic options. Bladesinger will be delighted to see Booming Blade added to the list.
Cantrip Formulas
This is the wizard’s version cantrip flexibility. You don’t need to make cantrips every day. You can instead retrain your brain to swap one cantrip for every long rest.
You can use this class to be more flexible than other classes, as it is limited only by how high they level up. Every day you can make a change to a cantrip!
There are 13 subclasses of wizards, also known as Arcane Traditions. They begin at the 2nd level for each wizard. This makes them more central to their class and more appealing for multiclassing.
Most of them are based on one school of magic. However, any wizard can cast any wizard spell. Instead, you can expect your subclass abilities to enhance the spells of school and complement their style.
School of Abjuration
The school of abjuration focuses on defensive magic. This includes banishing abilities, wards, magical shields, and wards.
Copying abjuration spells at the 2nd level will cost half of the normal price and take twice as long.
A magical ward can be created around you, which acts as a temporary hit point. These are not temporary hit points, so you can get both.
You can extend your ward to others within 30 feet of yourself at the 6th level. You can increase your proficiency in the ability checks of Counterspell or Dispel Magic at the 10th level.
You can effectively counter the most powerful spells of enemy spellcasters by crippling their magic.
Finally, you have an advantage in saving against spells and resistance spell damage. This makes you a formidable challenge to any hostile mage. You’ll miss out if your DM prefers to throw things that are bite-and-grabby.
School of Conjuration
Conjuration is the art of magically creating things from nothing. This can include objects, creatures, and environmental effects.
Copying conjuration spells at the second level will cost half of the normal price and take twice as long. Magically conjuring an item no greater than 3 feet in size is possible.
You can conjure another creature at the 6th level. I can teleport 30 feet or swap places with a willing creature.
A terrifying threat came up behind you and attacked you. Let’s swap places with the barbarian to sort this out.
Conjuration spells that cause damage to your brain can disrupt your concentration at the 10th level.
This is the most common method of losing concentration. This ability is even more important when you use the summoning spells of TCoE which require concentration for the entire hour.
Finally, summoned creatures gain 30 temporary hit points at the 14th level, which significantly increases their durability.
You are now accustomed to using summoned creatures for battle. Conjure Minor Elementals spells that summon multiple creatures can provide a large pool of hit points.
School of Divination

The school of divination focuses on the obstacles of time and space. It tries to see into the future or find hidden knowledge in other places. Copying a divination spell at the second level is half the time and cost.
The powerful Portent rolls are also available. You can save your results by rolling two d20s at the beginning of each day.
You can then overrule any previous dice roll and replace it with your own predetermined roll at any time during the day.
If an enemy rolls low on their attack and saving throws, an ally can roll high. Be sure to not waste it on boring rolls.
When you cast a divination spell of 2nd or higher level at 6th level, you can regain your spell slot.
You can gain dark vision, ethereal vision, greater comprehension, or the ability to see invisible creatures at the 10th level.
Comprehending languages can be cast as a ritual to give a dark vision to most races.
At the 14th level, you get a third portent for the day. Portents can be so powerful that you won’t feel overwhelmed if you have one every day.
School of Enchantment
The School of Enchantment is all about enchanting the senses and tempting enemies. You can make someone fear you, love you, or say what you want.
Copying an enchantment spell at the 2nd level costs half as much and takes half the time. You can also hypnotize any creature within 5 feet and keep it there indefinitely.
Although you shouldn’t be as close to enemies as a wizard, this is a good pause button until your party has reached you.
You can use the 6th level to redirect a ranged strike against you to another target in your range. Instead, the attack targets the creature closest to you, which is most probably an ally of yours.
This is an ally for you with more HP and higher AC. Your enchantment spells at the 10th level can target two people instead of one.
Hold person it or finally kill a couple using Power Word Kill.
At 14th level, you can gaslight any creature you have charmed, and make them forget you ever charmed them. This ability is unlikely to be used.
School of Evocation
Explosions are the focus of the school of evocation. Which kind? all types. Evokers use their magic to generate energy, which manifests as everything from lightning storms to fireballs.
Copying an evocation spell at the 2nd level is half the cost and takes half the time. You can also save your friends from your own magic.
You can firebrand your way through an area that captures enemies and allies by dropping a fireball.
This will make your allies succeed on the saving throw, and you take no damage. This is the Sorcerer’s Careful Spell hoped it could be.
Creatures that succeed in their saving throw against your cantrips at the 6th level still take half-damage.
Your Intelligence modifier can be added to damage rolls for evocation spells at the 10th level. This gives you 5 more damage per round.
Finally, the 14th level allows you to deal maximum damage using a damaging wizard spell. You can deal 53 fire damage to enemies within a 20-foot radius with Fireball, and your allies will be protected from this effect by using your 2nd level feature.
You can take damage if you use the same feature twice in a row. Sometimes it is easier for the cleric just to heal you while you are going supernova on the battlefield.
School of Illusion
The school of illusion deals with magic effects that fool the mind and conceal the truth. It can be difficult to use illusion magic at the table.
This depends heavily on the ability of your DM to be flexible and open to illusory solutions.
Copying an illusion spell at the 2nd level costs half as much and takes half the time. If you don’t have it Minor Ilusion, you can also get it. You will get another cantrip if you don’t already have it. You can also create both a visual effect and an auditory effect by casting Minor Illusion.
You can alter the nature of illusions at the 6th level. This allows you to cast an illusion spell multiple times with the same duration.
If you plan ahead, you can combine multiple illusions using one spell slot. You can project an illusion of yourself in front of an attack at the 10th level.
This will cause it to automatically miss. This is a great option for those with few hit points, as it doesn’t save and miss.
Your illusions can become real at the 14th level. You can create a cover, a bridge over a chasm, or payment for a magical item, and then run before it disappears.
School of Necromancy

The school of necromancy deals with the power of death and life. Copying necromancy spells at the 2nd level is half the cost and takes half the time.
Killing creatures of the 1st or higher level can help you regain hit points. This doesn’t mean that the creature must be hostile.
You could also find animals and bugs to kill in order to heal yourself.
You can target additional bones to create undead at the 6th level. You must cast this spell every day if you wish to keep control of undead creatures for longer than one day.
You gain resistance to necrotic injury at the 10th level. Your hit point maximum cannot be decreased. Any damage resistance, no matter how uncommon, is welcome.
At the 14th level, you can take control of undead creatures you haven’t created. This is not possible for the intelligent undead. However, taking control of an enemy allows you to turn the tide and add one to your team.
School of Transmutation
Transmutation is a school that teaches you how to change the form of things and creatures. Copying a transmutation spell at the second level costs half as much and takes half the time.
It is possible to transform an object made entirely from one material into another. It takes 10 minutes to convert 1 cubic foot of material.
You can transform cheaper materials into more expensive ones, or transform an iron lock into a wooden door before someone breaks it with an axe.
You can create a transmuter’s stone at the 6th level. The stone bearer gains dark vision, 10 feet more speed, proficiency with constitution saving throws, and resistance to certain types of elemental damage.
If you don’t intend to fight a specific dragon type, gain the Constitution saving throw proficiency.
You can cast spells on yourself at the 10th level without having to spend a slot. You can’t turn yourself into a creature with CR 1 or less.
This spell is used to disable enemies or transform yourself into a Tyrannosaurus rex. This spell is not useful for scouting.
At the 14th level, your transmuter’s stone can be unleashed to create the following effects: transmute non-magical objects into another object, remove any diseased or poisonous from someone, bring back someone’s life, make them look younger, and so on.
This ability can be used to bring someone to life since wizards are not usually able to cast healing spells.
War Magic (XGtE).
The war magic tradition has taught wizards how to harness their magic, especially in combat. Similar to the Eldritch Knight, this subclass harnesses both the defensive power and offensive power of evocation.
You can use your reaction to create an Arcane Deflect to gain a +2 bonus on your AC when you are attacked and a +4 on any saving throws you fail. This can be used once per turn. Your Intelligence modifier can be added to initiative rolls.
You can steal magic power from enemy spellcasters at the 6th level by using Counterspell or Dispel Magik.
This energy can be stored and used to deal additional force damage. If you do manage to get there, you will only be able to deal an additional three damage.
You are 10th level, so you can concentrate on a spell more effectively and get a +2 bonus for AC and saving throws.
Most likely, you will spend the majority of combat concentrating on a single spell. This helps to maintain concentration and keeps these benefits.
Finally, your Arcane Deflector at the 14th level allows you to deal force damage against three enemies. Although the damage is great, your reaction may be better used to counter it. Your actions might also be more effective when casting a leveled spell than a cantrip.
Chronurgy (EGtW).
The Chronurgy tradition’s wizards learn to manipulate the forces of time. This subclass harnesses the super-magic of dunamancy, which is found in the Wildemount setting. You can create some powerful and useful abilities by playing with time.
You can make a creature reroll a d20-roll even if it failed. This is the 2nd level. This ability works in the same way as the divination wizard’s portent roll.
You don’t know what the new role might be. You can also add your Intelligence modifier as an option to your initiative rolls.
You can incapacitate a creature up to 6th level for one turn. High Constitution saving throws are a common trait of many monsters.
However, this can be helpful against enemies when they need to flee and you don’t want to Disengage.
You can keep a spell in stasis until the 10th level and then unleash it later. This spell is similar to the Ring of Spell Storing or Reserve Ioun Stone.
It can be used to help an ally to throw another spell into combat, or to instantly cast a spell that has a long-lasting duration. Ask your DM if this can be used to throw a Galder’s Tower at someone.
At the 14th level, you can decide your future. You can determine whether or not a roll of d20 was successful if you are within 60 feet.
This feature will give you one level of exhaustion. You can only use this feature six times per day. This will kill you. Save it for the roles that are really important in your life. You can verify that Matt Mercer’s Resurrection Checks are used by your DM.
Graviturgy (EGtW)
This tradition is the second subclass of dunamancy. It has the ability to use gravitational forces.
You can alter the density of a creature to affect its speed and strength at the second level.
Although extra speed is great for grapplers, the advantage of strength checks can be useful. However, you will likely find better uses for your actions.
You can move the spell’s target up to 5 feet at the 6th level. Although this is only for situations, it adds some utility to spellcasting because you can move the enemy’s target 5 feet away from you or your ally.
They won’t attack if they don’t have the movement.
You can make a weapon attack at the 10th level to do extra damage, as long as you increase its force. You can also increase an enemy’s fall damage.
This second option is rare and you will need to decide whether to preserve your reaction for greater abilities.
On the 14th level, you are surrounded by a sinkhole. All hostile creatures within 30 feet will be unable to move or have extreme difficulty.
Although you don’t want any creatures to be within 30 feet of you, it is difficult for them to get close to you.
Bladesinging (TCoE)
This subclass was first published in the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide. It was then republished in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, with minor modifications.
Bladesing transforms the wizard from a low-AC, squishy spellcaster to a melee wizard who is great at dancing.
You gain proficiency with light armor at the 2nd level and one melee weapon at the 1st level. Since you will need to have a high Dexterity score to increase your AC, you’ll want to choose a weapon that has the finesse property.
The rapier is the most damage-producing with this property.
The blade song is an ancient magic dance that grants you the following benefits: You can add your Intelligence modifiers to your AC or concentration checks, you get an additional 10 feet in speed, and you have an advantage on Dexterity checks.
You can attack twice at the 6th level and can cast cantrips as one of those attacks. This sounds like a job for Booming Blade.
You can decrease the damage you do by spending a spell slot at the 10th level. To mitigate damage, you should already be able to cast spells such as Shield or Absorb Elements.
At the 14th level, you can also add your intelligence modifiers to melee weapon attacks. You could add ten damage to each attack if you have high intelligence or dexterity.
The Bladesinger is as effective as a fighter in melee with all these abilities and a complete suite of spells.
Order of Scribes
This subclass, on the other hand, focuses on the scholarly nature and pursuit of all the spells in the game.
You can access two magical items at the 2nd level: a quill, and a spellbook. This will cement your position as a bookish wizard.
You can reduce the time it takes to copy a spell by using the quill. This allows you to cut down on the time it takes to do so from two hours per level to just two minutes.
You can change the damage types of spells that you cast by using the damage of another spell from your spellbook.
While you will need to think about which spells you choose at each level, this allows you to use the sorcerer’s Transmuted Spell option every time you cast spells.
Moreover, casting ritual spells doesn’t take 10 minutes longer. Cast Detect Magic and you won’t need to spend a single spell slot.
The 6th level is when the sentience in your spellbook becomes a form you can communicate with. It can be used to locate up to 300 feet from you and cast a spell while you are behind a wall.
You can create spell scrolls at the 10th level and can transcribe one of your 2nd or 1st level spells onto a scroll, which becomes one level stronger.
This scroll only lasts one day. You can only read it.
Your spellbook at the 14th Level gives you an advantage in Intelligence (Arcana), checks. Arcana checks can be used to copy spells that you find into your spellbook.
To prevent damage, you can also sacrifice the mind of your spellbook. As a result, spells will disappear from your spellbook.
This ability does not allow you to choose which spells you want to delete, or if the DM decides. You could lose your most powerful spells by using this ability.
While you should always have a backup spellbook, you won’t actually be able to cast deleted spells for several days.
Choose from a range of races
You can prioritize races with Intelligence increases if you aren’t using the Customized Origin feature of TCoE. This stat is not available for many races.
The +2 bonus to Intelligence for Races:
- Gnome. Forest Gnome: Advantage on mental saving throws against magical effects and a free trip
- Vedalken. Advantage on all mental saving throws and additional proficiencies.
Intelligence and Races with +1
- Half-Elf. Two skills are free.
- High Elf. Additional cantrip.
- Human. This variant grants you access to a feat at the 1st level.
- Tiefling. A second cantrip and two spells. For better spells, choose the Mammon subrace.
- Hobgoblin. Proficiency in light armor and a bonus of one attack depending on how many allies you see.
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood. Two spells, poison immunity, magic resistance, and a cantrip (albeit ineffective). Your spellcasting ability Suggestion is Charisma. This disables its potency.
- Changeling. Unlimitable shape-changing.
- Warforged. Additional proficiencies: +1 to AC and poison resistance
- Gith. Mage Hand and two more spells.
- Simic Hybrid. Manta Glide is now Feather Fall’s replacement. You get +1 to AC.
Many of the options above are great for fighters if you’re using Customized Origin. They are often made with martial characters and will work well with you.
It’s difficult to give up Custom Lineage in exchange for an +2 to Intelligence or a free feat at level 1.
The Mountain Dwarf offers two +2 increases in proficiency and proficiency with medium armor, Loxodon, Tortles with high natural AC, and Goblins to Disengage and Hide as bonus actions.
At what level can wizards obtain 3rd-level spells?
5th level. Spell levels differ from class levels. The wizard table on page 113 of the PHB explains what level spells wizards are allowed to cast.
Which wizard’s spells should you use?
There are many wizard spells available, and it is difficult to choose the right one. Choose a strong damaging spell-like Fire Bolt. There are also utility options such as Prestidigitation or Mage Hand. Absorb Elements and Shield are great 1st-level spells. A Magic Missile can deal automatic damage. A feather fall prevents you from falling to your death. This gives you an advantage. An alarm protects your party from being ambushed while resting.
How do wizards get new spells in 5e?
Every level up, wizards get two more spells. You can also buy or find spell scrolls while on adventures. To gain additional spells, copy them into your spellbook.
Are wizards good in 5e?
D&D’s Wizards are the most iconic and powerful spellcasters in the game. At most, they have access to around 300 spells. Wizards are able to use more spells than a 20-level sorcerer.
Can wizards master all spells?
A wizard who finds all the wizard spells while out adventuring can have them all in his spellbook simultaneously. Their intelligence and wizard levels limit the number of spells they can prepare.
Can wizards alter cantrips?
Wizards can retrain their cantrips by using the optional rules of TCoE. They can also memorize new cantrip formulas each day.
Can wizards wear armor?
No, wizards do not gain proficiency in armor. You can, however, gain proficiency with the armor of your race or feats such as Lightly Armored.
Can wizards learn spells in other schools?
Yes, as long as the spell is listed on the wizard’s spell list. While the effect of the spell will determine which school it is from, it doesn’t restrict who can cast it.
Although wizards in D&D are difficult to understand, this complexity allows for the creation of powerful characters.
Their spellcasting is the most important aspect of their class. It is far more versatile and extensive than any other class. Make sure you have enough money to buy ink.