What is a Finesse Weapon in D&D 5e?

A weapon that has the finesse property lets you utilize the dexterity modifier instead of strength to determine damage and attack bonuses.

Finesse weapons with “Thrown” property. “Thrown” property can also make use of Dex to determine damage and attack rolls.

If you go through the weapons list included in the Equipment section of Chapter 5 in the Player’s Handbook, you’ll notice that a few weapons are equipped with unique features. “Finesse” is one of the special properties of a few weapons.

In general, finesse weapons are typically preferred by dexterous characters, such as rogues.

For instance, a level 1 fighter with Dex (16) (+3) + Str 12 (+1) may be interested in comparing a long sword (d8 damage, with no finesse) to a one-handed rapier (d8 damage, but with finesse). 

The fighter can benefit from a +2 proficiency that applies to the attack, but no damage.

If using the longsword, the fighter can gain +3 strikes (+1 from strength and +2 from ability) and can do d8+1 damage.

The fighter can hit with +5 (+3 dex plus 2 for proficiency) and deal d8+3 damage with the rapier.

Rapier is more effective. In the theory of things, the fighter could utilize STR to attack with a rapier as well as damage, but it does not make sense in this scenario.

There are a small number of finesse weapons that are available in 5e, which is why they typically perform a little lower in damage (1, or two fewer points on average) than weapons that don’t finesse.

The majority of finesse weapons lack the features that the most effective 5e weapons possess, for example, reach and heavy. Also see: What is the D&D 5e Attack Bonus?

Read Also:  Great Weapon Master 5e D&D Guide

The list below contains the finest weapons of 5e:


Finesse Weapon

Proficiency with a dagger allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


Proficiency with a dart allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


Proficiency with a rapier allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


Proficiency with a scimitar allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


Proficiency with a shortsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.


Proficiency with a whip allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

For those with proficiency with weapons of war, here are some useful weapon selection tips to remember:

If you’re looking to utilize a weapon, you can make use of the rapier.

If you’re looking to use two weapons, you can use shortswords or scimitars.

If you’re looking to strike with melee within a 10′ radius, then employ whips.

If you’re planning to strike from a distance, it’s probably best with either a crossbow or a longbow.